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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-05-03 共2485字

【第1部分】 一汽大众汽车公司装配车间员工培训方案设计

  摘 要

  汽车作为现代城市的重要交通工具,承载着城市每天繁忙的交通任务。而随着国民经济水平的逐年提高,汽车从 90 年代的奢侈品地位,逐渐地过渡到当前几乎为必需品的地位。

  参考中国汽车生产制造企业名录,目前国内具有整车生产能力的企业已经超过 100 家,其中上汽集团、一汽集团等依托国有企业发展起来的企业集团,产销规模较大。依照中国汽车工业协会发布的 2013 年销量,以及 2014~2018年汽车总体市场预测,乘用车市场每年增速约在 7%~9%.


  本文通过对一汽大众汽车有限公司装配车间培训现状研究分析,发现其公司在发展扩张的过程中,大量的新员工涌入车间,新老员工轮换交替,这种现象自 5 年前到现在一直在持续,对车间的生产稳定及质量控制乃至安全工作都带来了巨大的影响,而在现有的状况下,车间培训工作所存在的问题并没能得到适当的解决,这些问题的存在不仅影响到现有产能的稳定,而且对于委托培养给新生产基地的人员,他们的素质也难以保证新生产基地的需求。





  As an important means of transport in modern cities, automobile undertakesheavy traffic tasks everyday. With the gradually increasing national economy, thestatus of cars has turned from a luxury in the 90's to a necessity today.

  Referring to Chinese automobile manufacturing business directory, there hasbeen already more than 100 companies in the current domestic, which has the abilityto product vehicle. Some enterprise groups, whose development relies onstate-owned enterprises, including SAIC, FAW Group, have large-scale productionand marketing. According to the sales volume of 2013 and the cars overall marketforecasts of 2014 ~ 2018 released by China Automobile Industry Association, theannual growth rate of passenger car market will be about 7% to 9%.

  Rapid productivity is undoubtedly one of the important strategic decisions to acompany. With the expansion of the production capacity the new production base hasbeen established. It is urgent for new staff to improve their capacity. The biggestchallenge for any manufacturing enterprise is supplementary and pre-service trainingfor the production line employees. The companies must provide appropriate trainingto the new employees so that they have the position ability. In that way thecompanies can complete the production release and achieve strategic goals. Leavingthe own qualities of the new employees aside, it is urgent to resolve, how to trainnew employees as soon as possible so that they can meet their position requirements.

  Based on the research about the current training situation in assembly workshopof FAW Volkswagen Automotive Co., it is not hard to see such a phenomenon withthe expansion of the company -- a large number of new employees swarm into theworkshop, at the same time new and old employees rotate. This phenomenon existssince five years, and now has a huge impact on the plant's production and qualitycontrol as well as security. However, under the current condition the problems in thetraining workshop have not been properly solved. The existence of these problemsaffect not only on stability of the present production capacity but also on the qualityof employees for the new production base, -- it may not meet the demand of the newproduction base.

  Therefore, this article analyses the above-mentioned training problems in theworkshop and tries to find the causes of the problems. Combined with the specificrequirements of assembly workshop, which are raised by the development strategyof the enterprise, we take practical measures, and reoptimize the training scheme ofthe workshop, in that way we can solve the above-mentioned problems radically andcultivate qualified employees. Meanwhile productivity stability is guaranteed so thatwe can maximize the workshop training efficiency, and accomplish production andtraining tasks.


  car assembly shop, new employees, employee training, training programs

  目 录

  摘 要


  第 1 章 绪论

  1.1 研究背景

  1.2 研究意义

  1.3 研究方法及内容

  第 2 章 装配车间新员工培训及存在问题

  2.1 装配车间概况

  2.2 车间培训现状

  2.3 车间新员工培训存在的问题

  2.4 存在问题的原因分析

  第 3 章 装配车间新员工培训优化方案

  3.1 新员工培训存在问题的解决措施

  3.2 优化新员工培训方案

  3.3 新员工培训方法的执行

  第 4 章 新员工培训优化方案的实施与保障

  4.1 新员工培训工作的实施要点

  4.2 新员工培训工作的实施保障

  4.3 新员工培训工作展望

  结 论


  致 谢

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