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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-08-10 共3918字

【第1部分】 车联网系统开发与运营公司战略调整研究

  摘 要


  A 公司是一家从事车联网系统开发以及运营的专业公司。公司成立之初,业务主要偏重于工程机械车联网系统的建设、运营以及相关车机设备的销售。2012 年以来,受到工程机械行业衰退的影响公司业绩出现了较大的下滑。这种形式下公司管理层有必要重新审视行业以及公司现状,重新调整发展战略,从而保证公司在车联网行业内能够持续健康的发展。

  文章首先从车联网发展历程、车联网产业链研究现状和用户需求三个方面阐述了国内学者对车联网行业研究的现状。明确提出车联网产业发展分为基础需求阶段、功能提升阶段、网络化阶段、智能化阶段四个关键发展阶段,并从用户粘性强弱的角度分析得出,在车联网所有的用户需求中安防、救援功能是基础功能,而娱乐服务功能则是车联网系统的重点功能。其次,文章通过对政治经济、社会文化、国内外车联网行业发展现状和车联网市场竞争状况几个方面对 A 公司的外部环境进行了详尽分析,得出车联网行业正处于快速成长的时期,在国内外宏观环境的影响下,必然会在未来几年内有较大的发展,且有加快发展步伐的趋势。同时,也提出国内车联网和国外车联网发展的差距在于:国外车联网主体已经开始向网络化阶段迈进,而在国内仍然处于功能提升阶段。再次,文章通过对公司现有资源、财务状况、技术能力、人力资源等几个方面对 A 公司的内部环境进行全面评析,总结出公司的优势和存在的问题。在对 A 公司内部环境进行认真分析的基础上给出 A 公司核心竞争力在于: A 公司决策过程简单迅速,运行机制灵活易于转变经营方向;公司在工程机械车联网行业经过多年实践,掌握了丰富的车联网系统开发、运营经验。接下来,文章通过 SWOT 分析法总结了 A 公司面临的竞争态势,从而为 A 公司制定出发展的战略目标和达到战略目标的实施路线,并为公司确定了三年三步走的战略实施步骤。最后为了保障 A 公司的车联网发展战略的有效实施,文章在企业制度建设、产品开发、营销体系建设等方面给出了具体的改善措施。

  关键词:车联网 用户粘性 前装市场 后装市场


  With the rise of the concept of “Internet of things”, and car ownership rising carnetworking this accessory has extended the concept of are increasingly being familiar. Fullyunderstand the status quo of the development of the car networking, understanding of the carnetworking market competition for the company engaged in the car networking industry isparticularly important. For a company engaged in the car networking industry only fullyunderstand the status of the industry in order to develop the current market to develop aneffective strategy for the smooth development of the Surety Company. In addition, becausethe car networking is the specific manifestation of the Internet of things in the automotiveindustry, the car networking industry analysis of the same thing for the development of theInternet industry is also very instructive.

  A is a Professional Company engaged in the development and operation of the carnetworking system. At the beginning of the company, the business mainly focused on theconstruction of the construction machinery car networking system, operation and the sales ofthe related car machine equipment. Since 2012, the impact of the decline in the performanceof the company has been greatly affected by the decline of the engineering machineryindustry This form of corporate management is necessary to re-examine the industry andcompany status quo, re adjust the development strategy, so Surety Company in the carnetworking industry can continue to develop healthy.

