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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-07-21 共3961字


【引言  第一章】胎儿权益保护理论 
【第五章】 “不当出生”损害赔偿的司法保护 

  摘 要

  对胎儿权益给予保护是近年来各国法律一致秉持的态度。在我国,《民法通则》第 9 条规定“公民从出生时起到死亡时止,具有民事权利能力”,法律上不承认胎儿的民事主体地位,使胎儿权益保护在立法上存在缺失,目前我国胎儿权益主要由法官通过司法裁判进行保护。





  关键词:胎儿 胎儿权益 胎儿权利能力 司法保护


  In recent years, legislations of many countries have been dedicated tothe protection of fetus rights. But according to the stipulation of Article 9of General Principles of the Civil Law of the People's Republic of Chinathat a citizen has the capacity for civil rights from birth to death, so fetus'civil subject status is not admitted legally, which leads to absent legislationon fetus rights protection. Therefore, currently fetus rights are mainlyprotected by juridical adjudication in China.

  Focusing on various kinds of fetus rights-related dispute cases inChina, this paper adopts case analysis method as primary demonstrationmethod to discuss juridical protection condition of fetus rights. In additionto introduction and conclusion, this paper will make discussion in fivechapters as follows:

  The first chapter is the discussion of two current fetus rights protectiontheories, “legal capacity theory” and “legal interest theory” which haveimpact on judicature. With comparative analysis of “legal capacity theory”and “legal interest theory”, it is concluded in this chapter that these twokinds of standpoints provide theoretical support to judicial protection forvarious kinds of fetus rights disputes respectively, with great guidingfunction as well as certain limitation in application;Juridical protection of fetus personal injury is discussed in the secondchapter. Characteristics and liability elements of personal injury disputesare summarized with some cases, and legal basis and compensation scopeof personal injury and damage compensation are discussed as well. It isconcluded in this chapter that juridical protection of fetus personal injurydisputes in China regards fetus live birth as premise, newborn naturalperson as civil subject, provides relief to the injury during fetus period, and“rights vorwirkung theory” is applied in practical judgment;The third chapter is about the posthumous child alimony disputes,namely the juridical protection of posthumous child's rights to be fostered.The compensation issues of posthumous child's alimony under differentsituations and primary basis of court supporting alimony compensation areanalyzed together with cases. As no specific law, trail and judgment ofposthumous child alimony disputes is the process of court find laws in casejudgments by various means. With diverse judgment reasons, there areissues of disunity and uncertainty in juridical protection;On basis of juridical protection of fetus property inheritance, donationrights, typical cases of fetus property inheritance and donation rights arediscussed respectively in the fourth chapter. And this is also extended tofetus's bequest acceptance issues, to make conclusion of all kinds of pointsof fetus rights protection in juridical judgment. It is concluded in thischapter that, no matter which judgment method is adopted, its purpose is tobring fetus rights into legislation protection scope of “human” rights.

  Application of “legal capacity theory” tacitly admits fetus' civil subjectstatus in certain circumstances;The fifth chapter mainly discusses the legal issues of “improper birth”damage compensation disputes, including parents' option of sound childrearing, compensation claim right and compensation scope. It is concludedin this chapter that, though “improper birth” doesn't cause infringementdirectly to fetus rights, as a special type of fetus rights protection, disputedamage compensation is mainly for relieving material and psychologicalinconvenience and trouble of parents and their own, which shall besupported by court.

  Through classified discussion of fetus rights-involved disputes, fetusprotection methods and existing problems of current juridical practice inChina are summarized. In conclusion part, the author believes, undercircumstances with absent legislation of fetus civil subject status, thatjudges try every means to find theoretical basis, and conduct juridicalprotection of fetus rights through case judgments is a temporary solutionwhile perfect legislation is the basic countermeasure to solve fetus rightsprotection problems. When Civil Code of China is being drafted,suggestions are offered for perfect legislation from juridical perspective.

  KEY WORDS: Fetus, Embryos right capability, Embryos' interest,Juridical protection

    目 录

  引 言

  第一章 胎儿权益保护理论



  第二节 “法益说”




  第二章 胎儿人身伤害的司法保护

  第一节 胎儿人身伤害纠纷的特点





  第二节 胎儿人身伤害的责任要件






  第三节 胎儿人身伤害典型案例分析





  第三章 遗腹子抚养费的司法保护

  第一节 遗腹子抚养费纠纷典型案例

  第二节 遗腹子抚养费赔偿问题分析

  第三节 遗腹子抚养费赔偿的主要依据




  第四章 胎儿财产继承等权益的司法保护

  第一节 胎儿财产继承权益典型案例

  第二节 继承纠纷的胎儿权益保护

  第三节 赠与及遗赠纠纷中的胎儿权益保护



  第五章 “不当出生”损害赔偿的司法保护

  第一节 “不当出生”概念及其特点

  第二节 “不当出生”损害赔偿典型案例

  第三节 优生优育选择权的侵权法保护

  第四节 损害赔偿请求权和赔偿范围



  结 论


  致 谢

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