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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-02-02 共3142字



  以上海为例,2012 年,上海港的年吞吐量达到 7.36 亿吨,同比增长 1.1%,继续保持世界第一的地位。良好的软、硬件环境基础造就了一批又一批的国际货运代理企业,同时也吸引了大量外资货运代理业的进入。然而,我们不得不清醒的看到,随着金融危机和欧债危机的蔓延以及各种贸易壁垒和争端的存在,国际货运业的市场规模在不断减小,承受的风险也随之增加,这使得尚在起步阶段的中国的国际货运代理企业,特别是中小型公司在愈演愈烈的市场竞争环境中更加举步维艰。为了应对当前严峻的国内外形势,国际货运代理公司必须制定新的战略,改变原有的经营管理模式,结合内外部竞争环境,整合企业内部价值链体系,来增强自身的竞争力,从而争取更多的市场份额和利润。

  本论文以 YN 公司一家中等规模的国际货运代理公司为研究对象,从国际和国内行业市场环境出发,提出制定和实施服务、产品差异化和多元化战略来提高公司利润的必要性,并提出了具体的战略实施方案。论文通过对企业新的竞争对手入侵,替代品的威胁,买方议价能力,卖方议价能力以及现存竞争者之间的竞争等五力作用的分析,提出 YN 公司需要进行战略调整来达到克服五力作用,增强自身竞争力的必要性;以价值链理论为指导,以对 YN 公司当前的内部和外部经营环境和存在问题的分析为立足点,透析 YN 公司整个价值链的构成,提出了打破传统价值链,塑造新的价值链来提升企业市场竞争力。同时,本文运用 SWOT 分析法来分析归纳出 YN 公司的优势、劣势、机遇、威胁,从而指引 YN 公司避开竞争激烈的传统市场,走多元化发展模式,在新的市场上发挥自身优势,弱化劣势对竞争力削弱的影响,抓住当前的机遇和避免潜在的威胁所给公司带来的不确定风险。

  关键词:国际货运代理;行业衰退;价值链理论;五力模型;SWOT 分析法;差异化战略;多元化战略


  International forwarding enterprises is one of the pillar industries of China's foreign tradeimport and export business which boost China's total foreign trade import and exportbusiness, and made important contribution to earning foreign currency of the country overthe past 30 years. Especially, in recent years, along with our country continued large-scaleinvestment in the facilities of main ports, such as TianJin, Shanghai, Ningbo, ShenZhen,GuangZhou, fully mining the potential of these ports, highly developing the port workefficiency and service condition, booming the local area economy. We can take Shanghaias example, Shanghai port handling capacity was up to 0.736 billion tons, year-on-yearrises of 1.1%, keeping the Top one situation over the world. Huge of freight forwardersgrow up based on well equipped infrastructure which also attracted many forwarders’

  investment from overseas. However, we have to keep realistic mind to see that manynegative factors still exist, such as global finance crisis and European debt crisis as well assoaring trading friction. The freight forwarding market scale is keeping shrinking with theadding risks which caused worse and worse conditions of all the freight forwardersespecially middle-sized and small-sized ones in the hard competition market. With regardto this current environment, the freight forwarders have to adjust the strategy to change theoutdated business mode, integrate company internal value chain system to enhance selfcompetition capacity to get more marketing share and profit in the current internal andexternal environment.

  A middle size international forwarder --- YN, will be taken as the objective for analysis inthis thesis. Starting from the international and domestic market environment, formulatingand implementing service, product differentiation and diversification of strategies toimprove the necessity of corporate profits, and put forward the concrete strategy andimplementation planYN is a company which is eager to formulate and implement the service, productdifferentiation and centralization strategy based on the international and domestic marketconditions to achieve more market share and profit margin. Furthermore, the thesis statesthat YN company needs adjust the strategy to overcome the power of five forces thatInvasion of new competitors, threat of substitutes, the buyer bargaining power, the seller'sbargaining power and the competition between existing competitors stand steady in themarket. According to the theory of value chain and standpoint of analysis of YN’s internaland external surroundings and exit problems, the theme aims to break the traditional valuechain and re-organize it to develop the competitive capacity in the market. Moreover, thethesis Induces SWOT analysis method to analyze the company's strengths, weaknesses,opportunities, threats, thus guide YN company to avoid the fierce competition in traditionalmarkets, diversified development mode, play their own advantages in the new market,weaken the disadvantage influence on competitiveness weakening, to seize the currentopportunity and avoid potential threat bring to the company by the uncertain risk.

  Keywords: International Forwarding; Strategy Adjustment; Profit Improvement; SWOT Analysis; Difference Strategy; Diversification Strategy




  第 1 章 绪论

  1.1 研究背景

  1.2 研究的目的和意义

  1.3 文献综述

  1.3.1 价值链理轮

  1.3.2 五力模型理论

  1.3.3 SWOT 分析法

  1.4 研究方法和技术路线

  1.4.1 研究方法

  1.4.2 技术路线

  第 2 章 YN 公司的发展历程、经营状况与组织结

  2.1 YN 公司简介和发展历程

  2.2 YN 公司组织架构图

  2.3 YN 公司经营状况

  第 3 章 YN 公司行业竞争环境的五力模型分析

  3.1 国际货运代理行业竞争环境分析

  3.1.1 国际货运代理行业下游市场环境分析

  3.1.2 国际货运代理行业上游市场环境分析

  3.2 YN 公司所处行业竞争分析

  3.2.1 现有企业的竞争

  3.2.2 潜在竞争对手

  3.2.3 供应商讨价还价能力

  3.2.4 客户讨价还价能力

  3.2.5 替代品的威胁

  第 4 章 YN 公司价值链构成

  4.1 YN 公司价值链构成

  4.2 销售部门价值链分析

  4.3 项目部门价值链分析

  第 5 章 YN 公司的 SWOT 分析

  5.1 YN 公司的优势和劣势分析

  5.2 YN 公司的外部机会和威胁分析

  第 6 章 YN 公司战略分析

  6.1 YN 公司战略的确定

  6.2 对 YN 公司新战略的评价

  第 7 章 实施公司战略的对策建议

  7.1 二八法则来引导 YN 着重于新的大额利润增长点

  7.2 应对公司新战略,销售部和项目部目标客户群重新定位

  7.2.1 销售部目标客户群重新定位

  7.2.2 项目部目标客户群重新定位

  7.3 将公司优势资源配置于更有发展前景的市场

  7.4 销售部和项目部在战略实施中的关键作用

  7.5 搭建更加成熟的国际合作商网络平台  39

  第 8 章 结论


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