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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-04-15 共2613字


【第一章  第二章】大妈广场舞现象问题研究前言与综述 
【第三章  第四章】城市公共空间与大妈广场舞概念理论 
【5.1  5.2】大妈广场舞的利与弊 




  1 前言

  1.1 选题依据

  1.2 目的与意义

  1.3 研究任务

  2 文献综述

  2.1 大妈广场舞现状

  2.2 “大妈广场舞”现象所反映出的问题

  2.3 “大妈广场舞”开展的对策

  2.4 简要评述

  3 研究对象与方法

  3.1 研究对象

  3.2 研究方法

  3.2.1 文献资料法

  3.2.2 观察法

  3.2.3 访谈法

  3.2.4 个案分析法

  3.2.5 逻辑分析法

  4 核心概念界说与理论支撑

  4.1 核心概念界说

  4.1.1 城市公共空间

  4.1.2 公民意识

  4.1.3 “大妈广场舞”现象

  4.2 理论支撑

  4.2.1 城市公共空间理论

  4.2.2 公民社会理论

  5 研究结果与分析

  5.1 从特殊群体到公共话题:“大妈广场舞”现象产生与演化

  5.1.1 一个特殊群体:中国大妈

  5.1.2 大妈广场舞的产生和演化

  5.2 现实争议:大妈广场舞的利与弊

  5.2.1 积极作用

  5.2.2 消极社会影响

  5.2.3 “大妈广场舞”现象的成因分析

  5.3 健身公共空间营造与公民意识培育:健身活动开展的思考

  5.3.1 当前中国城市健身公共空间的反思

  5.3.2 公民社会构建与公民意识培育

  5.3.3 健身活动未来开展的思考

  6 结论与建议

  6.1 结论

  6.2 具体建议

  6.2.1 营造更好地健身公共空间

  6.2.2 加强公民意识培育




  “大妈广场舞”现象是当今中国社会的热点现象。随着 2008 年北京奥运会的成功举办和《全民健身计划(2011-2015)》的实施,广场舞这种独特的健身方式在祖国大江南北风靡起来。但从 2013 年起,媒体对“大妈广场舞”引起冲突的报道日益增多,这一系列冲突发生的背后,是社会健身公共空间、公民意识和公德、政府部门监管、城市基础设施建设等缺失的体现。但广场舞又是一种群众自发的文化现象,其发展存在许多实际的困难和问题。




  关键词:大妈 广场舞扰民 健身公共空间 公民意识


  “The elder woman Square Dance” phenomenon is a hot topic in today's society.

  With the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games successfully held and the implement of“ National Fitness Program (2011-2015)” ,this unique workout-dancing of square dancegradually swept across the motherland. But from 2013, the media “ The elder womanSquare Dance ” conflicting reports increasing , behind this series of conflicts , that isreflected the lack of social health of public space , civic consciousness and morality ,government regulation, and other urban infrastructure.But the square dance is a culturalphenomenon of spontaneity , its development has some practical difficulties andproblems.

  In order to provide reasonable advice, provides a theoretical basis for the relevantdepartments and people to carry out sports activities,also make guidance for the elderlyto participate in fitness exercise in public space,social sports activities and lay the goodfoundation. In this paper,through literature,observation, expert interviews, case analysisand logical analysis method , to deeply researching and reflecting “The Elder SquareDance”phenomenon. By analyzing this special group, by interviewing the square dancegroups and neighborhood, analysis of a typical case of Square Dance conflict cases,results showed that: square dancer is increasing,which is most of middle-aged women.

  Through the exercise,they enhanced their physical system,expanded the circle of friends,had fun. After all , this is a spontaneous activity of square dance group . Due tovarious factors such as the lack of fitness public space and citizen consciousness ,resulted in some square dance nuisance and social conflict events occurred frequently.

  By expanding the public community fitness space, improving community healthinfrastructure, strengthening citizens' consciousness and enhance publicity and educationon rule of law, strengthening the education of civic-mindedness, the relevant agencies todevelop regulations and enforcement , various law enforce-ment departments should coo-perate with each other to comprehensive management and measures for the governanceof“ The Elder Square Dance ”phenomenon. In order to reduce the conflict betweenresidents, to strengthen the cultivation of citizen conscious, to establish harmoniousfitness public space and the new community cultural environment. This paperprovides suggestions for how to build a good exercise space for elder women , andprovide favorable conditions and theoretical basis.

  Keywords the elder woman the phenomenon of square dancefitness in public space Citizen consciousness

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