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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-05-16 共2823字

【第1部分】 沈阳市中小企业劳动争议问题研究


  2008 年 1 月 1 日《劳动合同法》及 2008 年 5 月 1 日《劳动争议仲裁调解法》的颁布实行,使我国政府、用人单位、劳动者三者的权利义务关系进一步规范,我国的1个人流动性就业,劳动用工管理的不规范等也为各种类型劳动争议的出现,带来了隐患。

  根据人力资源和社会保障部发布的 2011 年到 2013 年统计公报显示,我国各级劳动人事仲裁委员会受理的劳动人事争议案件以每年平均 6.7%的幅度持续增长,与此同时,我国各级人民法院受理的劳动争议案件亦以每年平均 10%的幅度递增。集体争议逐渐增多且规模不断扩大,有的甚至直接成为了群体性突发事件的导火索,严重影响了经济发展和社会稳定。其中不得不提的是沈阳市的中小企业、特别是家庭作坊式企业的特点“多、小、散、杂”,管理水平参差不齐,用工制度不规范,片面追逐利润,甚至减少劳动者正常的社会保障支出,恶意拖欠克扣劳动者工资,任意延长劳动时间,损害了劳动者的合法权益,由此引发的劳动争议不容忽视。





  The implementation of Labor Contract Law in January 1, 2008 and Labor DisputeArbitration Mediation Law in May 1, 2008 inferred that the labor employment in Chinahas entered a new stage, that the right, obligation and relationship among the government,workers and enterprises has been further standardized. At the same time, however, variousemployments, floating workers and nonstandard management result in manifold labordispute problems.

  From 2011 to 2013, the average annual growth of labor dispute cases handled bylabor arbitration committees is up to 6.7% and at the same time by the court is 10%. Thelabor disputes become bigger and bigger scale, even the sudden group incidents, so that thelabor dispute become the unfavorable influence to economy and society .When it comes tothe labor disputes, the first thought is small and medium enterprises in Shenyang. Usuallythey are family-style workshops, small and universal. And there are many factors in thesmall and medium enterprises leading to the labor dispute, such as nonscientificmanagement, nonstandard system, defaulting wage, prolonging working hours and so on.They damage the rights and interests of laborers and can not be ignored.

  In this thesis, the author investigates the current situations, points out the commonproblems and proposes suggestion about the labor dispute in small medium enterprises bycombining with the real cases and working experiences.

  Specifically speaking, there are five parts in the paper. In the first part, thebackgrounds, purpose, meaning and relevant concepts are introduced. In the second part,there is a comparison between foreign and domestic enterprises in dealing with the labordisputes. In the third part, the author analyzes the current situations and the type of labordispute about labor contract and enterprise regulations. In the fourth part, the real cases areused to analyze the labor dispute. In the last part, reasonable and feasible suggestions areproposed.

  In this thesis, the current situations and problems of the labor dispute in Shenyangsmall medium enterprises are mainly researched. I hope that this thesis can give someinspiration to the human resource management of small and medium enterprises inShenyang and can coordinate the relations between enterprises and employees.

  Key words: Small and Medium-sized Enterprises,labor dispute,labor relations,casestudy




  第 1 章 绪论

  1.1 研究背景

  1.2 研究意义

  1.2.1 理论意义

  1.2.2 现实意义

  1.3 研究思路与研究方法

  1.3.1 研究思路

  1.3.2 研究方法

  1.4 基本框架及内容

  1.5 劳动争议相关理论

  第 2 章 国内外中小企业劳动争议的现状

  2.1 国外中小企业现状及劳动争议处理经验

  2.1.1 德国中小企业现状及劳动争议处理经验

  2.1.2 英国中小企业现状及劳动争议处理经验

  2.1.3 法国中小企业现状及劳动争议处理经验

  2.1.4 日本中小企业现状及劳动争议处理经验

  2.2 我国中小企业生存现状及产生劳动争议的原因

  2.2.1 我国中小企业生存现状

  2.2.2 我国中小企业劳动争议的多发类型

  2.2.3 我国中小企业产生劳动争议的原因

  第 3 章 沈阳市中小企业劳动争议现状分析

  3.1 沈阳市中小企业劳动争议现状

  3.2 当前沈阳市中小企业劳动争议仲裁的热点类型

  3.2.1 因工资、加班而引起的劳动报酬争议问题

  3.2.2 用人单位没有依法缴纳社会保险而引起的争议问题

  3.2.3 因劳动合同的订立、履行、变更和解除而引起的经济补偿金、赔偿金争议问题

  3.2.4 确认劳动关系、索要工伤待遇引起的争议问题

  3.2.5 因职工跳槽引起竞业限制违约金争议问题

  3.3 导致沈阳市中小企业劳动争议案件逐年增加的几方面原因

  3.3.1 劳动者法律意识增强

  3.3.2 用人单位不依法办事

  3.3.3 经济利益存在分歧

  3.3.4 劳动者处于弱势地位

  3.3.5 后金融危机的影响

  第 4 章 沈阳市中小企业劳动争议典型案例解析

  4.1 案例一:因企业未与劳动者签劳动合同劳动者获赔二倍工资

  4.2 案例二:因规章制度制定流程违法用人单位支付赔偿金

  4.3 案例三:因打扑克行为被解除劳动者未获赔偿金

  4.4 案例四:双方均未按约定履行的竞业限制合同无效

  第 5 章 解决沈阳市中小企业劳动争议的对策

  5.1 加强中小企业的内部管理

  5.1.1 强化劳动合同管理

  5.1.2 健全规章制度制定

  5.1.3 完善企业内部调解机制

  5.1.4 改变人力资源的角色

  5.2 完善政府和社会的管理职能

  5.2.1 加大对中小企业的扶持力度

  5.2.2 深化中小企业工资分配制度改革

  5.2.3 发挥劳动关系三方机制作用

  5.2.4 积极推行企业用工建议制度

  5.2.5 加大法律法规宣传力度

  5.2.6 加快仲裁监察机构的实体化建设

  第 6 章 结论



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