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基于合法性价值的法概念研究 摘 要

来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2014-04-14 共3063字

  摘 要:法概念问题——也就是“什么是法律”的问题——是法哲学的核心议题。这个问题之所以古老和重要,端在于作为法律实践反思结构的合法性价值之规范证立性。合法性价值指涉的是法律实践自身的本旨或理性。围绕合法性价值而产生的竞争性诠释塑造了不同的法律概念观,一种适格的概念理论即是以一种内在参与者的视角来提出和确证何种合法性观念是最值得辩护的。




  关键词:法概念 合法性价值 合法性环境 法治


  The concept of law has been the central issue of legal philosophy. Theendurance and importance of the problem lies in the normative justificationof the value of legality, which indicates the reflexive construction of legalpractice. The value of legality refers to the point or rational of legal practice.

  The contested interpretation about the value of legality has shaped differentconceptions of law, and an eligible legal theory should justify a mostattractive conception of legality from an internal point of view.

  In the context of the Positivism-Dworkin debate thirty years on, wecan organize the study of the nature of law in terms of the value of legality,which includes efficiency, fairness and integrity. On the one hand, whetheror not the source thesis of legal positivism could be sustainable isdetermined by the contested value; on the other hand, the accurateunderstanding of the value of legality needs to be clarified in accordancewith the circumstances of legality. Thus firstly, according to the value ofefficiency, the point of law consists in advancing action-guiding and socialcooperation through predictability and rational planning. Efficiencymorally justifies the source thesis. Secondly, according to the value offairness, the point of law consists in resolving reasonable disagreements inmodern society through fair procedure. However, the fairness argumentfrom the majority rule is infeasible, because it prefers decisive procedure todeliberative procedure. The conception of reasoned deliberation leads to thefailure of the source thesis. Finally, according to the value of integrity, thepoint of law requires the government to speak with one voice, to act in aprincipled and coherent manner, to integrate values into the justiceprincipal of equal concern and respect.

  In fact, Legality as a value concept undoubtedly expresses the idea ofthe rule of law. The inquiry of the concept of law also directly answers theproblem of the rule of law. Accordingly, efficiency, fairness and integrityrespectively correspond to the formal, the procedural and the substantiveconception of the rule of law. So, we can reflex the three values of legalityin terms with rethinking the above three conceptions.

  Basing on the diagnosis of the plural complexity in modern society,we hold that the positivism and the formal conception of the rule of law,exclusively highlighting the sources and form of legality, can’t offer anadequate imagination of law. On the contrary, the procedural andsubstantive morality of the rule of law correctly faces to plural values andreasonable disagreements, so that procedural argument of reasons aiming atthe justice principle is promised by the central nature of law. Of course, thisimage doesn’t discard the institutional sources and the formal merits oflegality. We should remember that the institutional sources are the groundof principle reconstructing, and the authoritative issuances of law makeprocedural argument of reasons into reality. Thus, an adequate legal theoryshould integrate the formal morality, the procedural morality and thesubstantive morality into the concept of law. In a word, in the circumstanceof legality of the plural complexity society, the point or value of law is tofind a best common scheme of justice in name of the society, and theachievement of the common scheme can not separate with the intuitionalsources and procedural argument of reasons. Only if we think of the threeaspects of legality together, can we grasp the political idea of the rule oflaw, and the conceptual nature of law.

  KEY WORDS:the concept of law, the value of legality, circumstances oflegality, rule of law.
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