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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2016-10-25 共1728字
  摘 要
  本文将以商业银行信用风险为主题,通过对 X 商业银行的经营现状以及各财务指标进行分析,进一步来阐述信用风险的成因,并由点及面讨论我国信用风险管理的现状与问题,逐步探寻信用风险管理的缺陷与不足。
  关键词:商业银行 信用风险 风险管理
  Commercial Banks is an important part of the financial system,CommercialBanks will face a lot of risks in the process of the business ,Mainly include credit risk,operational risk, market risk, legal risk, etc. Credit risk is the fundamental risk thatbanks are facing, and currently is also China's commercial banks' major risk.Withthe advancement of internationalization,Under the background of global quantitativeeasing ,the global commercial bank credit risk overall rise, at the same time, theregional difference is more obvious. A large number of non-performing assets ofbanks and the competition with foreign banks make that raising the credit riskmanagement level of China's banking industry has become an importantissue.Emerging international assessment agency dagong, points out that our countrybanking industry faced with larger pressure of controlling credit risk, The probabilityof systemic credit crisis is extremely low.Although our country banking industry facesmacroeconomic growth and the dual pressure of economic structuretransformation,As well as the rapid growth of scale of the “shadow banking” and soon.But the short or medium term appears the probability of systemic risk in China'sbanking industry is extremely low.First, basic robust control of operation of macroeconomy,The banking regulatory indicators are more outstanding.Second, the bankingregulatory policy is strictly conservative, standards are far higher than commoninternational standards. Finally, China's banking sector has a special financialconditions as the cornerstone of business support.
  This article will deal with the subject of commercial bank credit risk,Through theanalysis of X the status quo of commercial Banks further elaborated the cause ofcredit risk, present situation and problems of credit risk management in our country,explore the defects of China's banking credit risk management.
  Key words: commercial bank credit risk risk management

  目 录
  摘 要
  绪 论
  1.1 银行面临的风险分类
  1.2 信用风险的发展历程
  1.3 信用风险在整个风险体系中的地位
  2. 信用风险成因分析
  2.1 信用风险成因外部分析
  2.2 信用风险成因内部分析
  3. 信用风险在我国的现状及风险管理中存在的问题
  5.X 商业银行 2012 年-2013 年的信用风险管理分析
  6.1 强化政府的支持
  6.2 强化金融监管
  6.3 提高商业银行信用风险度量能力
  6.4 改革银行的体制
  致 谢
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