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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2017-01-03 共4474字

【题目】 目前中国收入分配差距问题探究
  摘 要
  收入分配差距问题 理论基础 发达国家 财税政策


  The income distribution system of our country is the income distribution systembased on the distribution of labor and the distribution of various modes. Looking backto the history, since the reform and opening up, from the planned economic system tomarket economic system and the transformation, market economy led to the nationaleconomic growth, another obvious result is that China's income distributions in theworld the most egalitarian countries gradually change is one of the current incomedistribution is the most unequal country. The distribution of income gradually showsthe distribution of income, the serious economic issues and social problems which arethe distribution disorder and so on. It will affect the political stability and economicdevelopment of the country. At present, China's Gini coefficient has been high in thewandering, the factors of affecting the distribution of income has beeninstitutionalized, in order to make the economic development and social harmony andstability, must increase reform strength, enhance the pace of reform.
  To reduce the income distribution gap in China, we must reform the financialsystem of our country, the government as the main body of redistribution, and have amajor role in narrowing the income distribution gap. Developed countries the taxpolicy, social security system, support for education, anti-poverty measures andpolicies after the implementation of the can to significantly reduce the effect ofincome distribution gap, especially in the setting of tax to the crucial role. However,in the setting of our tax system, there is no function to narrow the income gap. Sometax policies increase the inequality of the income distribution, which means that theincome distribution gap is increased.
  This paper is divided into six parts.
  The first part is an introduction. Mainly describes the background andsignificance of the study of income distribution gap problem, research status onincome distribution problems and Fiscal Policies, laying the groundwork for a futurearticle.
  The second part outlines the main content of the income distribution theoryfoundation, introduces the three historical process in the evolution of incomedistribution, and to the contemporary western main distribution theory is mainlyexpounds the object, an overview of the income distribution theory of welfareeconomics theory of income distribution, development economics, new institutionaleconomics theory of income distribution, which welfare economics theory of incomedistribution mainly introduces the Gini coefficient calculation method and effect. Theincome distribution theory of the new institutional economics introduces theimportant function of the reasonable system design. In addition, the theory of incomedistribution in the Marx doctrine is briefly introduced, and the economic incomedistribution of the contemporary society by Marx economics is evolved.
  The third part introduces the issue of income distribution gap analysis at thisstage.This chapter inherited the previous research methods, from four aspects, thepaper analyzes the problem of gap of income distribution in our country, in all sectors,industries, between urban and rural areas and regional income gap is widening,especially between the various levels of income gap is particularly prominent, hasaroused people's widespread dissatisfaction with the mood.
  The forth part analyzes lead to the distribution of income gap is too big reason.
  Through economic phenomena chapter analyzes the nature of the problem hiddenbehind, after analysis, the author of the opinion that the income gap is too largebecause of the institutional issues. First of tax reform is not in place, followed by thelow proportion of labor income in national income, moreover social security systemis not perfect, the last official corruption and gray income is serious.
  The fifth part outlines the policy of income distribution to narrow the gapbetween the developed countries have taken, first introduced to narrow the gap inincome distribution policies of several major countries, including the United States,Britain, Japan, France and Germany, Fiscal Policies of the income distribution tonarrow the gap, tight then introduced the practice of policies of developed countrieson China's influence and inspiration.
  The sixth part describes the country to solve the problem of income distributionand taxation countermeasures. This chapter started from the tax system and socialsecurity system is two aspects to explore the narrow gap of income distribution andtaxation issues countermeasures. For the tax system reform, from all aspects related tothe distribution of income disparity proposed tax reform-related measures, at the sametime improve the social security system, including the establishment of urban andrural social security system, providing a more robust pension, medical insurance forfarmers, to provide more equal educational opportunities to develop a morereasonable minimum wage protection system.
  Key Words:
  Disparity in Income, Theoretical foundation, Developed country, Finance andTaxation measures

  目 录
  摘 要
  目 录
  第 1 章 绪论
  1.1 选题的背景及意义
  1.1.1 选题的背景
  1.1.2 选题的意义
  1.2 相关文献综述
  1.2.1 国外研究现状
  1.2.2 国内研究现状
  1.3 研究的思路及方法
  1.4 论文的创新及不足
  第 2 章 收入分配的理论基础
  2.1 西方当代的收入分配理论
  2.1.1 福利经济学收入分配理论
  2.1.2 发展经济学的收入分配理论
  2.2 马克思主义学说中的收入分配理论
  第 3 章 我国现阶段收入分配差距问题分析
  3.1 各阶层收入分配差距突出
  3.2 行业间收入差距明显
  3.3 城乡间收入差距不断扩大
  3.4 地区间收入差距不容忽视
  第 4 章 收入分配差距过大的原因
  4.1 分配体制改革不到位
  4.1.1 税制改革不到位
  4.1.2 劳动收入在国民收入比重偏低
  4.1.3 社会保障体系不健全
  4.2 官员腐败与灰色收入
  第 5 章 发达国家缩小收入分配差距的财税政策
  5.1 美国缩小收入分配差距的财税政策
  5.2 英国缩小收入分配差距的财税政策
  5.3 日本缩小收入分配差距的财税政策
  5.4 法国缩小收入分配差距的财税政策
  5.5 德国缩小收入分配差距的财税对策
  5.6 发达国家缩小收入分配差距对策的启示与政策建议
  5.6.1 发达国家调节收入分配差距对策的启示
  5.6.2 发达国家的政策对中国调节收入分配差距的若干政策建议
  第 6 章 解决收入分配问题的财税对策
  6.1 税制改革
  6.1.1 个人所得税
  6.1.2 企业所得税
  6.1.3 财产税
  6.1.4 遗产税
  6.1.5 资源税
  6.1.6 消费税
  6.2 健全社会保障体系
  6.2.1 完善养老保障体系
  6.2.2 改进教育保障体系
  6.2.3 改善医疗保障体系
  6.2.4 制定最低工资保障制度
  结 论
  致 谢
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