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学术堂专业论文学习平台您当前的位置:学术堂 > 经济学论文 > 旅游经济学论文


来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2016-09-12 共2379字




  1 绪论

  1.1 研究背景及意义

  1.1.1 研究背景

  1.1.2 研究意义

  1.2 研究的内容和方法

  1.2.1 研究内容

  1.2.2 研究方法

  1.3 国内外研究综述

  1.3.1 国外研究综述

  1.3.2 国内研究综述

  1.4 研究的理论基础

  1.4.1 相关概念

  1.4.2 相关理论

  1.5 研究的可能创新点和不足

  1.5.1 研究的可能创新点

  1.5.2 研究的不足

  2 贵州旅游业态发展现状

  2.1 中国旅游业发展现状

  2.2 贵州旅游业发展现状

  2.3 贵州旅游业业态结构

  2.4 贵州旅游业业态分析

  2.5 贵州旅游业态发展趋势

  2.5.1 业态结构

  2.5.2 业态特色

  3 贵州发展旅游新业态的可行性及路径

  3.1 旅游新业态产生的动力机制

  3.2 贵州发展旅游新业态的意义

  3.3 贵州发展旅游新业态的条件

  3.3.1 生产要素

  3.3.2 需求状况

  3.3.3 相关产业

  3.3.4 企业战略、结构和竞争对手

  3.3.5 政府行为

  3.3.6 机遇

  3.4 贵州旅游新业态的发展路径

  3.5 贵州旅游新业态的发展类型

  4 未来贵州应重点发展的十种旅游新业态

  4.1 体验型民族村寨旅游

  4.2 白酒文化旅游

  4.3 升级版红色旅游

  4.4 分时度假

  4.5 主题酒店

  4.6 山地户外运动

  4.7 自驾车旅游

  4.8 旅游综合体

  4.9 众包旅游咨询业

  4.10 网络游戏旅游

  5 贵州旅游新业态发展策略

  5.1 企业创新

  5.1.1 产品创新

  5.1.2 技术创新

  5.1.3 市场创新

  5.1.4 组织创新

  5.2 旅游者参与

  5.3 政府支持

  5.3.1 引导发展

  5.3.2 制度供给

  6 结语









  China's tourism industry is currently facing a major historical opportunity duringwhich the tourism industry is transforming and upgrading. In recent years, despite therapid development of tourism industry in Guizhou, it also has accumulated a lot ofcontradictions and problems. Industrial transformation and upgrading is imperative. Inoccasion of the transformation and upgrading of the national tourism, Guizhou shouldtake the initiative to adjust and play the advantage of backwardness to narrow the gapwith developed areas of tourism in China. The development of new formats is animportant channel for tourism industry to upgrade.

  This study has analyzed the necessity and feasibility of developing new tourismformats in Guizhou. At present the formats of tourism in Guizhou are insufficientdiversification, not rational and not high enough. The development of new tourismformats can gradually change this situation and enhance the quality of the tourismindustry in Guizhou. From the industrial elements, demand conditions, relatedindustries, market competition, government support, development opportunities andother terms, Guizhou has the initial conditions to develop new tourism formats. Onthis basis, this paper has summed up six paths of the development of new tourismformats in Guizhou, namely industrial integration, upgrading existing industries,developing the advantages of resources, market demand-driven, industrial elementsgathered and IT driven. The focus of this study is to put forward ten new tourismformats which may develop in Guizhou according to the actuality of Guizhou, namelytimeshare, theme hotels, experience-based tourism in ethnic villages, wine culturetourism, the upgraded version of red tourism, mountain outdoor sports, self-drivingtour, tourism complex, crowdsourcing tourism consulting industry, online gamestravel. Finally, the strategies of developing new formats in Guizhou have been putforward from business, tourists and the government. Enterprises should focus oninnovating from the aspects of product, technology, market and managementorganization; Tourists should be actively involved in, and new markets should befostered; Government should support strongly the development of new tourismformats in Guizhou on planning, investment, financial support, personnel training,marketing, management of the industry, institutional supply and others.

  Key words: New tourism formats; Guizhou; Developing strategies

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