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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2016-12-22 共4349字
  1 前言
  1.1 选题依据
  1.2 研究目的、意义
  1.2.1 研究目的
  1.2.2 研究意义
  1.3 研究任务
  2 文献综述
  2.1 球性练习方法和球性练习重要性的研究
  2.2 运双球练习方法研究现状
  2.2.1 运双球练习方法对练习者兴趣培养的研究
  2.2.2 运双球练习方法对练习者全脑潜能和协调性影响的研究
  2.3 多媒体技术对体育教学影响的研究
  2.4 篮球多媒体 CAI 课件制作研究现状
  3 研究对象与方法
  3.1 研究对象
  3.2 研究方法
  3.2.1 文献资料法
  3.2.2 专家访谈法
  3.2.3 课件制作法
  3.2.4 教学实验法
  3.2.5 问卷调查法
  3.2.6 数理统计法
  3.2.7 逻辑分析法
  4 研究结果与讨论
  4.1 课件的设计与制作分析
  4.1.1 确定课件内容
  4.1.2 课件类型的分析
  4.1.3 本课件设计所遵循的原则依据
  4.1.4 本课件的拍摄思路
  4.1.5 制作本课件的素材准备
  4.1.6 本课件的内容结构设计的分析
  4.1.7 本课件的制作过程
  4.1.8 课件的制作结果的分析
  4.2 教学实验的设计
  4.2.1 教学实验的对象
  4.2.2 教学实验的目的
  4.2.3 教学实验的时间与周期
  4.2.4 教学实验的方法
  4.2.5 教学实验的测试办法及分析
  4.2.6 教学实验的控制
  4.2.7 教学实验过程
  4.2.8 教学实验的结果与分析
  4.3 对问卷结果的分析
  4.3.1 调查对象概况
  4.3.1 本课件内容对学生兴趣影响的分析
  4.3.2 学生对本课件整体的主观评价
  5 结论与建议
  5.1 结论
  5.2 建议
  致 谢

  本文采用文献资料法、专家访谈法、教学实验法、问卷调查法、数理统计法、逻辑分析法、课件制作法等研究方法展开研究。本文的主旨是对多媒体 CAI 课件制作的研究,篮球运双球技术为课件的教学内容。本文的研究目的:一方面是要完成“运双球练习”多媒体 CAI 课件的制作;另一方面从课件内容和课件特点出发,分析本课件的使用对练习者脑功能、协调性以及兴趣和积极性等方面的积极影响;再通过实证,从客观事实和主观感受上,验证本课件的使用是否能达到理想的效果,对课件的应用效果做出综合分析和评价。
  在本课件制作方面,通过与专家交流,获得了技术支持和理论指导,结合课件制作法,依据本课件的类型、基本制作原理,加以作者的创新,确定脚本的设计和拍摄思路,运用多角度的机位铺设录制来表现课件的演示内容,并作为本课件的视频素材,通过对篮球运双球练习的技术分析确定文字素材,并运用专业的视频制作软件将视频素材剪辑、优化、渲染、组合,再与丰富的文字素材加以结合,最终完成篮球运动“运双球练习”多媒体 CAI 课件的制作。
  1.根据研究现状的调查,关于篮球运双球练习方法的相关资料匮乏,运用课件制作的方法完成“运双球练习”多媒体 CAI 课件的研制,弥补篮球教学资料在这一研究领域的空白,为练习者和研究者提供可参考依据。
  2.通过对“运双球练习”多媒体 CAI 课件内容的分析,总结出本课件内容具备以下优点:高效性;对双手练习的平衡性;可以调动练习者的积极性;可以增强练习者的协调性;有利于练习者全脑智力的开发。
  4.通过问卷调查的结果分析,大多数学生能在主观感受上认为本课件能够激发他们的学习兴趣,帮助他们达到理想的练习效果,大多数学生认为课件的表现形式能够帮助更好的他们掌握学习内容,对课件的满意度达到 90%,学生希望在今后的篮球教学中采用多媒体 CAI 课件进行辅助教学。
  关键词:篮球;运双球练习;多媒体 CAI 课件;制作[]
  This article uses literature material method,expert interviewmethod,teaching experimental method,questionnaire survey method,mathematical statistics method,logic analysis method,courseware studyresearch method and so on. The purpose of this article is the study ofmultimedia CAI courseware,the teaching content is about the double balltechnique courseware. There are two purposes of this article: on is tocomplete the making of multimedia CAI courseware for“basketball doubleballs practice”teaching; the other one is to analyze the positiveinfluence of this courseware for the brain function,coordination,interest and motivation of the practitioners from the content andcharacteristics of the courseware. Then through evidence from theobjective facts and subjective feeling,verify whether the use of thiscourseware can achieve the ideal effect,make analysis and evaluationfor the application effect of the courseware.
