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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-02-09 共3580字

【第1部分】 上海、安徽地区人力资源协同开发策略

  摘 要






  U.S. renowned management scholar Thomas Peters said,"The only real businessor career resources,management is the full development of human resources to do thejob."As can be seen from this statement, people from the microscopic point of view,who are the most valuable resources. From a macro perspective dimension,humanresources are a provincial and even the world's most precious asset.Human resourcehas initiative and social characteristics, which is an important driving force for socialdevelopment.China is a populous country rather than human resource power.As theproposed globalization and regional integration of national, regional coordinateddevelopment become more important,which is the inevitable requirement for thedevelopment of the international situation in the field of human resourcesdevelopment.

  2014 Blue Book of China、Provincial Competitiveness noted new progress oncoordinated regional development.From the point of view of regional economicdevelopment gap, "five" interim, our regional economy continued to show steadygrowth,which development speed faster than the eastern Midwest region.Althoughthe absolute gap between regions is still large, the relative gap has narrowed.RegionalGDP per capital growth rate,"west to east" features more obvious.A series of regionaland provincial development planning programs have been introduced the mainfunctional areas, gave birth to the development of new growth poles in some regions,and enhance the ability of regional coordinated development.The research on China'sthree major regions coordination development: the Pan-Yangtze River,Pan-PearlRiver Delta region, Bohai rim region which put a very good bedding.Constructedfrom regional to provincial cooperation between the city and the developmentstrategy to achieve common development in the region.Efforts to establishcooperation and exchange of human resources development and informationresources to implement mechanisms to naturally focus on project development fundsand cooperation mechanisms and government departments to develop humanresource management mechanism . Effectively combine elements of intellectualcapital,and development projects, a number of personnel through training,promoting regional cooperation projects in economic and social development,theformation of intra- regional or regional mutual promotion and coordinated-development of human resources development pattern. By the final round, multi-level exchanges and promote regional cooperation in human resources,to form anational unity, cooperation and open system of human resource services .

  The main object of the article is co-development strategies between AnhuiProvince which joins the Yangtze River Delta later and the leading city of Shanghaiof the Yangtze River Delta region,whose human resources are quite different,whichhave a very great significance to realize the coordinated development of humanresources Pan Yangtze River Delta region.This paper analyzes the general situation ofboth human resources perspective problems and summarizes each advantages anddisadvantages of human resources. Though comparative advantages anddisadvantages conclude that need to be considered to build human resourcedevelopment and cooperation mechanisms for collaboration from four aspects. Whichstrengthen educational cooperation between the two places and promote personnelexchanges. Which unify human resources market system and clear the importance ofcooperation between Shanghai and Anhui regional government, which is a feasiblepath to achieve coordinated regional development.The study contain six parts. Theintroduction of this research is to study the background, content, meaning,methods,ideas and innovation overview. The second part is the theoretical basis and literaturereview. The third part of the fifth part is to study the subject of this article and have acomprehensive analysis of the two provinces of the overall situation of humanresources, problems, strengths and weaknesses .. Finally, the feasibility andnecessity of co-development countermeasure mechanisms between two region is thefirst part .The paper suggest four dimensions of ideas about the government,enterprises, universities and job market . The end of the article presents theconclusions and summary of the research prospects, which hopes to provide a newperspective for future research.

  Keywords: Shanghai and Anhui regions; Human Resource Development;Countermeasure

  目 录

  第一章 绪论

























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