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风险社会视角下的灾害损失柳尝体系研究 中英文摘要

来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2014-04-11 共7557字

  摘 要

  Hazard loss compensation is an old topic. The plutonomists, from the perspective of"civilization and benefit,have researched the responsibilities of the government onhazard loss,whole the market economists innovate the hazard loss financing mechanismfrom the perspective of risk loss transfer loss and diversification. However, the modernsociety is characterized by "risk society", with hazard risks accompanying with theindustrialization, globalization and technical reform have been more and more frequently,the economic, social and population losses brought by the hazard risk are also being"magnified" continuously. Risk society does not only change the morphology of risksfaced by people,but also changes the traditional rule on which the hazard losscompensation mechanism relies. This paper strives to discuss the new selection for thehazard loss compensation in the game relation of government and market around thesechanges of hazard risk, so as to construct a new system of hazard loss compensationsystem.
  Risk society changes the nature and state of hazard risks faced by people, makingthe hazard risks characterized by mutation, dispersivity,fussiness and massive loss, thecatastrophe risks of small probability have been occurring more and more, the naturalhazard and industrial hazard, environmental hazard and social hazard like terrorist attackoccur alternately, with a fuzzier and fuzzier risk,hazards are also spreading regionallyand internationally. These highlighting new characteristics make the traditionalgovernment functions weak and also invalid the traditional risk transfer and sharingmechanism. We re-examine the risk nature and define hazard as a process ofphenomenon constituting serious deprival to a great portion of population (public bodies)by force majeure. When hazard cause the "public bodies" to face massive losses jointly, itis possible to use a completely private market mechanism to share the risk loss,therefore,we propose to establish a hazard loss compensation model integrating public department(P),market (M) and the public (P),which is also a hazard loss financing mode to greatlyexpand the insurability of hazard risk.
  The basis to put forward this idea is a public risk,which does not only influence theprivate, but also influences the national security and government credibility. Hazard isserious deprival of "public bodies、such deprival is not only limited to resources, butalso the resource allocation relation (mainly manifested in exchange entitlement relation).
  Therefore, the nature of hazard is to destroy the resource and resource allocationmechanism. Then when deprival occurs, it is not only required to repair the resources ofthe public bodies borne by the hazard, but also reallocate the resource allocation relationof the public bodies,and this is the task of hazard loss compensation that we willresearch. It is a broad concept,not only to measure the loss of and make compensationfor the public bodies destroyed, level the lowland after the original resources aredeprived, but more importantly, to implement a series of economic, political,environmental and humanistic measures, restore the market subject function of thegovernment and social organization, reconstruct the economic operation mechanism andrestructure the resource allocation mechanism. Hazard loss compensation is not only torealize the objective of efficiency and fairness, but also the objective of systemcompensation, i.e. the compensation for the loss of resource environment system.
  Considered from the aspect of national security, change trend of hazard risk and thepublic risk nature of the hazard itself, it has been an important thing that must be solvedand should not delayed in the economy and society of a nation to establish a new hazardrisk management system. We propose to re-recognize risk insurability and the traditionallaws of the hazard loss compensation like law of large numbers, expand the insurablerisks and the law of large numbers with the reform of modern technology and modernthinking to realize the structural setting of hazard loss compensation. The governmentwill not only play the role of manager, but also the role of "final insurer" of hazard riskand participates in the insurance, reinsurance and the overall capital market with theexpmded law of market to form a macro and open insurance public body.
  In this integrated public body,from the aspect of the public, public is the demanderof private products,but also the undertaker of private risk, the connection between thegovernment and public can be linked by the public participation, while the connectionbetween public and market is linked by the risk contract; from the aspect of market,market is a collective mechanism of public risk,and another public body gathered withinsurance contract as the link; from the aspect of government, government is anothergathering mechanism of the public, which is a public body established with law andmorality (social deed). The government can and should provide public products for thepublic when dealing with the non-private risks like hazard risk, which is the demand ofpublic selection and also the source of formation of government system. The governmentcan interfere with the market in the form of insurance, reinsurance, hazard risk fund andcat^trophe bonds to become the market subject or loss financing.
  A problem here is that the government plays double roles,i.e. the government is notonly the establisher of system, supervisor of market, a "judge",but also the provider ofsome insurance products,insured products, bond supplier, market subject and "player".
  The government also plays the double roles of judge and player simultaneously with anunclear identity and responsibilities and will often not perform the due responsibilities,while interfere with those that should not be interfered with too much. However,this isthe inevitable contradiction occurring to tiie government as two subjects, but on thecontrary, it is the contradiction by the ambiguous of two subject roles of the government.
  The possible innovations and shortcomings in this paper
  1.In terms of research on disaster loss compensation, the general approach is tostudy the operation of loss financing mechanism in the market, and the science of publicmanagement also focuses on the research on the management and response from theperspective of government management. In this paper, we investigated the change ofdisasters with times from the perspective of risk society,and considered building thegovernment-market-integrated disaster loss compensation methods;
  2.In insurance, the research on disaster loss compensation is focused on the naturaldisasters. In the paper, we mainly described the ambiguity of natural disasters and naturaldisasters, and proposed not to strictly distinguish the disasters in naturality and sociality,but defined the disaster loss compensation as a loss compensation for various moderndisaster hazards including industrial and environmental disasters.
  3.The disaster loss compensation research in the conventional sense mainly focuseson the compensation for the direct economic loss caused by disasters. In this paper, wedefined the disaster loss compensation as a compensation for resources and resourcesallocation mechanism, hoping to establish a systematic loss compensation modelstressing both efficiency and justice, to extend the innovation of disaster losscompensation from the level of economic loss to the level of systematic "resilience".
  However, due to the limitations in my academic ability, knowledge and experience,the integrated disaster loss compensation model above was only defined and analyzedqualitatively from the framework,but not demonstrated fully and analyzed with aquantitative method. It needs a clear solution on how to make P=M-P model realizesystematic compensation in actual operation,and especially realize the quantitativedesign of programs when it is applied in the frequent disasters like earthquake, typhoon,floor and drought in China. These problems need to be further researched. In my futurework and study, I will keep correcting and perfecting some ideas I proposed in this paper.
  Key words: risk society, disaster, public body, loss compensation, and macroinsurance


  引 言
  几年前,当我在武汉大学保险系办公室的小会议室里接受博士生入学的复试时,胡炳志教授问了一个问题:“保险不是从来就有的,那它会不会永恒存在? ”
  后来,在一次博士生毕业论文答辩时,胡炳志教授又提出了一个问题:“保险对于灾害能够起到减轻的功效吗,如果不能那保险还有存在的必要吗? ”看似如此简单的两个问题,却是由保险学界的知名专家提出来,在很长一段时间,这两个问题一直让我深思:保险是干什么的?它为什么会存在?它们还给了我一个深刻的启示:
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