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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2015-07-03 共2540字

  摘 要


  文章通过研究国内外汽车及零部件产业升级的理论背景和现状,并根据小蓝开发区汽车及零部件产业发展现状,从内部因素和外部环境等方面,对其进行 SWOT 分析,认为开发区汽车及零部件产业升级存在产业集群较集中、经营成本低、物流便捷的优势和规划定位不高,发展用地受限,产业基础薄弱、结构不完善和企业规模小、产品开发能力弱的劣势。与此同时,产业升级过程中存在政策层面、市场层面、行业内发展的机会和市场分割、合作模式、国民消费观点等威胁。最后,通过将产业升级的理论与小蓝开发区的产业实际相结合,从指导思想、原则、目标和布局规划等方面提出了小蓝开发区汽车及零部件产业升级方案以及该方案顺利实施的以下几点保障措施:第一、提供用地政策及财税政策保障;第二、建立政企沟通机制、鼓励建立行业协会和企业人才升级;第三、鼓励产学研相结合;第四、搭建企业融资平台和设立产业振兴基金等。



  Automobile and parts industry has strong regional economic impetus effect,many countries and regions in the world are trying to built its pillar industry. Alongwith the global economic integration, the competition of auto industry enterprises inthe global value chain of low-end strives for the survival, the disadvantages of“smiling curve” on these enterprises. They make low profit in order to survive andanalog copy each other, technology, product homogeneity serious, which in turn to avicious price competition, etc. Xiaolan Economic Development Zone, it is in thiscontext, began to upgrade the automobile and parts industry development plan, andaccording to the plan to take measures to upgrade and automotive spare parts industryand produced results.

  In this paper, through the research of domestic and foreign automobile andparts industry upgrading theory background and the status quo, and according toautomobile and parts industry development present situation in Xiaolan EconomicDevelopment Zone, from the internal factors and external environment and so on,carries on the SWOT analysis, thinks that there are industry cluster development zoneof automobile and parts industry upgrade, management the advantages of low cost,convenient logistics and planning position is not high, the development of limitedland, industrial foundation weak, imperfect structure and small enterprise scale,product development capability. Meanwhile, exist in the process of industrialupgrading in the policy level, market level, the industry development opportunitiesand market segmentation, cooperation mode, national consumption view, etc.Finally,by applying the theory of industrial upgrading and blue industry development zonesof combining, automobile and parts industry development zone and blue upgradingscheme of the scheme for the successful implementation of the following securitymeasures are put forward from the guiding ideology, principle, target and layoutplanning etc.: first, to provide land use policy and the fiscal and taxation policyguarantee; Second, establish enterprise communication mechanism, encourage theestablishment of industry associations and enterprises talent upgrade; Third,encourage the combination; Fourth, build enterprise financing platform and establishindustry revitalization of fund and so on.

  Key Words: Xiaolan Economic Development Zone;Automobile;Industrialupgrading; Industrial transformation

    目 录

  第 1 章 绪论

  1.1 研究的背景及意义

  1.1.1 研究背景

  1.1.2 研究意义

  1.2 国内外研究现状

  1.2.1 国外研究现状

  1.2.2 国内研究现状

  1.3 研究方法

  1.4 研究架构

  第 2 章 研究基础

  2.1 产业升级

  2.2 开发区产业升级

  2.2.1 开发区产业升级的内涵

  2.2.2 开发区产业升级的特征

  2.3 我国汽车及零部件产业发展特征

  第 3 章 小蓝经济开发区汽车及零部件产业发展现状分析

  3.1 小蓝开发区概况

  3.2 小蓝开发区汽车产业发展现状

  3.2.1 产品种类齐全

  3.2.2 产能规模不大

  3.2.3 品牌数量不多

  3.2.4 经济效益不高

  3.3 小蓝开发区零部件业发展现状

  3.3.1 产品结构不齐

  3.3.2 产品品牌不多

  3.3.3 生产规模不大

  第 4 章 小蓝经济开发区汽车及零部件产业升级的 SWOT 分析

  4.1 产业升级的优势分析(S)

  4.1.1 产业集群优势

  4.1.2 经营成本优势

  4.1.3 物流便捷优势

  4.2 产业升级的劣势分析(W)

  4.2.1 规划定位不高

  4.2.2 发展用地受限

  4.2.3 产业基础薄弱、结构不完善

  4.2.4 企业规模较小、产品开发能力弱

  4.3 产业升级的机会分析(O)

  4.3.1 政策层面机会

  4.3.2 市场层面机会

  4.3.3 行业内发展机会

  4.4 产业升级的威胁分析(T)

  4.4.1 市场分割威胁分析

  4.4.2 合作模式威胁分析

  4.4.3 国民消费观威胁分析

  4.5 小结

  第 5 章 小蓝经济开发区汽车及零部件产业升级方案

  5.1 产业升级指导思想

  5.2 产业升级原则

  5.3 产业升级目标

  5.4 产业升级布局

  5.4.1 产业空间总体布局

  5.4.2 汽车产业布局

  5.4.3 零部件业布局

  5.4.4 产业配套布局

  第 6 章 小蓝开发区汽车及零部件产业升级方案保障措施

  6.1 政策保障

  6.2 服务保障

  6.3 技术保障

  6.4 资金保障

  6.5 组织保障

  第 7 章 结论与展望

  7.1 研究结论

  7.2 研究展望



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