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来源:西北师范大学 作者:郭彦麟
发布于:2021-11-29 共6638字

  摘  要





  关键词 :    无意识思维;有意识思维;内在动机;思维抑制。


  When faced with a complex problem, the conventional wisdom is that hardthinking helps solve the problem. But recent research suggests the opposite. Researchhas found that unconscious thought is superior to conscious thought in processingcomplex problems. The study of unconscious thought has broken the traditional ideathat “hard thinking will lead to good results”, and has become one of the hot issues inthe field of social cognition in recent years. In the fields of persuasion, moral judgment,talent selection and creative problem solving, the superiority effect of unconsciousthought over conscious thought has been found. However, some researchers did notrepeat the effect of unconscious thought, and questioned the study of unconsciousthought. In response to skepticism, proponents of unconscious thought research lookedfor mediating variables that influenced the effects of unconscious thought. Researchshows that the variables such as target type, thinking pattern, information presentationmode and difficulty of decision-making task all affect the information processing byunconscious thought. Studies have also shown that the unconscious thought, guided byexternal goals, will actively process information. However, some studies have shownthat the method of providing extrinsic goals to participants before distracting tasks onlyactivates the individual’s extrinsic motivation, but not the intrinsic motivation.

  Compared with extrinsic motivation, intrinsic motivation makes individuals more activeand persistent in completing tasks. In this study, we combined the unconscious thoughtparadigm with the thought suppression paradigm to investigate whether intrinsicmotivation is more facilitating to the processing of information by unconscious thoughtthan extrinsic motivation.


  This study adopts the paradigm of unconscious thought. In Experiment 1,participants were asked to rate four different mobile phones. After the presentation ofmobile phone information, the participants were asked to perform thought suppressionto stimulate their intrinsic motivation. After the thought suppression, some participants were asked to spend 3 minutes trying to think about the attribute information about themobile phone, and the other participants were asked to perform the 2-back task for thesame time. At the end of the three minutes, all the participants were asked to rate thequality of the four mobile phones. Participants in the intrinsic motivation unconsciousthought group were better able to distinguish between the best and worst mobile phonesthan those in the intrinsic motivation conscious thought group. In order to exclude thepossibility that the participants had obtained the answer to the thought suppression stage,the extrinsic motivation unconscious thought group and the extrinsic motivationconscious thought group was added in Experiment 2. Extrinsic motivation was elicitedby telling the participants before the distraction task that the more accurate the rating ofthe phone, the better the reward. The results also showed that the intrinsic motivationunconscious thought group was better able to distinguish between the best phone andthe worst phone. To further investigated the results of Experiment 1 and Experiment 2,In Experiment 3, participants in the thought suppression group were added as thebaseline. Meanwhile, the experimental material was changed from cell phones toroommates, and the participants were asked to rate four imaginary roommates.

  Participants in the intrinsic motivation unconscious thought group were better able todistinguish between the best and worst roommates. The results of this study indicate that,compared with extrinsic motivation, intrinsic motivation is more facilitating to theprocessing of information by unconscious thought.

  Keywords :     Unconscious thought; Conscious thought; Intrinsic motivation; Thoughtsuppression。

  1、引 言


  Dijksterhuis及其同事认为是无意识思维在这一过程中发挥了作用。据此,Dijksterhuis等人在发表了一系列相关研究的基础上,发展出了无意识思维理论(Unconscious Thought Theory; Dijksterhuis & Nordgren,2006)。他们认为,在解决简单问题时,深思熟虑能够带来更好的解决方案;但是在解决复杂问题时,将该问题暂时放一放反而比一直深思熟虑地解决问题效果更好。此后,研究者们在说服、谎言识别、临床诊断以及人才选拔等领域也均发现了无意识思维(unconscious thought)比有意识思维(conscious thought)更善于解决复杂问题(e.g., Reinhard, Greifeneder, & Scharmach, 2013; Handley & Runnion,2011; Messner, W?nke, & Weibel, 2011)。无意识思维理论的提出,不仅为酝酿的加工机制、复杂问题的决策等科学问题提供了新思路,也为探究人类思维内在加工机制的研究提供了新视角。




  2.1.1、 容量原则.

  2.1.2、 权重原则.

  2.1.3 、规则原则


  2.1.5 、自上而下和自下而上原则




  2.3.2 、无意识思维效应的中介变量.












  4.2、 结果与讨论.



  5.1.1、 被试与实验设计.





  6.1.1、 被试与实验设计.

  6.1.2 、实验材料与实验程序.



  未来研究应增加任务情景的真实性,提高无意识思维研究的外部效度。研究表明,任务的生态效度越高,无意识思维对信息的加工效果越好(Dijksterhuis &Strick, 2016; Strick et al., 2011)。Ham和van den Bos(2010b)要求被试通过对法律案件的判断找出犯罪者。他们首先给一部分被试呈现关于案件的照片(直接信息),给另外一部分被试呈现与案件照片内容相同的文字报告(间接信息)。信息呈现结束后,对于无意识思维条件下的被试,要求他们进行分心任务,对于有意识思维条件下的被试,则要求他们努力思考案件信息。实验最后,要求上述两组被试对案件进行判断。对于立即决策条件下的被试,要求他们在信息呈现结束后立刻对案件进行判断。实验结果发现,不论在呈现阶段所呈现的信息是直接信息还是间接信息,无意识思维组被试对案件判断的准确率均高于其它两组被试。上述结果表明,无意识思维更适合加工符合真实情景的信息。未来研究应选择更加符合真实情景的实验任务来探究与外在动机相比,内在动机是否更有利于无意识思维对信息的加工。


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原文出处:郭彦麟. 内在动机驱动下的无意识思维研究[D].西北师范大学,2021.
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