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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2018-04-24 共2848字

【【题目】】 《孟子》一书中的美学观探析



  第一节家庭影响 ???
  第二节师承因素  ??
  第三节对学生的人格品评  ??
  第三章孟子美学思想的基本观点 ?
  第一节人性美;孟子美学思想的基石  ??
  一、性善论的提出  ?
  二、性善论的美学分析  ?
  三、性善论的美学意义  ?
  四、性善论的美学价值  ??
  第二节人格美:孟子美学思想的核屯、  ?
  一、充实说  ??
  二、气节说  ??
  三、养气说  ??
  第三节共同美;孟子美学思想的目标  ??
  一、意逆志"说  ???
  二、"知人论世"说  ??
  结论 ??





  Xi Jinping,Secretary general,made an important speech in the CPC CentralCommittee of 2014 to commemorate 化e 2565 anniversary of 化e birth of Confiiciusinternational academic seminar,he fully affirmed the great role of traditional culturein a country or a natio打 i打 the long history, and gave a briUiant interpretatio打 of theimportance of 化e inheritance and development of 化e Chinese ideology and culture.Take this as an opportunity to dig,inherit and carry forward the Chinese traditionalculture has become the inevitable development of the times, and Mencius as famousthinker, educator and politician i打 ancient times,his rich and color扣 1 experience,broad and profound thoughts, upright and 0山spoken personality leave a preciouscultural heritage for future generations. Based on the research by scholars and expertsabo山 Mencius and his thought on the aesthetic, then further analysis and research onMencius will undoubtedly have a positive practical significance and far-reachinghistorical signi行cance.Mencius is an important representative of the Conftician Schoolof the Warring States period,he is known as 化e "sage",his profound thoughts areembodied i打 the book of "Me打cius". Mencius theory still shines,especially hisaesthetic thought has a special role in Mencius thought in 也e world and has veryimportant significance and academic value. Mencius aesthetic 1;hought is aninheritance to Confucius, but more deeply and fully than Confucius's aesthetics, andit is a peak of Confucian aes1;hetics with rich new features. B山 the study o打 1;heMencius aesthetics is more loose and less important , at the same time, is also notcomprehensive,CO打Crete enough and special research o打 Mencius aesthetic theory.This phenomenon is worth pondering, so it is necessary 化 do a systematic study ofMe打cius aesthetics, and this study can cause e打ough attenticms, grasp the Menciusaes化etics from 也e overall perspective in order to finish a special work on Menciusaesthetics theory. This paper will give a survey to Mencius aesthetic theory, beginningwith the i打troductio打 of basic research 0打 Mencius aesthetics theory, the打 do a briefanalysis of the necessary background of the emergence and development of Mencius?aesthetics theory, and find the basic connotation, finally wish show the unprecedentedinfluence of Mencius aesthetics theory. All in all, this paper is not a simple writingabout the basic points of Me打cius aesthetics theory,but will ftxrther clarify the outlineof Mencius aesthetics 也eory and make this article ftilly described 化 understand andgrasp Mencius aes化etics 化eory more accurately. A clear understanding 化 Menciusaes化etics 化eory is 化e mai打 innovatio打 of this paper. The connotation of Menciusaesthetic 化eory is extremely rich, because of my limked level, the study of Menciusaesthetics 化eory may be not profound,and this paper also may not be accurateenough, but I sincerely hope to contribute the certain reference value to any researchon 化e Mencius aesthetics theory in 化e future. Also I hope titiere will be moreenthusiasm abo山 Mencius aesthetics 也eory,and this should greatly promo1:e 也epeople’s enthusiasm to the traditional culture, then make some progress to socialcivilization.

  Keywords; Mencius;化eory; aes化etics?


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