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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2017-04-26 共2113字
  在移动互联网飞速发展的今天,人们的生活已经离不开手机。到 2015 年 12月底,中国手机用户数量已达 13.6 亿。这其中智能手机的占有率占了其中的近一半。据统计,2015 年中国智能手机用户数量将达 5.74 亿,并以每年 8%的速度增长。智能手机改变了人们生活,从一般的通话、短信再到移动支付,多人视频电话等,结合各种功能繁多的APP,一台智能手机几乎可以拥有PC同样的功能,甚至在某些方面胜于 PC.
  魅族(Meizu)作为我国首批国产手机生产厂家之一,从 2009 年其首款智能手机 M8 上市起,其手机销量平平,槽点也众多,一直作为一个国产的小众品牌出现在大家眼前。但是经过 7 年多的不断努力,魅族也正在转变着思路,想把品牌做大,从那个小而美的品牌走向被大家所认知并接受的“名牌”.
  本文主要对魅族手机的营销策略展开分析与研究,在介绍市场营销相关理论的基础上,对魅族手机面临的内外部环境的进行分析,通过 PEST 模型、波特五力模型和 SWOT 模型分析,确定了魅族手机的营销现状;通过 STP(市场分析),制定了魅族手机的市场营销战略,进而基于 4PS 制定了魅族手机的营销策略;最后,提出了魅族手机营销策略实施的保障。希望本论文能够对魅族手机的市场营销管理提供指导,也希望能够对同类产品的营销提供借鉴。
  With the rapid development of mobile internet, people's lives have beeninseparable from the mobile phones. At of the end of December 2015, the number ofChinese mobile phone users reached 1.36 billion. This is where the smart phonemarket share accounted for nearly half. According to statistics, in 2015 the number ofsmartphone users in China will reach at 5.74 million and this figure will grow at a rateof 8% per year. Smartphones have changed the way people lives, many people usingphones from the general telephone calls, text messaging, to mobile paymentscombining various functions range of Apps, a smart phone can almost have the samefunctions as a PC, and even better in some respects than PCs.
  China is the largest consumption and using of mobile country in the world, it also hasthe largest potential market. Under the background of economic integration andinformation globalization, the competition of global mobile phone market areintensifying, the market looks like a piece of red sea. Besides in the mobile industry,the speed of information and technology are updating very fast, even a little mistakemay cause the failure.
  Meizu is one of the earliest mobile manufacturers in China, since 2009 itlaunched its first mobile phone M8, the sales volumes still at a very common level,Meizu brand showing us a minority brand. However, after 7 years' efforts, Meizu ischanging the way it thinking, and trying to the make breakthrough.
  This dissertation is based on the analysis of the marketing strategy of Meizu Mobilephones, combining the concept and knowledge of marketing; analyzing theenvironment of both internal and external of Meizu; using Pest model,Porter's 5forces model and SWOT model to make marketing strategy. At the end of this paper, Icome up with the methods for strategy implementing guarantee. I hope this paper canprovide guidance for Meizu mobile marketing management, as well as a reference forthe marketing strategy of same products.
  Keywords: Meizu; Smartphone; Marketing; Marketing strategy; SWOT; STP

  第一章 绪论
  第二章 相关理论综述
  第三章 魅族手机面临的内外部环境分析
  (五)魅族手机的 SWOT 分析
  第四章 魅族手机营销策略制定
  第五章 魅族手机的 4PS 营销策略制定
  第六章 魅族手机营销实施保障
  第七章 总结与展望
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