  In this courseware,get technical support and theoretical guidancethrough the communication with experts,combining with the coursewaremanufacture method,based on the type of the courseware,the basicprinciple. Add the innovation of the author,deciding the design andphotography mentality of script,using multi-angle reservation laidrecord to show courseware demo content,and using the content as videofootage of the courseware .Based on double ball practice of basketballtechnical analysis to determine the text material , and using theprofessional video production software to do video footage clips,optimization,rendering,combination for the video .Combined with richtext material to again,finally complete the making“basketball doubleballs practice”of multimedia CAI courseware.
  The characteristics of this courseware is: the content is novel,the practice method is proper,the order of the practice method is instrict accordance with the principle of proceeding in an orderly wayand step by step. Through consulting a large number of literature,andcarry double ball in basketball practice action method and action pointswere analyzed,and the use of literature and research results in a reliableway,induce and summary the features and advantages of the technologyof double ball,including double ball work efficiency,double ballpractice on the balanceof the hands,double ball exercises can arousethe enthusiasm of practitioners,double ball exercises can enhance thetrainees coordination,double ball exercises help practitioners' wholebrain development of intelligence. By giving relevant theory supportdata and documents to prove the scientific,authenticity,objectiveexistence of what described in the view.
  Aim at the validation of the courseware's practicability,the authoruse the method of teaching experiment,make group control experiment,do mathematical statistics and the test reliability and validity of datafor the experimental results,and the application of relevant knowledgeof logic to the data analysis,to verify whether the use of coursewarecan bring the subjects good using effect,through the use of objectiveexperimental data to reflect the meaning of courseware. Then aquestionnaire survey was conducted to the user,the questionnaire'smain idea is to survey the user's view and evaluation of coursewareunder the subjective consciousness. Verify the courseware's successesand deficiencies from the objective data and subjective consciousness,and propose the conclusion:
  1.Through to the“basketball double ball of practice” multimediaCAI courseware content analysis,summarizes the shipment double ballexercise method has the following advantages: high efficiency; Thebalance of the hands practice; It can arouse the enthusiasm ofpractitioners; Can enhance the coordination of practitioners; Isadvantageous to the practitioners of whole brain intelligencedevelopment.
  2.According to a survey research status about basketball double ballmethod is lack of relevant information,the article USES the method ofcourseware complete “Double Balls Dribbling Practice” practiceteaching of multimedia CAI courseware making,make up for the basketballteaching material in the research field of blank,for practitioners toprovide a reference basis.
  3.This courseware to applied research,contrast experiment methodof teaching experiment,mathematical statistics and logical analysisof the experimental data,by using the courseware learning can makestudents better improve the level and ability to control the ball,dribbleobjective to verify the effectiveness of the courseware good use effect.
  4.Through the questionnaire survey analysis,most students can thinkthat double ball on the subjective feeling of training can arouse theirinterest,help them to achieve the ideal effect of practice,most ofthe students think of courseware forms can help them grasp the learningcontent,satisfaction rate of 90% of the courseware,students hope inthe future of basketball teaching is auxiliary teaching with themultimedia CAI courseware.
  Keywords:basketball;Multimedia CAI Courseware;Double Balls Dribbling;Make
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