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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-06-22 共3330字



  摘 要



  关键词 德育模式;中国;美国;比较;对策


  Under the guidance of moral education thoughts and culture concept, after a longperiod of practice, and according to the social demands and the demands on subject andobject of moral education, the mode of moral education becomes a kind of typicaleducation style or practical paradigm, which is beneficial to develop object of moraleducation and enhance level of moral cognition. The purpose of making a comparison onmoral education patterns between China and America is to exploring the similarities anddifferences between the modes of moral education through contrast, identification andintegration, under different social systems and cultural backgrounds, and on the basis ofthe law of the development of the moral education. Thus, it is necessary to learnexperiences to promote the development of moral education better.

  For the moral education mode, there are clear distinctions between China andAmerica in terms of moral education theory and implementing ways. According to thehistorical stages, Chinese moral education theory is divided into traditional moraleducation theory and contemporary moral education theory. The traditional moraleducation theory is mainly based on the line of Confucian Culture while the contemporarymoral education theory is mainly based on the guidance of Marxist Theory. Thedevelopment of the moral education of America began from the modern times whose themoral education theory was divided into modern moral education theory andcontemporary moral education theory. The modern moral education theory of America ismainly pragmatic moral education theory founded by Dewey while the contemporarymoral education theory of America is rich,which includes value clarification theory,cognitive development theory, social action theory and social learning theory. Theguidance under different theories produce different moral education modes. China andAmerica have common aspects in moral education mode through a comparative study,which include setting moral education contents in accordance with their actual situation,paying attention to improving moral education through various kinds of activities, payingattention to the construction of moral education environment. However, there also existdifferent points in moral education modes between the two countries, i.e., the curriculumof Chinese moral education is single while the curriculum of American moral education isdiversified; Chinese moral education modes focus on form in classroom instruction whilethe America's focus on form in non-classroom teaching; Chinese moral education modesfocus on instilling of moral education while the America's focus on indirect penetration.

  Through the comparative study between China and America about modes of moraleducation, the author puts forward advices of strengthening Chinese traditional moraleducation, studying the world advanced cultural achievements, paying attention to morallevel, focusing on combination of reasoning education and moral practice, payingattention to the recessive education and the establishment of omnidirectional andstereoscopic moral education mode according to the stage of human development, toconstruct a new mode of moral education for our country. So that the goal of moraleducation will be achieved, the actual effect of moral education will be improved and themoral development of the educated will be promoted better.

  Key words Moral Education Mode; China; America; Comparative Analysis ;Countermeasures

    目 录

  摘 要


  第 1 章 绪 论

  1.1 问题的提出

  1.2 研究意义

  1.3 研究回顾

  1.3.1 国内研究现状

  1.3.2 国外研究现状

  1.3.3 当前有关研究存在的不足及本研究的努力方向

  1.4 研究方法及研究内容

  1.4.1 研究方法

  1.4.2 研究内容

  第 2 章 德育模式的内涵、特征、功能及构成要素

  2.1 德育模式

  2.1.1 模式的内涵

  2.1.2 德育模式

  2.2 德育模式的特征与功能

  2.2.1 德育模式的特征

  2.2.2 德育模式的功能

  2.3 德育模式的构成要素分析

  2.4 本章小结

  第 3 章 中国德育模式的历史考察和现实探究

  3.1 中国传统德育模式

  3.1.1 中国传统德育的理论渊源

  3.1.2 灌输式德育模式

  3.2 中国当代德育模式

  3.2.1 中国当代德育理论基础

  3.2.2 综合德育模式

  3.3 本章小结

  第 4 章 美国德育模式探析

  4.1 美国近代德育模式

  4.1.1 美国近代德育模式理论依据

  4.1.2 全面主义模式

  4.2 美国当代德育模式

  4.2.1 美国当代德育模式理论基础

  4.2.2 混合德育模式

  4.3 本章小结

  第 5 章 中美德育模式的异同及对我国的借鉴

  5.1 中美德育模式的相同点

  5.1.1 根据本国实际情况设置德育课程内容

  5.1.2 注重通过各种活动来提高德育效果

  5.1.3 注重德育环境的建设

  5.2 中美德育模式的差异性

  5.2.1 课程设置的单一性与多元化的差异

  5.2.2 课堂教学与非课堂教学形式的差异

  5.2.3 直接灌输式与间接渗透式的差异

  5.3 从美国德育模式中借鉴经验

  5.3.1 加强中华传统道德教育,借鉴世界先进文化成果

  5.3.2 根据人的发展阶段,注重德育的层次性

  5.3.3 注重说理教育与品德践行相结合

  5.3.4 润物细无声--注重隐性教育

  5.3.5 建立全方位立体德育模式

  5.4 本章小结

  结 论


  致 谢

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