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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-04-18 共3672字


【1.1 - 1.3】有关村级民主治理的文献综述   
【1.4 - 1.6】农村治理协同机制核心概念界定与理论基础 
【4.1 - 4.3】村级民主治理创新实践中的协同机制运行现状 

  摘 要


  1 导论

  1.1 研究背景与问题的提出

  1.2 研究目的与意义

  1.2.1 研究目的

  1.2.2 研究意义

  1.3 文献综述

  1.3.1 有关协同和协同治理的研究

  1.3.2 有关协同机制的研究

  1.3.3 有关基层民主的研究

  1.3.4 有关村民自治的研究

  1.3.5 有关村级民主治理实践的研究

  1.3.6 文献评述

  1.4 研究设计

  1.4.1 研究思路

  1.4.2 研究内容

  1.4.3 研究方法

  1.4.4 主要创新

  1.4.5 研究局限

  1.5 核心概念界定

  1.5.1 民主治理

  1.5.2 协同

  1.5.3 协同机制

  1.6 论文研究的理论基础

  1.6.1 治理理论

  1.6.2 协同理论

  1.6.3 新公共服务理论

  2 中国村级民主治理的历程、成就及困境

  2.1 村级民主治理的历程

  2.1.1 中华人民共和国成立前村民组织的发展及村民自治的产生

  2.1.2 中华人民共和国成立后村民自治的发展

  2.2 村级民主治理的成就

  2.3 村级民主治理的困境

  2.3.1 农村经济发展滞后对村级民主治理的制约

  2.3.2 村级民主治理的相关法律制度尚不健全

  2.3.3 农民的民主参与能力不强

  2.3.4 农村的社会资本在逐渐流失

  2.3.5 农村社会结构与环境变化对村级民主治理的制约

  2.3.6 协同机制缺失对村级民主治理创新的制约

  3 村级民主治理创新实践中的协同机制理论模型构建与可操作化

  3.1 理论模型的构建

  3.1.1 协同形成条件

  3.1.2 协同运行保障

  3.1.3 协同运行过程

  3.1.4 协同结果

  3.2 变量的可操作化

  4 村级民主治理创新实践中协同机制运行的个案分析

  4.1 研究区域概况与调查样本分析

  4.2 因子分析

  4.3 村级民主治理创新实践中的协同机制运行现状

  4.3.1 协同形成条件已初步具备

  4.3.2 协同运行保障基本到位

  4.3.3 协同运行过程运转良好

  4.3.4 协同结果基本实现预期

  4.4 村级民主治理创新实践中的协同机制作用机理分析

  4.4.1 模型分析方法的选取

  4.4.2 模型拟合度

  4.4.3 作用机理分析及模型分析结果

  5 结论与对策

  5.1 主要研究结论

  5.2 优化村级民主治理创新实践的对策建议

  5.2.1 强化村级民主治理创新实践中的协同机制运行整体效应

  5.2.2 利用协同形成条件,强化其对协同结果的直接间接促进作用

  5.2.3 优化协同运行保障,强化其对协同结果的间接促进作用

  5.2.4 规范协同运行过程,强化其对协同结果的直接促进作用


  致 谢

  摘 要


  本文在理论研究的基础上,以湖北沙洋县寿庙村为样本村,以近年来的村级民主治理创新实践为考察对象进行实证分析,运用 SPSS 和 Amos 软件对 241 份有效问卷进行了量化分析,运用归纳法分析 16 份个案深度访谈资料。通过实证研究方法来揭示协同机制的作用机理,验证村级民主治理创新实践中的协同机制理论模型,探讨解决村级民主治理困境的具体方案,对于提高村庄民主治理水平具有重要的理论与实践价值。




  At present, the domestic research on collaborative governance is still on thebeginning step, the related theory and practice need further and urgent research. Tobuild a country under the rule of law is inseparable from the construction ofdemocratic. Since law of Organization of Villager's Committee was officially issued,the village democratic governance in China has made some progress, upsurge of thevillage-level democratic governance innovative practices has been engendered,andhas been achieved some results. However, in the village- level democraticdevelopment process also encountered some difficulties, for example, the system isnot perfect, the lack of rural economic strength and social capital, differences indifferent parts of the villagers who actively participate in is large, the executive powerhas clashed with the autonomy power, democratic management, democraticdecision- making and democratic supervision is difficult to achieve, all of theserestricts the development of village-level democratic governance in different degree,is in urgent need of further study.

  On the basis of theoretical research, we take Shoumiao village Shayang CountyHubei province for sample village. We use the village-level democratic governanceinnovative practices in recent years as the subject and empirically analyze. 241 validquestionnaires were quantified analysis by using SPSS and Amos software. Analysisof the 16 cases in depth interviews is analyzed by using induction. Through empiricalresearch methods we reveal the mechanism of coordination mechanisms, verifycollaborative mechanism theoretical model of village- level democratic governanceinnovation, discuss the specific programs of solving the problem about village-leveldemocratic governance practice. It has important theoretical and practical value toimprove the level of village- level democratic governance.

  The main conclusions of the thesis are as follows: first, collaborative formingconditions has a direct promotional role in collaborative outcomes significantly, andhas a indirect promotional role in collaborative outcomes through collaborativeoperation guarantee and collaborative operation process at the same time. Second,collaborative operation guarantee has a direct promotional role in collaborativeoperation process significantly, collaborative operation process has a directpromotional role in collaborative outcomes significantly. So collaborative operationguarantee has a indirect promotional role in collaborative outcomes throughcollaborative operation process. Third, collaborative operation guarantee has a directpromotional role in Collaborative forming conditions significantly, collaborativeforming conditions has a direct promotional role in collaborative outcomes at thesame time. So collaborative operation guarantee has a indirect promotional role incollaborative outcomes through collaborative forming conditions. According tothe problems found during the process of research,the suggestions against problemswere put forward: strengthening the whole effect of collaborative mechanism of thevillage-level democratic governance; strengthening the direct promotional role tocollaborative outcomes by using collaborative forming conditions; optimizingcollaborative operation guarantee and strengthening the indirect promotional role tocollaborative outcomes; standardizing collaborative operation process andstrengthening the direct promotional role to collaborative outcomes.

  Keywords: Democratic Governance; Innovative Practice; CollaborativeMechanism

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