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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2016-12-29 共2975字

【题目】 江西省高中生教育补习问题探析
【3.1 - 3.3】教育补习的强度
【3.4 - 3.7】教育补习的原因和动机
  摘 要
  从补习的现状上来看,江西省有 43%的高中生参加了教育补习,补习最多的科目是数学、英语和物理;江西省高中生的平均补习强度是 4.17 小时/周,重点高中的学生无论在补习时间上还是补习的科目数量上均大于普通高中;江西省高中生的平均补习支出大约为 1000 元/月,高三阶段的补习强度虽不是最高,但高三阶段的补习支出最大;江西省地级市及县级市的学生多选择去任课老师家补习,省会城市的学生则较多选择参加辅导机构的教育补习;高中生参与教育补习的原因主要为了提高考试的竞争力;教育补习的参与主体对教育补习的评价大都是积极的,大部分学生认为补习对自己的成绩有所助益。
  It is quite common that urban senior high school students take private tutoring inChina. Such an educational form exits by attaching itself to the mainstream education,which is called as the “shadow” of mainstream education. Currently, the academiccircle in our country lacks specific researches on such an educational phenomenon,lacks the understandings about the scale, strength, expenditure and influence ofeducational tutoring, and also lacks explorations about the factors affecting theeducational tutoring. Based on the above reasons, by statistical analysis on the datadrawn from questionnaires of 6 senior high schools sampled from three regions inJiangxi, it gets the following conclusions:
  From the current status of private tutoring, there are more than 40% senior highschool students in Jiangxi who take part in the private tutoring after class. Theymostly take extra lessons of maths, English and physics; the average tutoring intensityof senior high school students in Jiangxi is 4.17 hours per week. No matter in theaspect of tutoring time or the number of tutoring disciplines, those of students in keysenior high schools are all larger than those of students in normal senior high schools.
  The average expenditure of private tutoring is about 1000 yuan/month. Although thetutoring intensity in Senior Grade Three is not the highest, the expenditure is just thelargest. Most senior high school students choose to take private tutoring at home oftheir own teachers. Students in provincial capitals mostly choose to take privatetutoring in tutoring organizations. As the reasons why senior high school studentstake part in the private tutoring, it is mainly because of improving the competitivenessin exams. Most participants' appraisals of private tutoring are positive. Most studentsconsider that it is beneficial for their own achievements by taking private tutoring.
  From the influential factors of private tutoring, ten elements have dominantlypositive influences on the probability to take part in the private tutoring, respectivelyare “type of city”, “type of school”, “educational background of father”, “educationalbackground of mother”, “income level of family”, “parents' expectations of theacademic performance”, “own expectations of the academic performance”, “effectiveguidance of parents”, “parents' attitude toward the private tutoring” and “students'attitude toward the private tutoring”. There are ten elements having dominantlypositive influences on the expenditure of private tutoring, respectively are “grade”,“type of city”, “educational background of father”, “educational background ofmother”, “income level of family”, “parents' expectations of the academicperformance”, “own expectations of the academic performance”, “effective guidanceof parents”, “parents' attitude toward the private tutoring” and “students' attitudetoward the private tutoring”.
  Private tutoring has generated profound influences on the mainstream education,society and economy. In the meanwhile of satisfying diversified requirements ofstudents, the private tutoring has also generated negative influences on themainstream education. Private tutoring has created opportunities of employment andpromoted the economic development, but it has also become the zone which isdifficult for the government to supervise. Families having high social economicstatuses may occupy more high-quality tutoring resources and result in the socialinequality.
  Key Words: private tutoring; shadow education; senior high school; influentialfactors

  目 录
  第 1 章 引论
  1.1 研究缘起
  1.2 研究意义
  1.3 概念界定
  1.4 研究综述
  1.4.1 国内研究综述
  1.4.3 已有研究的启示
  第 2 章 研究设计
  2.1 研究方法
  2.2 研究工具的设计
  2.3 样本的选择
  2.4 调查对象的基本信息
  第 3 章 教育补习的基本情况描述
  3.1 教育补习的规模
  3.2 教育补习的科目
  3.3 教育补习的强度
  3.4 教育补习的支出
  3.5 教育补习的形式
  3.6 教育补习的效果与评价
  3.6.1 补习的效果
  3.6.2 补习的评价
  3.7 教育补习的原因和动机
  第 4 章 教育补习的影响因素
  4.1 教育补习机率的影响因素分析
  4.2 教育补习支出的影响因素分析
  4.2.1 相关分析
  4.2.2 多元线性回归分析
  4.2.3 个案分析
  第 5 章 教育补习的影响
  5.1 教育补习对主流教育的影响
  5.1.1 教育补习对主流教师的影响
  5.1.2 教育补习对学生的影响
  5.2 教育补习对社会的影响
  5.2.1 教育补习对学生群体压力的影响
  5.2.2 教育补习对社会平等的影响
  5.2.3 教育补习对社会关系的影响
  5.3 教育补习对经济的影响
  第 6 章 结语
  6.1 研究结论
  6.2 几点建议
  6.3 研究局限
  6.4 研究展望
  致 谢
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