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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2017-01-17 共3827字

【题目】 马克思社会公平正义思想探究
  摘 要
  关键词:马克思 经济公正 政治公正 社会公正 生态公正
  The Eighteenth big report clearly pointed out: “Must adhere to safeguard social fairnessand justice. Justice is the inherent requirem ent of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Toall the people, on the basis of econom ic and social development, intensify construction playsan important role in ensuring social fairness and justice system, gradually establish a fair right,fair chance and fair regulation as the main content of social justice guarantee sys tem, effortsto create a fair social environm ent, to ensu re the right of people to equal participation,equality, development. ” Study of Marx's concept of justice, to safeguard social fairness andjustice, to solve the current social injustice problems, has important theoretical and practicalsignificance.
  Full text besides preface and conclusion, main body is divided into three parts:
  The first part: the tim e background of Marx' s concept of justice for m and itsdevelopment history. Any kind of the generation of new ideas are not out of thin air, has aprofound social background. Review of Marx' s concept of justice, but al so need to contactMarx social background at that time. Read Marx's classic works, the formation of Marx'sconcept of justice social bac kground mainly includes: the exis tence of the capitalist socialinjustice; The proletariat, the urgent dem and for social justice and social revolution for thedevelopment of social justice from three aspects. Marx's concept of justice form developmenthistory, mainly includes three main stages: the early exploration of social justice view, Marxpreliminary formation of Marx' s concept of ju stice, of Marx' s concept of ju stice fullyestablished.
  The second part: the basic thoughts of Marx' s concept of justice. The basic content ofMarx's concept of justice has four aspects: economic justice, political justice, social justiceand ecological justice. Characteristics of Marx's concept of justice is the unity of class natureand human nature, historic and reality of unified, rela tivity and absoluteness. Marxthought to realize social justice is the first to develop the productive forces, the elimination ofprivate ownership as the foundatio n; Next, want to in order to realize social justice, theestablishment of communis m as the goal; Fina lly, in or der to realize the f ree and f ulldevelopment of people as value orientation.
  The third part: the contemporary enlightenment of Marx's concept of justice. First of all,guided by the concept of Marx's economic justice analysis solve the problems of injustice inthe economy area, the only vigorously develop social productive forces, to lay foundation forthe realization of economic justice. Second, guided by the marxist concept of political justice,analysis to solve our country politics exist such as citizens' rights and obligations of the rightproblems, corruption and so on, t o achieve soci al and political justice, m ust achieve thecoordinated development, establish and im prove the justice of the political system. Third,guided by the marxism social justice view, analys is to solve the prob lem of social injusticesociety in our country, it is necessary to establis h the perfect social security system, so as torealize the justice of society. F inally, guided by the marxist ecological view of justice andinjustice of solving the ecological problem s, must implement the m ost stringentenvironmental protection system, transformation of the mode of economic development andpromoting the construction of beautiful China.
  Realize the social justice, a long way to go. Marx's concept of justice for the analysis ofthe problem of social ju stice, the key to explore ways to rea lize social justice prov ides. Innormal development in our countr y at present stage, but in th e process of developm ent inChina there are many phenomenon such as social injustice, in urgent need of Marx's conceptof justice as theoretical guidance, provide ideological guarantee to solve the problem of socialjustice.
  Key Words: Marx E conomic Justice Politi cal Justice Social Justice EcologicalJustice

  目 录
  (一) 问题的提出及研究意义
  (二) 研究现状分析
  (三) 研究思路和研究方法
  (四) 主要创新和不足
  (一) 马克思公正观形成的时代背景
  1. 资本主义社会不公现象的存在
  2. 无产阶级对社会公正的迫切需求
  3. 社会革命对社会公正发展的推进
  (二) 马克思公正观发展的历史轨迹
  1. 马克思公正观的萌芽
  2. 马克思公正观的初步形成
  3. 马克思公正观的全面确立
  (一) 马克思公正观的基本内容
  1. 经济公正
  2. 政治公正
  3. 社会公正
  4. 生态公正
  (二) 马克思公正观的基本特征
  1. 阶级性与人类性的统一
  2. 历史性与现实性的统一
  3. 相对性与绝对性的统一
  (三) 实现社会公正的基本途径
  1. 以大力发展生产力,消灭私有制为基础
  2. 以实现社会公正、建立共产主义为目标
  3. 以实现人的自由全面发展为价值导向
  (一) 以马克思经济公正观为指导,分析解决我国经济领域不公问题
  1. 大力发展社会生产力,奠定经济公正的物质基础
  2. 缩小贫富差距,逐步实现经济诸领域公正
  (二) 以马克思政治公正观为指导,分析解决我国政治领域不公问题
  1. 消除权利与义务不对等,遏制杜绝官员腐败等现象
  2. 健全政治体制,为实现政治公正提供制度保证
  (三) 以马克思社会公正观为指导,分析解决我国社会领域不公问题
  1. 关注弱势群体边缘化问题,逐步消除社会阶层严重分化现象
  2. 建立完善的社会保障体系,实现社会各阶层共享发展成果
  (四) 以马克思生态公正观为指导,分析解决我国生态领域不公问题
  1. 转变经济发展方式,杜绝资源浪费
  2. 实行最严格的环境保护制度,推进美丽中国建设
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