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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2016-09-23 共2871字
  随着新一轮医疗卫生体制改革的推进,公立医院的外部环境发生了巨大变化。2010 年,财政部、卫生部联合发布《医院财务制度》,明确规定“医院要实行全面预算管理,建立健全预算管理制度,包括预算编制、审批、执行、调整、决算、分析和考核等制度。”、“医院要实行成本核算,强化成本控制、实施绩效考评”.从而以制度的形式要求医院推行全面预算管理及成本管理。
  本文从理论出发,阐述全面预算管理及成本管理的相关理论,从理论角度表明以全面预算管理方法,加强公立医院成本管理的可行性及重要性。通过对公立医院成本管理及全面预算管理的发展历程的回顾,以及现状的描述,表明公立医院成本管理管理存在的问题,引出国内外先进的成本管理方法。并在此基础上引出通过全面预算管理方法,加强公立医院成本管理的研究。本文以 S 医院为例,阐述了 S 医院通过全面预算管理的方法,使得医院以及科室的成本管理水平有了较大提高。本文从医院及科室两个层面,用数据图表等形式,证明了预算管理对成本管理的提升作用。在此基础上,介绍了 S 医院的具体措施,通过剖析 S 医院在运用全面预算管理方法替身成本管理水晶过程中存在的不足,提出了进一步完善管理的建议。为我国公立医院推行全面预算管理和成本管理提供思路和借鉴,为公立医院管理提升做出贡献。
  关键字:公立医院 全面预算管理 成本管理
  With the constant promotion of a new reform of medical health system, great changeshappened to the environment for the development of Public hospitals.In 2010, the ministryof finance, the ministry of health jointly issued “the hospital financial system,” clear“hospital to implement comprehensive budget management, establish and perfect thesystem of budget management, including budgeting, examination and approval, execution,adjustment and final accounts, analysis and evaluation system.” Should execute, “hospitalcost accounting, strengthening the cost control, the implementation of performanceevaluation”. And requirements in the form of system of hospital comprehensive budgetmanagement and cost management.
  Measures of public hospital comprehensive budget management and costmanagement is imperative, the study of public hospital comprehensive budget managementand cost management research is not a few, but often the two separated, the formation ofindependent management system, and how the comprehensive budget management in theeffective management methods and means of integration to the process of costmanagement, enhance the cost management level, is an important topic of the publichospital manage resources integration.
  This article embarks from the theory, the paper expounds the comprehensive budgetmanagement and cost management of related theory, from the perspective of theory showsthat the method proposed in the comprehensive budget management, strengthen thefeasibility and significance of the public hospital cost management. Through to the publichospital cost management, and reviews the developing course of comprehensive budgetmanagement, as well as a description of the status quo, to show that public hospital costmanagement problems existing in the management, which leads to the advanced costmanagement methods at home and abroad. Based on the lead by the methods ofcomprehensive budget management, strengthening the research of public hospital costmanagement. This article takes S hospital as an example, this paper expounds the Shospital, through the method of comprehensive budget management, make the costmanagement level of hospital and department has greatly improved. In this paper, fromtwo levels of hospitals and departments, with data chart, proved that the budgetmanagement function to the promotion of cost management. On this basis, this paperintroduces the S hospital of specific measures, via analysis methods in the use ofcomprehensive budget management in hospital S double crystal of deficiencies in theprocess of cost management, and puts forward the further perfect the managementSuggestions. For our country public hospital comprehensive budget management and costmanagement provided ideas and reference, contribute to public hospital managementpromotion.
  Key Words: Public hospitals, comprehensive budget management, cost management

  目 录
  第一章 绪 论
  第二章 公立医院成本管理及全面预算管理相关理论回顾
  第三章 公立医院成本管理及全面预算管理的发展历程及现状
  第四章 国内外医院成本管理方法简介
  第五章 运用全面预算管理方法 加强公立医院成本管理的研究
  第六章 案例分析
  一、S 医院全面预算管理与成本管理的发展现状
  (一)S 医院简介
  (二)S 医院以全面预算管理推进成本管理的现状探讨
  第七章 本文研究的结论与展望
  致 谢
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