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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-12-12 共2901字




  爱护儿童是我国的优良传统,但是,这并不表明已把儿童视为权利的主体。事实上儿童只是权利的客体或者被保护的对象,儿童并不享有相应的法律地位。受这种传统文化状况的影响,长期以来我国在儿童权利保护法律制度方面一直难以有实质性进展,这种状况在 20 世纪 80 年代后才有所改观。近 30 年来,我国先后制定了一系列儿童权利保护的立法,既包括一般性儿童保护立法,还包括许多专门性立法,使得我国儿童保护立法逐步提高,初步形成了儿童权利保护体系。但在客观上,我国的儿童权利保护尤其是儿童在家庭权利保护方面仍不容乐观。




  With the progress of human society, human rights are also with the progressof social development to a new stage. The problem of children's rightsprotection in China is becoming more and more attention. Education is theprecondition of child development and progress, and before the children bysociety, school education, is the most important thing for children's familyeducation. Family education through a personal growth, the whole process ofgrowing up. In family education, parents play an irreplaceable role, noshirking the responsibility. In comparison with the economic level of ourcountry most of the family before a qualitative leap, has had the very bigprogress, most of the children of a family is at home long love and protectthe healthy growth, parent-child relationship is more of a warm, sweet picture.

  But there are still a lot of children's rights are violated, let a person feelsad. Childhood should be carefree originally, but because of various reasons,some children in the process of growth has endured hardship and misfortune.

  Take good care of children is a fine tradition of our country, however,this does not mean the rights of children have been regarded as the main body.

  In fact children is the object of rights or protected object, children do nothave the corresponding legal status. Influenced by the condition of thetraditional culture, for a long time in our country in the aspect of children'srights protection law system has been difficult to have substantial progress,the situation changed in the 1980 s. For nearly 30 years, China has formulateda series of children's rights protection legislation, both in general childprotection legislation, also includes many specialized legislation, make ourchild protection legislation gradually increase, initially formed thechildren's rights protection system. But objectively, our country to protectthe rights of children, especially children's rights protection in the familyis still not optimistic.

  This article mainly divides into four parts. The first chapter, from theperspective of the features of the ancient parent-child ethics, analyzes themodern value and limitations of traditional parent-child ethics; The secondchapter presents the “birth” of children, defines the law of “children”

  described from two aspects of international law and domestic law, andintroduces the children in the family should be the main rights;The thirdchapter combines the traditional family parent-child ethics in our country,analyzes the status quo of legal protection of the rights of the child family,problems and causes of problems;Finally, from the perspectives of conceptand legal system, puts forward some countermeasures for children's familyrights protection law and path.

  Key words: parent-child ethics; Children; Family rights; Rightsprotection;






  一、问题的缘起 ……1

  二、选题的意义 ……1

  三、研究方法 ……2

  四、本文特色 ……2

  第一章 传统亲子伦理观评析……3

  一、古代亲子观的特点 ……3



  二、传统亲子伦理观的现代价值 ……5




  三、传统亲子伦理观的局限性 ……6



  第二章 儿童的“诞生”及其家庭权利的界定……8

  一、儿童的“诞生” ……8




  二、儿童的法律界定 ……11



  三、儿童家庭权利重要内容 ……12







  第三章 儿童家庭权利法律保护现状及其成因分析……16

  一、儿童家庭权利保护的现状 ……16




  二、我国儿童家庭权利保护存在的主要问题 ……19



  三、儿童家庭权利保护问题的成因分析 ……25




  第四章 儿童家庭权利保护的对策和法律路径……28

  一、儿童家庭权利保护的对策 ……28



  二、儿童家庭权利保护的法律路径 ……29








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