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来源:学术堂 作者:师老师
发布于:2019-12-12 共5633字


  摘 要





  本研究调查了中小学教师对学生的尊重现状,总结出中小学教师对学生的尊重现状中的问题。然后,以 SPSS180 为研究工具,进行相关分析和典型案例分析,试图分析并提炼出教师尊重学生存在的一些问题,调查结果显示教师的性别、职称、学段、教龄等方面对教师尊重学生有重要影响。女性教师更为尊重学生;见习教师反而比被评为中小学二级的教师对学生更为尊重;小学教师比其他学段的教师对学生更为关注;而教龄在 20 年以上的教师反而对学生不太关注了。






  Teachers' respect for students plays an important role in the development of students andeven in the process of socialization Modern educational philosophy emphasizes teachers'

  respect for students The survey shows that teachers respect students in a good overallsituation, but there are still shortcomings in the specific implementation process, or lack of afull understanding of "respect", resulting in the phenomenon of "dare not manage", "can notmanage", "do not want to manage" In the implementation of quality education nowadays, it isan urgent and realistic requirement for teachers to respect students Therefore, on the basis ofanalyzing and combing the previous research results, the author began to study the master'sthesis on this subject

  Firstly, on the basis of previous studies, this paper explores the ideological connotationof respect, defines the concepts of respect and education respect, and distinguishes thedifference between "respect education" and "education respect" In this paper, I think that"respect education" is not only the purpose of education, but also the criterion for students todeal with interpersonal and teacher-student relations, even if students learn to respect othersand teachers And "respect education" means respecting students, mainly referring toeducators should regard students as an independent, free, complete, unique nature and person

  Persons with dignity and character are the criteria for teachers to deal with the relationshipbetween teachers and students Secondly, it analyses the theoretical basis which can supportthis paper, such as Marxist theory of human studies, Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory,multiple intelligence theory, the theory of children's intellectual development stage, and eventhe corresponding legal provisions of our country The elaboration of the above theory lays afoundation for the later analysis

  Secondly, drawing on Dillon's four elements of respect, using the form of questionnaires,this paper analyses several aspects of teachers' respect for students By investigating the statusquo of teachers' respect for students in primary and secondary schools, this paper makes apreliminary exploration on the theory and practice of teachers' respect for students' content

  This paper analyses what aspects of teachers' respect for students are not in place, and fromthe perspectives of gender, age, professional title, teaching age, educational background,teaching section and professional relevance, it also analyses the influence on students' respect

  It is found that in general, primary and secondary school teachers are better than others intheir behavior That is to say, contemporary primary and secondary school teachers pay moreattention to their own words and deeds, and can basically teach by example

  This study investigates the status quo of teachers' respect for students in primary andsecondary schools, and summarizes the problems in the status quo of teachers' respect forstudents in primary and secondary schools Then, using SPSS180 as the research tool, thispaper carries out relevant analysis and typical case analysis, trying to analyze and extractsome problems existing in teachers' respect for students The survey results show thatteachers' gender, professional title, school segment and teaching age have important influenceon teachers' respect for students Female teachers respect students more; ProbationaryTeachers respect students more than secondary teachers; primary teachers pay more attentionto students than other teachers; while teachers over 20 years of age pay less attention tostudents

  Finally, based on the above results, the corresponding suggestions and strategies are putforward for teachers and schools respectively This study proposes that we should start fromthe gender characteristics of teachers' educational behavior, reshape the concept of teachers'

  educational respect, teach students in accordance with their aptitude, pay attention to thechange of teachers' educational respect mentality in career development, enhance teachers'

  educational concern and understanding of students, strengthen the study of educational theory,and enhance teachers' professional quality in primary and secondary schools

  Although the four elements of Dilong's respect in this paper are not specific and preciseenough, and even deviate from our Chinese understanding of respect, the analysis from theseaspects is also conducive to our primary and secondary school teachers' understanding ofrespect and their own words, deeds and thoughts in education and teaching

  Key Words: Respect for Education, Primary and Secondary School Teachers,Students

  目 录

  第一章 概念界定与理论基础





  (1)尊敬,敬重;(2)重视并严肃对待;(3)庄重(指行为)。考虑到“教育尊重”所包含的内容既包括尊重学生、也包括尊重教师,因此“教育尊重”中“尊重”的含义包含了上述前两个含义,只是在不同的尊重对象上的含义不同。尊重对象是教师时,尊重的含义是尊敬、敬重;而尊重的对象是学生时,尊重的含义,与对教师的尊重相比,更具有平等的意味,因此更倾向第 2 个含义,从教师角度出发,重视学生,严肃对待学生的教育。

  在哲学视野下,罗宾﹒狄龙(Robin S Dillon)在《斯坦福哲学百科辞典》中对“尊重(respect)”的定义为:一般而言,尊重是主体和客体之间的一种关系。在这种关系中,主体从某种角度、以某种适当的方式对客体做出回应。尊重的主体必然是一个人,而尊重的客体可以是各式的、广泛的对象,可以是人,也可以是地位、事实、历史、法律等。在人与人的关系中,主体对客体能有恰当的回应的态度,并且作为客体也有被恰当回应的需要。尊重就是一种既对自己又对他人真诚的认可,对自己和他人的社会的价值、能力、行为等表示认可和赞赏。




  社会学视野下,尊重被看作是一种行为准则。周桂英认为,尊重的内涵体现在人与人以及人与自然的关系上。尊重是处理人与人之间关系的行为准则。 同时,尊重也从物质和精神的角度出发,以内心的情感为前提,充分信任人,体谅人,礼貌地对待人。





  第二章 研究设计

  第三章 教育尊重的现状调查与分析
  (四) 年教龄以上的教师教育投入减少,对学生的关注降低

  第四章 对策与建议

  结 语
  附 录

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