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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-01-18 共3525字

【第1部分】 小学生慈善心理意识培养研究

  摘 要











  The charity is a kind of virtues.It is also human nature and an important measure ofdegree of civilization and progress of human society.Since ancient times,Chinese nation is anhonest,kind,caring nation.It has a deep historical basis.Charity has always been a spiritualpillar of the concept of human reproduction and development of the Chinese nation.Atpresent,China is a period of rapid development.On one hand, growing social development onthe one hand to improve the people's living standards,on the other hand,there are someproblems.the widening gap between rich and poor, vulnerable groups in society rescue,peopleare indifferent and so on. These are not conducive to long-term social development andbuilding a harmonious society.So we should popularize charity knowledge,enhancedawareness charity, philanthropy charitable educational guide,it is imminent.To the pupils,theyare too young to form a stable system of values.During this period they are in a rapid growthof knowledge and a critical period of personal character and basic literacy.They are in theprocess of formation of self-awareness and are charged with the responsibility of learning anddissemination of civilized society.Taking the pupils as the object of charitable education,stimulate their sense of charity. By understanding the charity to let them participate incharitable activities, to develop their sense of social responsibility and caringThe article is mainly divided into six parts.

  The first is the preface.In this part,the author will talk about the reason of writing thisarticle,the reason of taking pupils as the object.And introduce the meaning and methods of thethesis and the significance.

  The second part is an introduction of thought traceability,including the interpretation ofancient charity,the relationship between charitable heart and charity education,,therelationship between altruistic values and charity education.The charity heart and altruisticheart is the psychological basis of charity education.This part is about how to change thestudent's charitable heart into altruistic act of charity and the charity education for pupils.

  The third part of the article will talk about the primary educational charity conducted asurvey and discussion. For pupils and teachers and parents of students the author has done asurvey and interview survey.This part studies and summarizes heart charity and understandingof the primary charitable and philanthropic activities, charitable educational status of theschool and parents for awareness charity, the level of participationThe fourth part is the analysis of the influence attributed to the formation of pupils'

  charitable heart. It describes the impact on pupils charitable heart from school, family, socialand other aspects of the students' self-education. Parents are lack of charity awareness,teachers are not deep enough for the cognitive, schools do not attach importance to moraleducation, the social and charitable atmosphere don't rich enough, all these importantfactors affect pupils charitable education.

  The fifth part is to discuss how to effectively construct educational charity.as well astaking different kinds of cases.From the parents,schools, community and self-education infour areas to complete the construction of charity education. Actively cooperate in allaspects,to build a good charitable educational system.

  The sixth part is the primary charity for the future prospects of education andreflection.The author appeals to the community and experts together to educate pupilscharitable problems and also taking positive outlook of the charity education for pupils.

  Key words: pupils, charitable heart, charity education,construction

  目 录

  摘 要……I


  目 录……IV

  第一章 问题缘起……1

  1.1 问题的提出……1

  1.2 国内外研究现状……2

  1.2.1 国内研究现状……2

  1.2.2 国外研究现状……4

  1.3 研究意义……4

  1.4 研究方法……5

  1.4.1 文献研究法……5

  1.4.2 问卷调查法……5

  1.4.3 访谈法……5

  第二章 慈善心和慈善教育的思想探源……6

  2.1 我国传统文化中关于慈善心和慈善教育的论述……6

  2.1.1 慈善的释义及其源流……6

  2.1.2 慈善心与慈善教育……7

  2.2 西方利他主义价值观视野下的慈善心及其培育……9

  2.2.1 利他的内涵……9

  2.2.2 利他与慈善教育……10

  第三章 小学生慈善教育的现状调查……12

  3.1 小学生的问卷调查……12

  3.1.1 问卷实施的基本情况……12

  3.1.2 调查结果与分析……12

  3.2 小学慈善教育的访谈调查……14

  3.2.1 小学教师的访谈与分析……14

  3.2.2 小学生家长的访谈与分析……19

  第四章 影响小学生慈善心形成的多元分析……23

  4.1 家庭因素……23

  4.2 学校因素……24

  4.3 社会环境……26

  4.4 小学生的自身因素……27

  第五章 小学生慈善教育的建构……28

  5.1 发挥家庭在小学生慈善心培育中的作用……28

  5.1.1 普及正确的慈善观念……28

  5.1.2 改变教养方式……29

  5.1.3 以身作则参与慈善……30

  5.2 发挥学校对小学生慈善教育的主导作用……30

  5.2.1 重视慈善认知教育……30

  5.2.2 加强慈善情感教育……32

  5.2.3 开展慈善实践活动……34

  5.3 构建社会教育机制鼓励小学生参与慈善践行……35

  5.3.1 加强社会慈善文化理论研究……35

  5.3.2 营造良好的社会慈善氛围……36

  5.3.3 发挥媒体舆论的正能量作用……37

  5.4 加强小学生的自我慈善教育……38

  第六章 反思与展望……40

  致 谢……42


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