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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-07-28 共2833字







  关键词:民办高校 薪酬福利 激励机制 绩效考核


  Private colleges have experienced a tortuous process from scratch and fromimmature to mature. Compared with public universities, private universities have theshort development time and there are many problems in such aspects of financialcapital, the basic facilities construction, teachers construction and the internalmanagement mechanism. The problem of teachers construction is particularlyprominent. In order to improve the quality of the teachers, private colleges mustattract and retain high-level, highly educated talents. How to attract top talent andadopt what kind of incentive mechanism and measure is one of the problems forprivate colleges to solve immediately. Salary welfare management is a very effectiveincentive tool. It plays role of compensation guidance, arouses teachers' workenthusiasm and enhance teachers' sense of belonging. At present, private collegeshave made the teachers' salary welfare system, but they are founded by businessinvestment. As a result, the management of the campus is under the mode of theenterprise and the management system is lack of experience in colleges anduniversities. Therefore, teachers' salary welfare system of most private colleges isnot scientific or imperfect, so as to hinder the construction of teachers team. To solvethis problem, we are supposed to change something from the management system ofprivate colleges in the final analysis. Building a scientific and reasonable salarywelfare system can greatly improve the teachers' sense of belonging, improveteachers' work enthusiasm and enhance teachers' sense of ownership. Meanwhile, itis a strong pillar of the attraction and cohesion as well as a need for private collegesto realize the core competitiveness of strategic development.

  Scientific and reasonable salary welfare system which is suitable for thedevelopment of private colleges has to follow the principle of “distribution accordingto work, reward according to the optimal work ” as well as reflect the principle offairness, justice and open. Salary welfare system and performance appraisal systemshould be combined together perfectly. That is to conduct a comprehensiveinspection from teachers' professional morality, teaching quality, scientific researchand performance indicators, finally providing teacher's work performance-relatedpay according to the result of the performance. Through establishing a scientific,reasonable and fair salary welfare system which is linked to teachers' workperformance, we can arouse teachers' work enthusiasm, improve their own value,provide whole-hearted service for colleges and universities and ultimately achievethe win-win situation of personal and school' s common development.

  Key words:Private colleges; Salary and welfare; Mechanism of Inspiration; Performanceappraisal

  目 录

  第 1 章 绪论

  1.1 研究背景

  1.2 研究意义

  1.3 国内外研究现状

  1.3.1 国内研究文献综述

  1.3.2 国外研究文献综述

  1.4 研究方法

  1.5 研究思路与结构安排

  第 2 章 相关概念及理论基础

  2.1 相关概念的界定

  2.1.1 民办高校概念界定

  2.1.2 薪酬福利、薪酬福利制度及组成

  2.2 理论基础

  2.2.1 激励薪酬理论

  2.2.2 委托代理理论

  2.2.3 均衡工资理论

  2.2.4 人力资本理论

  第 3 章 民办高校教师薪酬福利制度存在的问题

  3.1 薪酬水平普遍偏低

  3.1.1 直接货币薪酬普遍偏低

  3.1.2 福利性薪酬偏低

  3.2 薪酬结构不合理

  3.3 缺乏科学的薪酬激励机制

  3.4 薪酬福利与工作绩效考核脱钩

  第 4 章 民办高校教师薪酬福利制度存在问题的原因分析

  4.1 民办高校内部资金收支比例失调

  4.2 民办高校薪酬结构设计不合理

  4.3 民办高校内部薪酬管理与激励机制尚不够成熟

  4.4 民办高校管理者忽视了绩效考核的重要性

  第 5 章 民办 BFLG 学院教师薪酬管理现状

  5.1 BFLG 学院简况

  5.2 BFLG 学院教师队伍情况

  5.3 BFLG 学院教师薪酬现状

  5.3.1 薪酬水平现状

  5.3.2 薪酬结构现状

  5.3.3 薪酬激励机制分析

  第 6 章 民办高校教师薪酬福利制度的改进措施

  6.1 扩充资金来源

  6.2 改进薪酬结构理顺薪酬关系

  6.3 建立合理的薪酬激励机制

  6.4 薪酬管理与绩效考核有机结合

  结 论


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