  Firstly, this paper expounds the status quo of domestic scholars on the research of theInternet industry from three aspects: the development of the car, the research status of the carindustry chain and the user needs Clearly put forward car networking industry developmentstage of basic needs, enhance the function stage, stage of the network, intelligent stage fourkey stages of development, and through the user stickiness intensity angle analysis of busnetwork on the user demand security, rescue function is the basic function of the vehiclenetwork system, and entertainment service function is the focus of vehicle network systemfunction. Secondly, the article detailed analysis of politics, economy, society, culture,domestic and foreign car networking industry and the development of car networking marketcompetition in several aspects of a company's external environment, dispatch networkindustry is in rapid growth period, under the influence in the domestic and internationalmacroeconomic environment, will have greater development in the next few years, and haveaccelerated the pace of development trend. At the same time, the gap between the domesticcar networking and the development of the foreign car networking is: the main body of theInternet has begun to move forward in the network, while the domestic is still in the stage offunctional improvement. Again. In this article, we to the company's existing resources,financial status, technical capacity, human resources and other aspects of a company's internalenvironment carries on the comprehensive analysis, summed up the advantages and existingproblems of the company. In the internal environment of a company are based on a carefulanalysis of the given a company core competitiveness lies in: a company decision-makingprocess is simple and fast, flexible operation system and it is easy to change direction ofmanagement; the company in the engineering machinery vehicle networking industry afteryears of practice, master of the rich car networking systems development, operatingexperience. Next, the SWOT analysis summarizes the company is facing a competitivesituation, thus for a company to develop to the strategic objectives of the implementation ofthe road and the strategic objectives of the development, and for the company to determinethe three steps of strategic implementation steps. Finally, in order to guarantee the effectiveimplementation of the A company's car networking development strategy, the article givesconcrete improvement measures in the enterprise system construction, product development,marketing system construction and so on.

  Keywords: car networking user stickiness front loaded market rear mounted Market

  目 录

  摘 要……III


  绪 论……1




  1 中国车联网研究现状……3

  1.1 车联网的发展历程……3

  1.1.1 基础需求阶段……3

  1.1.2 功能提升阶段……3

  1.1.3 网络化阶段……3

  1.1.4 智能化阶段……4

  1.2 中国车联网产业链研究……4

  1.3 中国车联网用户需求研究……5

  2 A 公司的外部环境分析与评价……7

  2.1 A 公司的宏观环境分析……7

  2.1.1 政治和法律环境方面……7

  2.1.2 社会和文化环境方面……8

  2.1.3 经济环境方面……8

  2.1.4 技术环境方面……8

  2.2 A 公司产业环境分析……9

  2.2.1 国际车联网发展现状……9

  2.2.2 我国车联网发展现状……11

  2.3 A 公司的行业竞争状况分析……12

  2.3.1 车联网市场主要竞争力量分析……12

  2.3.2 车联网市场主要竞争产品分析……13

  2.3.3 车联网市场细分……14

  2.3.4 替代产品对车联网的影响……16

  2.4 A 公司外部环境评价……16

  3 A 公司内部环境分析与评价……18

  3.1 A 公司内部资源分析……18

  3.1.1 A 公司现有资源……18

  3.1.2 A 公司财务状况分析……19

  3.1.3 A 公司开发能力分析……19

  3.1.4 A 公司人力资源状况分析……19

  3.1.5 A 公司生产能力分析……20

  3.1.6 A 公司产品分析……20

  3.1.7 A 公司治理状况分析……21

  3.2 核心竞争力分析……21

  3.3 A 公司经营存在的主要问题分析……22

  3.3.1 缺乏现代科学经营观念,管理水平比较落后……22

  3.3.2 新产品开发效率低下,研发资金支出比例失调……22

  3.3.3 市场开发力度不够,营销力量薄弱……23

  4 A 公司车联网发展战略制定……25

  4.1 A 公司态势 SWOT 分析……25

  4.2 A 公司车联网市场发展战略制定……26

  4.2.1 A 公司车联网市场发展总体目标……26

  4.2.2 A 公司车联网市场发展战略实施路线……26

  4.2.3 A 公司车联网市场发展战略实施步骤……27

  5 A 公司战略的实施……28

  5.1 加强企业制度建设,提升企业管理水平……28

  5.2. 现有产品的整顿……28

  5.3 加大产品开发力度……28

  5.3.1 加快建立适应产品开发战略的组织机构……28

  5.3.2 建立产品开发的机制、加快人才培养……29

  5.3.3 车联网产品开发的具体策略……30

  5.4 强化营销体系的建设……31

  6 结论……33


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