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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-06-05 共5002字



  论 文 摘 要











  关键词:虚拟货币;网络外部性;网上支付; 微观经济影响; 实体经济


  In recent years, the argument over whether virtual currency can have aninfluence on the real economy is a hot topic of the frontiers in economics. At thesame time, the Internet continues to expand its application border, and graduallypenetrates into each corner of social life, bringing a significant impact upon variousfields of the society.

  Judging from the present development of the virtual currency, the emergence andthe issue of virtual currencies are mostly the behavior of enterprises. However, withthe further evolution of the Internet and the development of the economicglobalization, the research of the virtual currency--about the nature, the influences onthe micro-economic development--can offer essential guidelines for theestablishment and implementation of the country's development strategy andmonetary policy. Whereas the study of foreign country cases, as conducted in thisarticle, which helps summarize the development trend and direction of virtualcurrency, can provide precious theoretical, as well as practical experiences for thoseLDCs to avoid the further expansion of the “digital divide” .

  At present, the Chinese academicians' studies on the virtual currency havearrived at very different conclusions. Some regard virtual currency as the scourge,while others consider it no future. All these views share a common premise that theyjudge virtual currency by a mature monetary standard, or even by the credit currencystandards of the reality. Therefore, to analyze and discuss related issues, this articleclassifies virtual currency into two categories--elementary virtual currency andadvanced virtual currency, which is conducive to conduct an objective analysis of thedevelopment and future of virtual currency.

  This article takes the Internet-based virtual currency as a study object to discussits influences on micro economy. The discussion is based on the status-quo, whichincludes the problems in the development of the virtual currency on the current stage,and also looks to the future, which discusses prospects and related issues of virtualcurrency.

  The full text is divided into four parts, including six chapters. The first partintroduces the purpose and significance of this article, and points out that thetheoretical and practical value of the study. It clearly defines the concept of virtualcurrency, and distinguishes the two stages in the development of virtual currency.

  From several different points of view, it points out the distinction and relationbetween the virtual currency and the traditional currency, as well as between thevirtual currency and the electronic currency. The nature of the virtual currency issummed up in this part. Through the study of domestic payment environment, thesecond part of this article finds out the primary reasons for the presence of the virtualcurrency. It introduces and analyzes domestic and foreign development of the virtualcurrency. The third part includes the chapter IV and V, which are the main part ofthis article. It discusses the microeconomic implication of the virtual currency fromthe viewpoint of the network economics. Adopting the “cost - income” method, itanalyzes the influences of Internet-based virtual currency on micro-economy. Thefourth part introduces the presence of virtual bank for the virtual currency, gives abrief summary of this article, and points out that the future of the virtual currency isreunification.

  Through the study of the network externality of the virtual currency, this articlediscusses the microeconomics' implications of virtual currency, and concludes thatusing virtual currency is a better solution to “network congestion”. Because of thedemand on information exchange and the impact of information interaction,information develops towards substantiation. Therefore, the virtual currency can notonly promote the further development of electronic commerce in the economic field,but also serve as the foundation for the large-scale virtual economy entity in the fieldof the economic research, which can accomplish large-scale economic tests at lowercost. It can set up an ideal platform for academic research experiments.

  Applying the “cost - income” method to study the influences of virtualcurrencies on micro-economy, this article reaches the following conclusions: Afterpaying relatively large fixed costs, the virtual currency issuers can benefit fromeconomies of scale and the network effects in the long-term. The companies thataccept the payment in elementary virtual currency can increase their sellingopportunities which are brought by the size of the elementary virtual currencynetwork, so that they could achieve the implementation of the micropayments andhigh-frequency transactions. The virtual currency can complete the payment system,improve the efficiency of the economy, and promote faster economic development.

  Based on the analysis in this article, the influences of the virtual currency on acountry's micro-economy emerge gradually, but the intensity of the influences ongrowth varies from countries to countries. Because the elementary virtual currency isissued mainly by the non-financial institutions and enterprises, and the rapiddevelopment of the virtual currency is the emerging phenomenon in the last twoyears, it is very difficult to collect relevant data. Therefore, the article fails to provideempirical examinations with an econometric model to analyze the relationshipbetween the issue of the elementary virtual currency and business operations.

  Keywords: virtual currency; network externality; online payment system;influences on micro-economy; real economy


  第 1 章 导论

  1.1 研究目的与意义

  1.2 相关文献综述

  1.3 本文结构

  1.4 创新与不足

  第 2 章 虚拟货币的概念界定

  2.1 虚拟货币的定义

  2.1.1 虚拟货币的概念

  2.1.2 虚拟货币的特征

  2.2 虚拟货币与现实货币的区别与联系

  2.2.1 虚拟货币与现实货币的区别

  2.2.2 虚拟货币与现实货币的联系

  2.3 初级虚拟货币与电子货币的区别与联系

  2.3.1 初级虚拟货币与电子货币的区别

  2.3.2 初级虚拟货币与电子货币的联系

  2.4 虚拟货币的性质

  第 3 章 初级虚拟货币的产生与发展

  3.1 初级虚拟货币的产生与发展

  3.1.1 我国当前的支付环境及存在问题

  3.1.2 初级虚拟货币产生的原因

  3.2 初级虚拟货币的发展现状分析

  3.2.1 国内初级虚拟货币的发展分析

  3.2.2 国外初级虚拟货币的发展分析

  第 4 章 虚拟货币的微观经济意义

  4.1 网络外部性

  4.2 虚拟货币与“网络拥堵”

  4.3 初级虚拟货币对电子商务的影响

  4.4 初级虚拟货币与经济研究

  第 5 章 初级虚拟货币对微观经济主体的影响

  5.1 初级虚拟货币的对发行者的影响

  5.1.1 初级虚拟货币的发行成本

  5.1.2 初级虚拟货币的发行收入

  5.1.3 初级虚拟货币和其它电子货币的发行分析

  5.2 初级虚拟货币对第三方商家的影响

  5.2.1 第三方接受初级虚拟货币支付的成本

  5.2.2 第三方接受初级虚拟货币支付的收入

  5.3 小结

  第 6 章 虚拟货币的发展方向

  6.1 虚拟货币零售银行

  6.2 虚拟货币的统一将是未来的发展方向


  致 谢

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