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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-01-24 共3172字

  摘 要


  上海奇美科技有限公司是万代好国际集团下属大陆地区玩具屋加盟管理总部。公司成立于 2001 年,本着“立足浦东、服务上海、拓展全国、走向世界”的发展目标,成功推出独具优势的三大创业项目分别是:奇美玩具屋、奇美儿童感统智能会馆、奇美亲子早教中心。上海奇美科技有限公司在全国共拥有 60余家区管中心、500 多家连锁店,公司拥有中国首批玩具出口许可证,产品顺利进驻沃尔玛、家乐福和迪士尼全球采购体系,获得了社会各界的一致认可,公司现任中国玩具协会常务理事、省玩具协会副理事长单位,连续被中国外商投资企业协会评为全国优秀外商投资企业。

  本文以上海奇美科技有限公司员工流失为研究背景,通过对上海奇美科技有限公司从 2007 年-2011 年 5 年间员工流失的情况进行实际调查,通过调查问卷的方式发现其存在的主要问题并进行逐一分析,寻找造成企业员工流失这一问题的具体原因,并从人力资源管理方面提出有效的治理方法。




  With China's rapid economic development , to the family business as arepresentative of the private enterprise development is particularly prominent.

  Competition between enterprises, has grown from a single product over thecompetition , price competition is now developed to the full range of people-oriented mode of competition . Family business is an important force fordevelopment of the national economy , and the talent is the most critical factorrestricting the development of the family business , the family business in order tohave a place in a changing market competition, we must implement the road ofreform and innovation . However, the loss of employees is already a commonphenomenon in the family business is no exception, high staff turnover seriouslyaffected the development of enterprises , increasing the company's overhead costs ,making the company 's competitiveness in the market plummeted , hindering thefamily business development and growth, to become the family business longplagued human resources issues .

  Shanghai Qi Mei Technology Co, Ltd. is a subsidiary of WandaiINTERNATIONAL GROUP mainland dollhouse joined the managementheadquarters. Founded in 2001 , "based in Pudong , Shanghai service , expanding thecountry , to the world ," the development goals, the successful launch of the uniqueadvantages of the three major business projects are: Chimei dollhouses , CMOchildren sensory integration intelligent Hall , CMO Parenting Early Learning Center .

  Shanghai Qhi Mei Technology Co, Ltd. in the country has a total of more than 60area control centers , more than 500 stores , the company has China's first toy exportlicenses, products successfully entered the Wal-Mart, Carrefour and Disney's globalprocurement system , received the unanimous endorsement of the community , thecompany is currently China toy Association toy Association executive vice presidentof the provincial unit , was named China Association of Enterprises with foreigninvestment outstanding foreign-invested enterprises .

  Hatch , United Technology Co. herein above attrition research background ,through the Shanghai Science and Technology Co, Ltd. Qi Mei actual situationsurvey from 2007 to 2011 five -year period of staff turnover , the main problemsfound by the survey questionnaire and one by one analysis, looking for the problemcaused by the loss of employees of specific reasons, and propose effective ways tomanage human resources management.

  In this paper, the status quo Shanghai Qi Mei Technology Co, Ltd. , accordingto ask questions, analyze and solve problems in the order of three aspects discussedby Qi Mei Technology Co, Ltd. Shanghai attrition problem : The first part is the lossof status of corporate officers , including the company's profiles, status of companypersonnel , the loss of status of company personnel to various scholars on businessas a research staff turnover theoretical basis , and Simon recalled Marchi theory ,Mowbray intermediary chain model , Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory about staffturnover research issues. The second part of the introduction of the mechanism fromthe family business ideas, talent, career planning , corporate culture, in-depth studyof the causes of Shanghai Qi Mei Technology Co, loss of personnel . The third partpresents concrete measures to solve the Qi Mei Technology Co, Ltd. Shanghaiattrition problem. Qi Mei Technology Co, Ltd. Shanghai existence of these problemsreflects both their personality characteristics , but also reflects the development ofour family business is now prevalent phenomenon , so we draw countermeasures formost family businesses have a certain reference in terms of employees and turnoverhelp.

  Key words:Family Business,Staff Turnover,Human Resource Management


  目 录

  第 1 章 绪 论

  1.1 研究背景

  1.2 研究意义

  1.3 研究方法

  第 2 章 上海奇美科技有限公司人员流失的现状

  2.1 上海奇美科技有限公司情况简介

  2.2 上海奇美科技有限公司人员现状

  2.3 上海奇美科技有限公司人员流失的调查

  2.4 企业员工流失问题的理论依据

  第 3 章 上海奇美科技有限公司人员流失的原因分析

  3.1 受传统家族企业观念的影响

  3.2 人才引进机制不健全

  3.3 缺乏职业生涯规划管理

  3.4 忽视企业文化建设

  第 4 章 解决上海奇美科技有限公司人员流失问题的措施

  4.1 优化企业组织结构

  4.2 建立人才引进和选拔机制

  4.3 建立人才职业规划体系

  4.4 加强企业文化建设

  结 论


  致 谢

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