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来源:吉林财经大学 作者:颜小凡
发布于:2017-02-16 共2698字
  摘 要
  Under the push of country and policy support, the new energy industry hasdeveloped rapidly in our country, the new energy has given rise to many small andmedium-sized enterprises, the small and medium-sized enterprises of rapid expansion,broke the pattern of excessive dependence on traditional energy in our country, but theexpansion of enterprises show the momentum of rapid, the corresponding riskprevention and control system is not sound be hampered the development of theenterprise. Rapid economic development in the country and under the influence of theworld energy crisis, new energy enterprises to develop rapidly, because the new energyenterprise itself has particularity, is a kind of high investment, high risk industry, fornew energy enterprises, the financial risk is a double-edged sword, proper use can bringmore economic benefits for the enterprise, improper use can make the enterprise hugeeconomic damage to property, enterprise financial risk prevention and control work isabout survival, in this context, this article will focus on Sheng Yang company's research,the author deeply analyzes the financial risk and analysis through the research of newenergy enterprise present situation and causes of financial risk, and find a suitable fornew energy enterprises effective way to control and prevent financial risks and means,help enterprises to improve business efficiency, healthy and sustainable development.
  Based on Sheng Yang as the research object, using case analysis, financial riskcondition of Sheng Yang is analyzed, and research is given on the financial riskprevention and control measures, in order to study new energy enterprise financial risk'sdefensive problems. Of the SAN Yang shares of the company's financial riskidentification and analysis, mainly aimed at enterprise's financing risk, investment risk,capital recovery risk, benefit distribution of four aspects of risk prevention and controlare studied. Situation and according to the Sheng Yang., with the Angle of the managersfor their guard against enterprise financial risk measures, provide enterprises with amore scientific mechanism of risk prevention and control. Study of Sheng Yang sharesfinancial risk, the proposed model of energy enterprises financial risk early warningmechanism, study how to avoid risk, to reduce the risk, spread risk and transfer risk.
  Keywords: The new energy enterprise;Financial risk; Risk early warning

  目 录
  摘 要
  第 1 章 绪论
  1.1 研究背景
  1.2 研究目的与意义
  1.2.1 研究目的
  1.2.2 研究意义
  1.3 国内外研究现状
  1.3.1 财务风险研究
  1.3.2 财务风险防范与控制研究
  1.4 研究内容与方法
  1.4.1 研究内容
  1.4.2 研究方法
  第 2 章 企业财务风险与控制概述
  2.1 财务风险界定
  2.1.1 财务风险的含义
  2.1.2 财务风险产生的原因
  2.2 财务风险构成
  2.2.1 筹资风险
  2.2.2 投资风险
  2.2.3 资金回收风险
  2.2.4 收益分配风险
  2.3 民营新能源企业财务风险特点
  2.3.1 新能源技术资金投入量大
  2.3.2 资金利用率较低
  2.3.3 新能源行业内部资金分配不均
  2.3.4 民营企业管理层短期管理意识严重
  第 3 章 圣阳股份公司财务风险识别及成因分析
  3.1 圣阳股份公司简介
  3.2 圣阳股份公司财务风险的识别及成因分析
  3.2.1 筹资风险识别及成因分析
  3.2.2 投资风险识别及成因分析
  3.2.3 资金回收风险识别及成因分析
  3.2.4 收益分配风险识别及成因分析
  第 4 章 完善圣阳股份公司财务风险防范与控制策略
  4.1 圣阳股份公司财务风险防控总体原则与策略
  4.1.1 圣阳股份公司财务风险管理总体原则
  4.1.2 圣阳股份公司财务风险防控的策略选择
  4.2 圣阳股份公司财务风险防范对策
  4.2.1 树立风险防范意识
  4.2.2 健全公司内部治理机制
  4.2.3 建立优化圣阳股份公司财务风险监测和预警体系
  4.3 圣阳股份公司财务风险控制对策
  4.3.1 筹资风险管理对策
  4.3.2 投资风险管理对策
  4.3.3 现金流风险管理对策
  第 5 章 加强新能源企业财务风险防控的建议
  5.1 加强企业治理机制
  5.2 树立风险防范意识
  5.3 建立企业风险预警体系
  第 6 章 总结与展望
  6.1 总结
  6.2 不足之处及展望
  后 记
原文出处:颜小凡. 民营新能源企业财务风险防范与控制[D].吉林财经大学,2016.
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