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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2016-09-13 共1178字

【题目】 油画创作对温州刺绣的影响研究
【绪论 第一章】温州的起源与文化发展背景


  有着 800 多年历史的瓯绣作为民间艺术根植于温州本土文化,题材内容表达形式都来源于劳动生活,在长期的创作、积累、传承、演变的过程中形成,民间艺术是人类社会丰富多彩和无比珍贵的遗产。瓯绣是文化传承的载体,在艺术之花繁多的当代,瓯绣在保持传统题材及表达方式上竞争性相对较弱,传统瓯绣求突破,求发展,是一直在进行探究。油画在技法与观念上带给瓯绣新鲜血液,本文将深入分析油画与温州刺绣的艺术的形式与内容的个性与共性,油画对温州刺绣的影响与求同存异的发展,油画与温州刺绣在各自技法中的求同存异上进行剖析。当代瓯绣不仅保留着传统的民间艺术的内在传达的精神,吸收可借鉴技法充分显示了瓯绣的包容性、创新性,说明瓯绣是一种极富生命力的工艺品种。

  关键词:瓯绣 油画 色彩 观念 技法


  Has a history of more than 800 years embroidery as a folk art is rooted in Wenzhoulocal culture, theme and content expression forms arise in working life and in long-termcreation, accumulation, inheritance and development of the form, folk art is human societycolorful and very precious heritage. Embroidery is the carrier of cultural heritage, in the artof flower variety of contemporary, embroidery in maintaining the traditional theme andexpression way of competition is relatively weak, the traditional embroidery seek abreakthrough, seek development is has been explored. Oil painting in the skills andconcepts bring embroidery fresh blood, this paper will deeply analyze the form and contentof oil painting and Wenzhou embroidery art individuality and commonness, developmentof seeking common ground while putting aside differences and the effect of oil painting ofWenzhou embroidery, painting and Wenzhou embroidery in the respective techniques indifferences analysis. Contemporary embroidery not only retains the traditional folk art ofinherent to convey the spirit of the, absorption can draw on techniques fully shows theinclusive and creativity of embroidery, embroidery is a rich vitality in the process varieties.

  Key words: Ou Embroidery Oil Painting Color Concept Techniques

    目 录

  绪 论

  第一章 温州的起源与文化发展背景

  第一节 温州刺绣—瓯绣的发展

  第二节 在当下瓯绣如何生存与发展

  第二章 油画与温州刺绣的艺术的形式与 内容的个性对比

  第一节 油画与瓯绣的个性

  第二节 主题思想的共性与个性

  第三节 形式语言的个性

  第三章 油画对温州刺绣的影响与求同存异的发展

  第一节 艺术性质的变更

  第二节 油画对温州刺绣的促进作用

  第三节 油画与温州刺绣在各自技法中的求同存异

  结 语


  致 谢

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