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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2016-11-08 共4327字
  摘 要
  关键词:大学生 体质下降 社会学
  In the economic level of science and technology rapid development today,people's quality of life in gradually increase obviously, speed up the pace of life, butthe resulting social pressure and burden is becoming more and more big, therefore,people's physical health problem become a big problem that needs urgent solution.
  For college students, it is necessary to physical health, college students is a majortalent force of social development, is a replacement for the future society, collegestudents' physique health or not directly affects the productivity development in ourcountry, affecting the improvement of the improvement of national comprehensivenational strength and international competitiveness, so college students physicalhealth problems must be social widespread attention and highly valued. In recentyears, although the study of college students' physical deterioration, can students'physique still showed a trend of decline, deeply worrying. In order to improve on thesociological aspect of and improve physical health problems of college students inChina, this paper USES the literature material law, expert interview method,questionnaire survey method, mathematical statistics, logic analysis method, throughexpert interview investigation and social interview investigation, samplingquestionnaire survey students, emphatically from the Angle of sociology, summarizesand sums up the sociological factors's influence and the cause of college students'physical deterioration, relevant solutions are put forward based on these factors andthe suggestion, thus to improve our country provides some references for students'physique.
  According to this a series of sociological factors influencing college students'physical deterioration, it is concluded that for affect college students' physicaldeterioration not only is the issue of school education, including family environment,social environment, a series of comprehensive factors of university student individualitself. As a school, the school of “heavy text light weapons”, not value of physicalhealth, physical education strength small, fitness equipment, lack of space, lack ofcanteen food health and safety management, lack of extracurricular sportsorganization guides are the cause of college students' physical deterioration, Asfamily environment impacts, family fitness consciousness weak, heavy nutrition notonly exercise, too much spoil, love the one child policy, high expectations for theirchildren, cause children have no time to participate in the exercise under pressure,thus resulting in a decline in students' physique; From social environment, due to theeffect of traditional thoughts, do not take the lead to the country, the society for sports,too little investment, coupled with the great development of productivity, whichmarketers too much emphasis on economic interests, national implementation ofenrollment expansion in colleges and universities, community sports construction isnot perfect, imperfect guarantee agencies, the transportation is convenient, theenvironment pollution and change of network, electronic products have an effect oncollege students' physical deterioration; And return to a personal problem, thestudents' fitness consciousness is not strong, irregular life work and rest, and diet isnot normal, Internet addiction, exams, job stress, for sports don't have much money,have no interest in physical exercise, do not want to participate in physical exercise toare direct factors that led to the decrease of the constitution of the students ofsociology.
  In order to improve and enhance the physical health of college students, from theperspective of sociology influence factors analysis, put forward the countermeasuresand Suggestions of the following aspects:
  One, change the traditional thought of bondage, to improve the status of sportsand sports people, create a good sports atmosphere, promote health and education;Second, strengthen the university student, the family and society as a wholesports fitness health consciousness, enlarge the propaganda of network media,through public opinion system to improve college students' attention to physicalhealth, and consciously take exercise;Third, improve the unreasonable living habits and lifestyle, diet and nutrition, ontime, reasonable distribution of work and rest time, don't stay up late, exercise more,mix;Four, create a good atmosphere on the development of colleges and universitiessports, run a variety of in-class and extracurricular sports activities and organizestudents to watch sports or video, posted sports culture.
  Five, take an active part in outdoor sports, don't do “curtilage male curtilagefemale”, do not do network regulars;Six, change teaching mode, select material diversity, diversity of teaching;Seven, the government give more attention, increase financial support and spiritsupport, increase the sports facilities;Eight, formulate relevant laws regulations intervention in college students toparticipate in physical exercise, and set some supervision and management of relevantdepartments and help improve students' physique better;Nine, to control vehicle travel, advocate to protectde the environment.
  Key words: college student physical deterioration sociology

  目 录
  摘 要
  目 录
  第一章 前言
  第一节 选题背景与依据
  第二节 研究目的与意义
  一 研究目的
  二 研究意义
  第三节 相关文献综述
  一 体质
  二 国内大学生的体质研究状况
  三 国外大学生的体质研究状况
  第四节 研究对象与研究方法
  一 研究对象
  二 研究方法
  第二章 研究结果与分析
  第一节 大学生体质持续下降的数据调查分析
  一 中国大学生体质下降的数据引用说明
  第二节 从社会学角度分析影响大学生体质下降因素的研究
  一 专家访谈 …
  二 抽样社会调查访谈
  三 抽样学生调查
  第三节 基于社会学角度的大学生体质下降原因
  一 社会环境因素
  二 学校自身因素
  三 家庭自身因素
  四 生活环境和生活方式因素
  五 学生自身因素
  第四节 从社会学角度如何改善提高大学生体质
  一 自身
  二 学校
  三 家庭
  四 社会
  第三章 结论与建议
  第一节 结论
  第二节 建议
  致 谢
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