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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2016-11-04 共3785字
  摘 要
  然而在现实中,我国突发环境事件应急法律机制实施的效果并不理想。2014年 4 月 11 日,甘肃省兰州市发生了特大水污染事件,这次突发环境事件的处理受到了各方的质疑,有必要针对此次事件审视我国突发环境事件应急法律机制之中存在的问题,以及实施效果不理想的原因。就事件回顾后可以发现,该事件的发生是由于前两次漏油事故的影响,但在事件发生以后,事发单位并未及时采取停止供水等紧急措施,并且在信息递送过程出现数小时延迟。政府部门在接到报告后,并未按照法律法规的要求及时向兰州市政府等主体进行相应的汇报,导致政府应急迟延。兰州市政府在处理这次事件的过程中,在很多方面都没有遵守突发环境事件应急法律机制的相关规定,也并没有完全遵守在该地区适用的突发环境事件应急预案的内容。在公众参与和信息公开方面,兰州市政府在很大程度上漠视了公民的环境事务参与权和环境信息知情权,导致抢水等公共事件的发生,加剧了公众恐慌情绪。在事件发生之后,仅有相关政府工作人员受到不透明的处分,而涉事单位并没有进行相应的赔偿,兰州市居民承担的环境损害没有被弥补。
  突发环境事件应急法律机制的实施效果不理想,在一定程度上是因为立法存在缺陷。在兰州市应对 4.11 水污染事件的活动中,主要适用的法律法规以及其他规范性文件有:《突发事件应对法》、甘肃省突发事件应对相关法规、甘肃省突发环境事件应急预案、兰州市突发环境事件应急预案、兰州市供水突发事件应急预案。甘肃省突发事件应对相关法规在很大程度上照搬了《突发事件应对法》的规定,缺少根据本地方实际情况进行的补充,缺乏可操作性。而且在《突发事件应对法》中存在的问题,很多都出现在甘肃省突发事件应对相关法规之中。其中最主要的是,《突发事件应对法》并没有顾及到环境问题的特殊性,并没有对突发环境事件进行专门性规定,因而也不会遵守环境法的基本原则,对环境事件的解决缺乏针对性。甘肃省突发环境事件应急预案则体现了我国地方突发环境事件应急预案的一般问题。由于法律并没有规定不遵照突发环境事件应急预案行动的后果,因而在该事件中,政府的很多做法都背离了兰州市突发环境事件应急预案的内容。与此同时突发环境事件应急预案本身,也存在着信息公开缺失、事后处置空白等问题。
  After the Industrial Revolution, as the ability of human beings to change thenatural environment heightening, environmental emergency tends to come over morefrequently than before. And it is a great threaten to health and welfare of all of people.
  The government must take the most part of responsibility to cope the environmentalproblems. To this respect, many countries in the world have built legal institution ofenvironmental emergency response. So the legislation secures the procedure ofenvironmental emergency response to be a normal legal institution. Since the end oflast century, our country began to pay attention to emergency and promulgatelegislation related. China has already formulated Emergency Response Act of China,on which our country launched many kinds of regulations, rules, bylaws and so forthbased. And many provinces and cities stipulated their own plan of environmentalemergency response.
  However, in fact, the implementation of legal institution of environmentalemergency response underplays. In April 11th, 2014, a water pollution incidentoccurred in Lanzhou, Gansu Province. But the conduct in this incident has beendoubted by the populace. It is necessary to examine the management in Lanzhou tofind out the problems hiding in our environmental emergency response and the reasonwhy it has a poor practical effect. With review on the incident, we could find that thepollution attributes to two former pollution oil leakage. And when the pollutionobserved, the accident unit didn't stop the water supply. Several hours past, whenthey report the message to the executives, either. After the government departmentsgot the report, they didn't report to Lanzhou government and other bodies aslegislation provided. Many aspects of the procedure of coping with the waterpollution which Lanzhou government adopted didn't comply with the relativelegislation and also the plan mentioned. To a large extent, the government overlookedthe environmental right of citizens, particularly environmental participating right andenvironmental information informed right. And this behavior led to public panicwater buying. After the whole accident, no indemnity is payed to the injured by theaccident unit, and only the government disciplined several officers opaquely.
  The reason that the implementation of legal institution of environmentalemergency has a bad effect partly is the legislative problem. In 4.11 Lanzhou waterpollution response, the legislation which Lanzhou government must follow would be:
  Emergency Response Act of China, Regulations of Emergency Response of GansuProvince, Plan of Environmental Emergency Response of Gansu Province, Plan ofEnvironmental Emergency Response of Lanzhou, Plan of Water Supply EmergencyResponse of Lanzhou. To a large extent, Regulations of Emergency Response ofGansu Province copies Emergency Response Act. Thus it has little local feature and islack in operability. And the problems in Emergency Response Act remain in theregulations in Gansu. Most of all, Emergency Response Act doesn't realize theparticularity of environmental issues. And no clause is specified to regulateenvironmental emergency. Thus environmental emergency response doesn't need tocomply with the principles of environmental law. The problems in the plan of Gansureflect the general problems in the plan of environmental emergency response in ourcountry. As the law stipulated no punishment to violation of the plans, thegovernment tends to overlook the plans and take some other measures. And the plansof environmental emergency response have little content to provide informationdisclosure and public participation. They don't see the disposal either.
  After all, I suggest to formulate specialized environmental emergency response act,which must comply with the principles of environmental law. The legislation will betargeted to focus on environmental problems. And we must amend our existing laws,and enhance their operability. Based on the principles of environmental law,information disclosure and public participation concepts would be deepen in thelegislation.
  Key Words:Environmental Emergency,Lanzhou Water Pollution Accident,EnvironmentalLegal Institution

  目 录
  引 言
  三、4.11 兰州水污染事件中突发环境事件应急法律机制实施评析
  结 语
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