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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2016-12-20 共2123字
  目 录
  第一章 铜鼓概述
  第一节 铜鼓起始渊源
  第二节 铜鼓的原始形态
  第三节 铜鼓的基本形制与分类
  第四节 铜鼓的分布状况
  第二章 贵州铜鼓民俗文化艺术形成的环境影响
  第一节 贵州铜鼓产生的历史环境
  第二节 贵州铜鼓得存的地域环境
  第三节 贵州铜鼓文化发展的文化环境
  第三章 贵州苗族铜鼓民俗文化艺术
  第一节 苗族铜鼓的分布和来源
  第二节 苗族铜鼓的功用及表演
  第三节 铜鼓在苗族人民心中的地位
  第四章 贵州水族铜鼓民俗文化艺术
  第一节 水族铜鼓的分布和来源
  第二节 水族铜鼓的功用及表演
  第三节 铜鼓在水族人民心中的地位
  第五章 贵州瑶族铜鼓民俗文化艺术
  第一节 瑶族铜鼓使用历史和来源
  第二节 瑶族铜鼓的功能及其使用情况
  第三节 瑶族铜鼓的现状
  第六章 贵州各民族铜鼓民俗文化艺术
  第一节 贵州各民族铜鼓使用的历史和来源
  第二节 贵州各民族铜鼓的使用习俗和用途
  第七章 贵州铜鼓民俗文化的现存状态与展望
  第一节 贵州铜鼓文化传承与保护中存在的问题
  第二节 对贵州铜鼓民俗文化艺术未来的展望

  关键词:贵州, 铜鼓, 民俗文化
  Guizhouis located in the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, due to thespecial geographical location and natural environment, hereis not only a multi-ethnic area, it also contains the essenceof ethnic culture, but also in the history of China shiningYelang Culture birthplace. Affected history, geography,culture and other factors, they created a variety of bronzedrum folk culture, which also contains a religion . Bronze drum ,fine workmanship ,Spread very long time.It spread to today,fully embodies the Guizhou minorities of the height of theworship and faith, shows Guizhou ethnic characteristics.
  In this paper,is mainly divided into the following sevenchapters: overview of bronze drum,The environmental impact ofbronze drum folk culture in guizhou,Guizhou hmong bronze drumfolk arts, Guizhou shui's bronze drum folk arts,Guizhouyao's bronze drum folk arts,All nationalities in Guizhoubronze drum folk arts and Guizhou bronze drums folk artsexisting stste and prospect .Summed up the Guizhou minoritynationalities are colorful and varied, has the characteristicsof religious belief and the time region, nature worship, totemworship and ancestor worship as one of the folk culture andart characteristics of bronze drum.
  Mainly using the method of folk literature, using the methodof literature research and field research, on the basis of theexisting literatureon the use of in-depth bronze drums placemaster collection of information, research results indifferent times.The geographical position of Guizhou and thehistory and the main ethnic drum unit division as main line,further analysis of the characteristics of folk culture andart of bronze drum .Different nationalities in Guizhou Tongguperspective of folk culture and the bronze drum from thecultural anthropology, aesthetics, ethnology and othermulti-disciplinary perspective usage, make a preliminarystorage of bronze drum embodied in Guizhou minority folkculture, make it relatively clear understanding of Guizhoubronze drum culture, in order to better understand the judgmentof Guizhou the inheritance of folk culture value.
  KeyWords:Guizhou ,bronze drum,folk culture
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