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来源:闽南师范大学 作者:朱海燕
发布于:2021-10-26 共10306字

  摘 要 










  关键词 :   贫困心态;合作行为;直觉思维  。


  The poverty mindset is a mental state that feels that money cannot meet one's needs, andit is also a form of scarcity thinking. Since the poor often see an economic dimension ineveryday experiences, feel that the money is not enough to spend and thinking about tradeoffssignificantly more often. Relevant studies have shown that poverty reinforces itself throughpsychological channels. For example, the scarcity mentality can affect individual behavior,which makes it difficult for individuals to get rid of poverty and has a profound impact onindividuals. Previous studies have verified the scarcity mentality has a negative impact oncognition, self-control, decision-making and borrowing behavior. Also, the research foundthat the scarcity mentality has an impact on the trust and cooperation of individuals. However,few studies have directly explored the impact of the poverty mindset on cooperative behavior.

  Cooperation is the core of human social behavior. Choosing to cooperate requires individualsto pay a personal price to benefit others. It is very important to explore the relationshipbetween the two. In theory, it can expand the research of poverty theory, distinguish povertymindset from poverty itself, and clarify the influence direction on cooperative behavior. Inpractice, it can help us understand poverty mindset, change the prejudice against poor groups,and promote their cooperative behavior, so as to help us get rid of poverty psychologically.

  With such a problem, this study uses a combination of questionnaires and experiments toexplore the impact of the poverty mindset on cooperation behavior and its path of influence.

  Study one uses the context questionnaire to activate the participants? povertymindset andexplores the relationship between poverty mindset and cooperative behavior in one-off publicgoods games; study two uses the context questionnaire to activate the participants? povertymindsetwhether it promotes the subjects? intuitive thinking; study three passes Concept startmanipulation, exploring whether the influence of intuitive thinking on cooperation behavioris consistent with the influence of the poverty mindset on cooperation.


  The final experimental results show:

  1. Participants with the poverty mindset are more cooperative than those with thenon-poverty mindset. Objective poverty could not affect the individual's cooperativebehavior.

  2. The initiation of the poverty mindset triggers intuitive thinking and increases relianceon intuitive choices in CRT test and decision-making.

  3. Participants who started intuitive thinking were more cooperative than those whostarted analytical thinking.

  Therefore, this study shows that the poverty mindset consumes individual cognitiveresources and promotes intuitive thinking. Individuals who rely on intuitive thinking are morecooperative in public goods games. One possible path: poverty mindset-intuitivethinking-cooperative behavior. It not only examines the cooperative behavior of the subjectsunder the poverty mindset, but also verifies the predecessor's view on intuition to promotecooperation.

  Key Words :      Poverty mindset; Cooperative behavior; Intuitive thinking  。

  引 言 

  贫困是影响亿万中国民众的问题,也是亟待解决的全球性问题。贫困是一种相对或绝对的物质资源匮乏状态,对个体和整个社会的影响是长远的。众多研究显示,贫困可能会损害个体的情绪、认知能力和行为等,进而影响心理健康和生理健康。此外,贫困不仅仅是缺钱,还包括与贫困相关的持续、日常的艰难选择对个体心理和社会资源进行“征税”,导致个体做出不明智的决策行为,陷入贫困循环的怪圈。例如,每年都会有数以亿计的家长面临着孩子的入学问题,高收入的父母可能会思考让孩子去哪所学校,或者参加哪些课外兴趣班。然而对那些低收入家庭的父母来说,却没有选择的余地,只能权衡到底要不要送孩子上学。而后,有学者认为对决策的影响不仅仅只是因为收入低,钱不够,更重要的原因是金钱稀缺导致的贫困心态的影响(Mullainathan & Shafir,2013),并且根据相关研究,参与经济决策实验的被试中所谓“穷人”和“富人”并没有什么差别,只不过是由于实验者的分配或大或小的预算而使得他们自我感觉到“穷”或“富”(Shah, Mullainathan, & Shafir, 2012)。也正因此,我们不能将短视的结果归结为他们的性格特征或是缺乏理解能力。思考贫困背景下的决策,并分析为什么会这样做是非常必要的。


  心理学和经济学的研究表明,贫穷会使人产生一种特定的心态,特别是穷人会受到“当前偏见”的影响,根据这种偏见,他们往往比没有长期生活在不利条件下的人更不重视未来。经历贫困的人可能不太倾向于参与合作行为,因为他们可能会放弃合作的未来利益,或者做出他们无法维持的承诺。此外,贫困也可能影响预期:穷人可能被认为是不太可靠的合作伙伴,并且他们可能参与合作努力的机会较少(Schaub, Gereke, &Baldassarri,  2020 ),因为其他人预计穷人更有现实倾向,并会相应地采取行动(Bechtel & Scheve, 2017)。然而,根据相关研究表明,通过招募大学生参与一次性的经济游戏(独裁者游戏)的实验研究表明,主观感知自己社会地位低的个体比社会阶层高的个体付出更多,在游戏中更合作,更亲社会(Piff et al., 2010)。Peterson等人(2015)的研究表明饥饿的参与者为获得社会福利,比对照组被试表现出更高的合作行为。与此相反,通过情境回忆任务操纵引起某种资源的稀缺(如食物、金钱等),激活了与竞争导向有关的认知,产生竞争的行为,促进了被试提高自身福利(Roux,Goldsmith, & Bonezzi, 2015;Grossman & Mendoza, 2003),并且某种资源越是稀缺,冲突与竞争行为在群体之间会越明显(Prediger, Vollan, & Herrmann, 2014)。Aksoy 和Palma(2019)通过田野实验证明稀缺状态(通过诱导后更直观的一种思维)消除了独裁者游戏中的亲社会行为的群体偏好,可能的解释是稀缺状态引发的直觉思维影响个人的群体认同感。Cerutti 和 Schlueter(2016)则认为,不同程度的资源稀缺对个体合作行为的影响没有很大差异,因为无论是稀缺还是丰富资源下,个体的表现都是不合作的、自私的。


  此外,结合众多学者关于认知负荷、直觉思维促进或抑制合作的研究发现(Rand,Greene,& Nowak, 2012; Schulz, Fischbacher, Th?ni, & Utikal, 2014;Van den Bos, Peters,Bobocel, & Ybema, 2006;Benjamin, Brown, & Shapiro, 2013;Cornelissen, Dewitte,Warlop, & Yzerbyt, 2007),为贫困心态对合作行为的影响提供了可能的路径。因此,本研究先探索贫困心态影响合作行为是否存在影响,若有影响,那么影响的方向是怎样的,再验证直觉思维是否是贫困心态影响合作行为的内在路径,一方面可以帮助我们理清贫困与贫困心态之间的联系和区别,考察贫困心态对合作行为的影响方向,加强对稀缺理论的理解;另一方面可以为我国在贫困治理中加强心理扶贫提供建议。


  第1章   文献综述











  1.3.1、 合作行为的概念.






  第2章   问题提出与研究设计





  第3章   贫困心态促进合作行为



  3.2.1 、研究对象









  第4章   贫困心态促进直觉思维











  4.3.4 、CRT 成绩分析.


  第5章   直觉思维增加合作行为











  第6章   总讨论

  第 7 章   结 论







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原文出处:朱海燕. 贫困心态对合作行为的影响研究[D].闽南师范大学,2021.
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