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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-07-19 共4245字


【3.1  3.2】山东省农业节水技术应用现状的时空差异特征

  目 录



  1 引言

  1.1 选题背景

  1.2 选题的目的和意义1

  1.3 国内外研究现状

  1.4 研究内容、方法与技术路线

  1.5 创新与不足之处

  2 理论基础

  2.1 农业节水技术推广的概念

  2.2 计划行为理论

  2.3 供给需求理论

  2.4 参与式农业推广理论

  3 山东省农业节水技术推广现状分析

  3.1 山东省粮食生产时空变化分析

  3.2 山东省农业节水技术应用现状的时空差异特征分析

  3.3 山东省农业节水技术推广现状的调研分析

  4 山东省农业节水技术推广存在问题及原因分析

  4.1 农业节水技术推广主体存在问题及原因分析

  4.2 农业节水技术推广环境存在问题及原因分析

  4.3 农业节水技术推广存在其他问题及原因分析

  5 山东省农业节水技术推广机制的作用机理分析

  5.1 激励约束机制

  5.2 供给推动机制

  5.3 需求拉动机制

  5.4 样本带动机制

  5.5 适合山东省农业节水技术推广机制的分析

  6 研究结论与政策建议

  6.1 研究结论

  6.2 政策建议





  本文第三章首先运用了时空差异分析法对山东省 17 地市 2001 年-2011 年节灌率、粮食总产量和单产量进行了总体描述分析,发现山东省的节水技术应用率除了淄博市和莱芜市外总体均呈现逐年递增的趋势,但各地区间的节水灌溉率还是存在很大差异。工程型节水技术占据了山东省节水技术的主体地位 ,田间节水技术处于弱势地位。粮食总产量和单产量高的地区即农业发达城市的节水灌溉率却不高,说明山东省进一步发展节水技术的空间还是很大,需要加大推广力度。之后运用了调查问卷的方法对山东省部分农业重点城市进行了一个调查研究,具体分析探讨了目前农业节水技术的推广应用情况和影响其发展的因素,发现调查区域使用的农业节水技术以渠道防渗灌溉和低压管道防渗为主。调查区域农户对节水基础设施的投资主体、管理主体以及农业节水技术的推广主体的期望值与现实值之间存在差距影响节水技术推广的众多影响因素中最主要因素是节水设施的投资主体。本文第四章对山东省农业节水技术推广机制现状存在的问题及原因进行了分析探讨,主要从推广主体和推广环境入手,发现以下问题:农业节水技术研发者推广已是欠缺;推广主体单一,推广渠道少;农业节水技术的使用者对节水技术的使用缺乏积极性;自然资源环境多样,缺乏配套推广机制;经济环境与节水农业不匹配,设施建设资金欠缺;缺乏必要和完善的法律政策支持农业节水技术的推广应用。


  本文的可能创新之处:1.以往关于农业节水的文章将侧重点放在农业节水技术方面的研究分析,本文从农业节水技术的推广应用情况入手,分析探讨了山东省现在主要实行的四种农业节水技术推广机制的优势和弊端并对其进行完善改进,旨在提高农业节水技术的推广应用率,进而提高农业灌溉用水的灌溉效率。2.本文运用了时空差异分析法对山东省 17 地市 2001 年-2011 年十年间粮食生产情况和农业节水技术推广应用情况进行了横向和纵向方面的比较分析和现状描述。之后结合调查问卷的调查情况从农户的角度对山东省农业节水技术推广应用情况进行了描述分析,并且分析探讨了影响山东省农业节水技术推广应用的主要因素。



  This article start from the extension mechanism of agricultural water-saving technology ,aims to study the analysis of agricultural water saving technology promotion mechanismShandong Province carried out to improve and promote its development, and ultimatelyachieve the purpose of improving agricultural water irrigation rates, ease of ShandongProvince Water scarcity tense situation.

  In chapter 3, we first used the temporal difference analysis of 17 cities in ShandongProvince in 2001 - 2011 New Year filling rate, grain output and yields for the overalldescriptive analysis, found that the rate of water-saving technology in Zibo City, ShandongProvince, in addition to and outside Laiwu overall showed increasing in recent years, but thewater-saving irrigation rate across regions or there is a big difference. Engineering savingtechnologies occupy a dominant position in Shandong Province - saving technology, fieldwater-saving technology in a weak position. Grain output and yields in areas with high ratesof water-saving irrigation agriculture that is developed cities is not high, indicating that thefurther development of space saving technologies in Shandong Province is still very large,need to increase promotional efforts. After using the questionnaire method on the part of keyagricultural city in Shandong Province conducted a survey study, a detailed analysis toexplore the factors that promote the use of the current situation of agricultural water-savingtechnology and the impact of its development, found that agricultural water-savingtechnology used in the survey area and low-pressure pipe irrigation canal seepage controlseepage based. Many factors household survey area between the main water-savinginfrastructure investment, management expectations and the reality of the subject and thevalue of agricultural water-saving technology to promote the body there is a gap in thepromotion of water-saving technologies influence the most important factor is to invest inwater-saving facilities body. The fourth chapter of the existence of Shandong AgriculturalExtension Mechanism for Saving problems and their causes analyzed and discussed, mainlyfrom the promotion and diffusion of environmentally body was found the following issues:

  the promotion of agricultural water-saving technology developers are lacking; promotionbody single, less marketing channels; user of agricultural water saving technologies lack ofenthusiasm for the use of water-saving technologies; diverse natural resources andenvironment, lack of supporting the extension mechanism; economic environment does notmatch the water-saving agriculture, infrastructure construction funds lacking; lack of thenecessary and perfect promotion and application of laws and policies to support agriculturalwater-saving technology. The fifth chapter of Shandong Province is now mainly practicedfour agricultural water saving technology promotion mechanism (incentive and restraintmechanisms, supply driven mechanism, demand-pull mechanism and drive mechanism of thesample) were descriptive analysis, analysis of each of these four mechanisms existingstrengths and shortcomings, the following conclusions: four extension mechanism to facilitatethe promotion of agricultural water-saving technology in Shandong Province has madeoutstanding contributions to the need to be sure, but for now still relative not perfect, there aremany drawbacks, we still need further improvement. The last part is for the promotion of theexisting status quo of Shandong Agricultural water-saving technology issues maderecommendations countermeasures article.

  This article might innovations: 1 in the past on agricultural water-saving agriculturalarticles will focus on the analysis of water-saving technology, this paper to promote theapplication of agricultural water-saving technology, analyzes discussed now largely based inShandong Province four water-saving agricultural technology promotion mechanism of theadvantages and disadvantages and its refined and improved, aimed at improving agriculturalwater-saving technology promotion and application rate, thereby increasing the efficiency ofagricultural irrigation water irrigation. 2. In this paper, the temporal and spatial differenceanalysis of 17 cities in Shandong Province in 2001 - 2011 Decade between food productionand agricultural water-saving technology popularization and application conducted acomparative analysis of transverse and longitudinal aspects of the status and description. Aftercombining questionnaire investigation from the perspective of farmers to promote theapplication of agricultural water-saving technology in Shandong Province were descriptiveanalysis, and the analysis discusses the main factors affecting the Shandong Agriculturalpromote the use of water-saving technologies.

  Keywords: the water used for agriculture; efficiency of irrigation; water savingtechnology of agriculture; promotion mechanism

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