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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-07-08 共3698字



  摘 要


  自 1956 年美国佛睿思特(Jay Forrester)教授首次提出学习型组织理论后,便得到了众多学者和企业家的重视。1990 年,学者彼得·圣吉(Peter M. Senge)提出具有重大影响力的学习型组织五项修炼(自我超越、心智模式、共同愿景、团队学习、系统思考),从而引发世界范围内对学习型组织理论的研究热潮,各个国家都陆续将该理论运用于政府、企业以及其他领域中。自 20 世纪 80 年代起,新加坡、日本、美国等国家先后宣布要建设学习型政府。







    Today is an era with information explosion, the speed of information updating isfaster than any time before. In such an intensified competition environment and underthis background of rapid changing era, China met more and more problems andchallenges. And these problems and challenges are more complex than ever timebefore. However , the competition between organizations and organizations, thecompetition between enterprises and enterprises, the competition between countriesand countries, to tell the truth ,are the knowledge competition, talent competition, thelearning ability competition.

  Since 1956, the United States professor Jay Forrester put forward the learningorganization theory first time, there are so many scholars and entrepreneurs paidattention on it. In 1990, the scholar Peter Senge came up with the Fifth discipline (selftranscendence, mental models, Shared vision, team learning, system thinking) oflearning organization with significant influence. After this, all over the world scholarsand experts begin to study the learning organization actively. Different kinds ofcountries used this theory in the governments, enterprises and the other fields. Afterthe 1980s, Singapore, Japan, the United States and other countries have announcedthat they planned to build a learning government in the future.

  Chinese the sixteen congress report pointed out that our country should “build alearning society in which all the people will learn the new knowledge and people willpursue the life-long education to promote persons' full-side developments”, this is alsoone of the goals for our country to realize a well-off society. In the fourth plenarysession of the 17th, Hu Jintao offered to construct the marxist learning party, so as topromote the construction of the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

  In the Chinese eighteenth congress report, Hu Jintao stressed to build a learning,service and innovation marxist party. And put the construction of marxist learningparty in first place.

  No matter Chinese scholars or foreign scholars don not have very mature ideason the study of learning government construction. Both in breadth and depth, there arestill many unknown knowledge and the insufficiency. Foreign scholars pay moreattention on the study of the learning organization and however Chinese scholarsfocus more on the study of theoretical concept, theory and connotation. But theproblems about we meet when we construct a learning government and how to makesolve these problems, in this aspect we don't have a good study and a uniformconclusion well.

  Combining with the current time background, the Chinese traditional culture andthe national conditions of China, based on the famous scholars theories about thelearning organization, learning party and learning government, using the FifthDiscipline theory of Peter M. Senge as a guide, this paper analyzes the meaning andcharacteristics of the learning government, and builds a learning government mode.

  This paper puts forward the significance of building a learning government and putsforward the problems and the solutions our government facing now.

  Building a learning government is a long-term and systematic work, it is not ashort-term effort. Although the Chinese government has adopted a related policy andaction and actively build a learning government, construct learning society, also thereare some good results and positive progress. However, because of the particularitiesof government organization, building a learning government still exist some obstaclesand realistic problems. The learning government model and the related suggestionsthis paper coming up with are also the conclusion of a stage time. In the future I willcontinue to focus on research progress and achievement of the learning government.

  Here I also hope that our country will build a learning government as soon aspossible.

  Key words:Learning Organization ; Learning Government ; The Fifth Discipline

  目 录



  一、 引言



  2. 目的及意义




  二、 学习型政府相关理论概念







  三、 学习型政府建设的重要意义





  四、 学习型政府建设存在的主要问题及原因分析


  1. 政府组织学习内容和方法陈旧

  2. 部分政府成员学习理念弱化

  3. 政府成员学习目标不统一

  4. 政府组织学习制度不完善

  5. 政府组织缺乏协作机制















  致 谢

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