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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-01-30 共2787字

  摘 要


  与此同时,正值我国税收制度改革,根据财政部与国家税务总局联合颁发的《营业税改征增值税改革试点方案》中的有关要求,2012 年 1 月起,上海地区交通运输业与部分现代服务业从,由原来的征收营业税改为征收增值税。至 2012 年底,国务院扩大营改增试点至 10 省市,截止 2013 年 8 月 1 日,“营改增”范围推广到全国试行。JXCY 交通集团所在行业正属于税制改革范围之内,企业如何根据税收制度改革调整纳税筹划方案,如何抓住税制改革的战略机遇进行合理的纳税筹划、降低企业经营成本,是该企业需面对的重要问题。

  本文以 JXCY 交通集团为研究对象,首先简单介绍该公司的基本状况及其财务状况;然后对公司的主要业务在不同环境进行筹划方案的设计,提出具体的针对性措施;最后说明在这一筹划方案设计中需要注意的问题。



  关键词: 交通运输 纳税筹划 方案设计


  Transportation industry is the basic industry of national economy development, is animportant part of national comprehensive transportation system. The transportationenterprise as the main body of the transportation system, its operation situation in ourcountry has a close relationship with the sustained and healthy development of theintegrated transport system. Like other companies, transportation companies andfor-profit to carry out business activities, which requires enterprises to increase business,expand the scale of operation at the same time, to find ways to reduce operating costs. Itis through reasonable tax planning design, try to avoid and reduce some taxes and statefees, to control enterprise operating costs, to improve the efficiency of the enterprise.

  At the same time, when the tax system reform in our country, the ministry of financeand the state administration of taxation issued by the tax change paid VAT reform pilotprogram requires transportation industry and part of the modern service industry inShanghai since January 2012, the business tax paid VAT. Since August 1, 2012 to the endof the year, the state council will expand sales to increase the pilot to 10 provinces andcities, as of August 1, 2013, “Business Tax to VAT” coverage across the country on a trialbasis. JXCY group's industry is belong to the range of tax reform, how to adjust theenterprise according to the tax system reform tax plan, how to grasp the opportunity toreasonable tax planning, tax reform of enterprises to reduce costs, is an importantproblem of the enterprise need to face.

  Taking JXCY group as the research object, through the theory with practice, the firstsimple introduction to the company and its financial condition; Then the planningscheme is the main link to the specific design, put forward concrete measures; In theplanning design finally need to pay attention to the problem.

  Application value of this article is for the transportation enterprises in our countryprovides a response to adjust the tax plan suggested tax reform, and through reasonabletax planning ways to reduce operating costs. This method use financial statement analysismethod and qualitative method with quantitative method, the combination of objectiveassessment of tax cost, to the enterprise to develop the optimal tax planning scheme hashigh applicability.

  In recent years, the government policy to carry out structural tax cuts, and the rapiddevelopment of the logistics industry is even more dependent on the basis of thetransportation industry. In the context of this reality, the transportation enterprises in ourcountry how to saving the cost of tax revenue in the process of production and businessoperation requires us to consider, because it is the important factors that affect enterprisefinancial management. Carry on the reasonable planning has the enterprise to reducecosts, improve economic efficiency of enterprises.

  KEY WORDS: Transportation Tax planning Scheme design

  目 录

  摘 要…… I


  第 1 章 绪 论…… 1

  第 2 章 JXCY 交通集团公司发展概况 …… 3

  2.1 JXCY 交通集团公司基本情况…… 3

  2.1.1 JXCY 交通集团公司的外部环境…… 3

  2.1.2 JXCY 交通集团公司的内部环境…… 5

  2.2 JXCY 交通集团公司财务情况…… 6

  2.2.1 JXCY 交通集团公司的财务概况…… 6

  2.2.2 JXCY 交通集团公司的经营情况…… 7

  2.2.3 JXCY 交通集团涉税分析…… 8

  第 3 章 JXCY 交通集团公司的税收筹划 …… 12

  3.1 JXCY 交通集团采购阶段筹划…… 12

  3.1.1 采购形式的筹划 …… 12

  3.1.2 车辆购置的筹划 …… 14

  3.2 JXCY 交通集团筹资阶段税务筹划…… 15

  3.2.1 筹资方式的筹划 …… 15

  3.2.2 利息筹划 …… 16

  3.3 JXCY 交通集团运营阶段税务筹划…… 17

  3.3.1 旅游服务的筹划 …… 17

  3.3.2 仓储服务的筹划 …… 19

  3.3.3 收入确认的筹划 …… 20

  第 4 章 JXCY 交通集团纳税筹划择优分析及注意事项 …… 22

  4.1 JXCY 交通集团纳税筹划案例择优分析…… 22

  4.2 JXCY 交通集团纳税筹划的注意事项…… 23

  4.2.1 根据外部环境的变化不断调整纳税筹划方案 …… 23

  4.2.2 根据企业自身的变化不断调整纳税筹划方案 …… 25

  结 论…… 27

  参 考 文 献…… 29

  致 谢…… 33

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