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来源:学术堂 作者:朱老师
发布于:2016-05-18 共4446字

  【1.2  1.3】亲子之间的相处与师生间的趣事
  Qin Wenjun is a fruitful writer of children's literature, she creates series of images ofteenagers  living  in  new  era  of  China,  these  images  become  the  model  type  in  thegallery  of  Chinese  children  literature.  Qin  Wenjun's  compositions  are  prevalentamong readers,  and  have  received  many  honors both nationally and  internationally,which include the “five one” project about the spiritual civilization patronized by thePropaganda  Department  of  the  Central  Committee , the  “outstanding  novels  duringthe 50 years since 1949”, the second、third and the fourth term of the national childrenliterature medals of Chinese Writers Association, the Song Qingling children literatureaward  for  the  best  novel,  Bing  Xin  children  book  award,  China  Book  Prize,  TheChinese children literature medal, Yang huan children literature medal in Taiwan andjiuge literature medal in Taiwan and many other medals which amount to more than50  honors.  Many  of  her  compositions  are  translated  to  foreign  languages  andpublished abroad. She received many honors abroad, include special medals of Italianmond  luo  international  literature,  the  Hans  Christian  Andersen  award  nominationpatronized by IBBY. Thus, the prevalence of Qin Wenjun's composition has alreadybecome of study topic with great value.
  The  existing  study  achievements  of  Qin  Wenjun's  compositions  are  not  in  largeamounts, they either not realize the importance of Qin Wenjun's composition or toosimple and superficial, thus there are weak points and blind spots among them, all ofthese situations  leave the study space and the academic improvements for my topicchoice. This dissertation's author adopt the methods of meticulous reading of the textand  comparing  Qin's  compositions  with  other  writers'  works  to  study  Qin'scomposition  as  whole,  and  try  to  analyze  her  compositions  in  about  four respects:central narratives、images、the art of structures、the language characters .
  In  the  first  section  of  the  essay's  body,  I  summarize  the  composition's  topics:friendships and communications between two sexes, getting along with parents, theinteresting things among teachers and students, and at last I point out the author adoptthe perspective of the teenagers. The author writes down many stories of the teens andchildren with virtuosity, such  like the conflicts among peers, the teenagers' quarrelswith  parents,  the  little  misunderstandings  between  teachers  and  students.  All  these stories have bright endings, the teenagers' holding on friendships and hopes for love,their understanding for parents' love and adoration of their teachers' unique teachingtact  all  attune  their  relationships  like  breeze  in  spring,  and  make  the  wholecomposition presented optimistic atmosphere. The teenager's perspective is the mustchoice of the  author  because  she  is holding on the teenager's centralization. In hercomposition, Qing Wenjun adopt weaved perspectives. For one aspect, observing theworld  from  teenager's  perspective,  for  another  aspect,  she  adopt  the  adult'sperspective to sublime the purport, the two perspectives are entwined with each other.Because of the choice of the teenager's perspective, the content of her compositionget closer  to the  teenagers, and  arouse the teens' empathy. In the second section, Ichoose  two  typical  image-the  chic  girl  Lin  Xiaomei  and  the  lovely  kind  boy  LuZhisheng,  analyze  their  multi-faced personalities. In the third section, I analyze thestructure mode of Qin Wenjun's composition: multi-tunes and the treacle maytree onstick.  The  author  gets  an  excellent  expression  effect  through  the  entwining  of  theteenager's perspective and the adults' perspective. For one aspect, the adoption of theteenager's perspective makes the composition more moved, for the other aspect, theadoption  of  the  adult's  perspective  compensate the  simplicity  of  the teenager's  lifeexperience,  sublime  the  rational  purport  of  the  composition,  diversify  thecomposition's content and strengthen the significance. In the forth section I analyzethe  traits  of  Qin  Wenjun's  language  characteristics.  She  adopt  many  rhetoricalmethods, such as use the grand words in daily life, use grave words in amusing way,homophonic, simulation and so on, she use the language in unusual way and generatestrange effects.  In  the  end,  I  reveal that  why Qin  Wenjun  has a  big success of  hercompositions is she adopts the theory of the zone of the proximal development andcombine the education and amusement of her compositions together perfectly. At last ,I put forward that the little defect of Qin Wenjun's writing is lack of the imagination.
  Qin Wenjun is a specific type of Chinese contemporary children's literature's writers,her successful experience tell people a lesson: it's only by absorbing nutrition fromancient  and  modern  Chinese  literature  and  foreign  literature  ,take  an  active  part  ininnovations in article form and language style could the contemporary writers changethe old prejudice of compulsive and stiff inculcating and create the children imageswhich symbolize the era spirits to satisfy the Chinese teenagers' mental hungry. Qin's inferior  aspects  to  the  perfect  foreign  children's  literature  writers  is  a  shrinkingreflection of the big  level gap between Chinese children literature and the excellentforeign children's literature, it implies us there is a long way to make more efforts toturn Chinese children's literature from large amounts productions to high quality.
  Key words:   Qin Wenjun; Children literature; Central narratives; Images; the art ofstructures
  目  录
  序论 秦文君:雕塑当代少儿群像的高手
  结语  秦文君小说:恰似一碗“营养麦片粥”
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