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来源:山东财经大学 作者:曲丹平
发布于:2017-04-06 共3994字
  摘 要
  With the change of social consciousness, everyone has become the link of theinformation communication node, and the understanding of the information resources hasbeen continuously deepened. Among them, the government information disclosure andconfidentiality has become an important means to promote democratic progress, enhancethe image of the government and protect the rights and interests of citizens. Governmentinformation disclosure and confidentiality is a huge systematic project, not rely on a fewlaws, held several special sessions will be able to solve the problem. Information over open,easy to cause the leaking of the state secrets, grave threats to the national interest andpeople's property security; at the same time, excessive secrecy of information will seriouslyrestrict the rights and interests of the people , seriously reduce the government's credibility.
  The occurrence of such phenomenon is mainly because China has not yet develop detailedschedule and execution on the system construction of the government informationdisclosure and confidentiality, and there is no such as a standard to judge from top tobottom to implement . Therefore, to fully understand and summarize the current situationof our government information disclosure and confidentiality, to combine the two into aunified body to solve, and establishing and perfecting the perfect system of the theory andimplementation , to correctly grasp their influence and clearly explicit the dividing line ofthe government information disclosure and confidentiality, has very important theoreticalsignificance and guiding significance to improve and perfect government informationpublic and confidential work.
  Based on the change of government function and information under the background ofa new era of rapid development, based on the information disclosure and confidentialityrelated literature at home and abroad to study, on the relevant theories of informationdisclosure and confidentiality, to research the issues such as the concept and category of theinformation disclosure and confidentiality, the relationship of the information disclosureand confidentiality, how to ensure the information disclosure and confidentialitycoordination. Analyze and understand the current situation of government informationdisclosure and confidentiality as well as the problems facing. Based on the historicalevolution of government information disclosure and confidentiality in China and thedevelopment present situation, the basic unit government of SD in the informationdisclosure and confidentiality issues encountered in the practical work is analyzed, at thesame time, the information disclosure and confidentiality research at home and abroad wereanalyzed. I focus on the difficulties and countermeasures of information disclosure andconfidentiality, puts forward the construction of information disclosure and confidentialitysystem. Mainly from the six aspects such as the establishment on the leadership mechanismof the government information disclosure and confidentiality, to perfect the legislation, tostrengthen the system reform, to change the government functions, to standardize the workflow, to establish the execution feedback, to elaborated how to establish and perfect thesystem of the government information disclosure and confidentiality and make the systemmore good service to the country and the people.
  Through the method of literature investigation, analysis, induction, topic trackingmethod, the use of multidisciplinary reference method and comparison method, referenceto authoritative data in recent years, and build the index system of information disclosureand confidentiality. Coordinate the relationship between information disclosure andconfidentiality. Provide the practical and operational benchmark for how to distinguish theinformation of the actual work between public and confidential. It can improve the workefficiency at the same time. For many practical problems in the daily work at thegrass-roots level government, make further explanation from the actual work level, and putforward the corresponding countermeasures and Suggestions.
  Key Words:Government information; Information disclosure; Confidentiality;System

  目 录
  第 1 章 绪 论
  1.1 选题背景及意义
  1.1.1 选题背景
  1.1.2 选题意义
  1.2 国内外文献综述
  1.2.1 国内信息公开和保密相关论述
  1.2.2 国外信息公开和保密相关论述
  1.2.3 总体评价
  1.3 研究内容与方法
  1.3.1 研究内容
  1.3.2 研究方法
  1.4 技术路线和结构安排
  1.4.1 技术路线
  1.4.2 结构安排
  1.5 主要创新点
  1.6 小结
  第 2 章 信息公开和保密概述
  2.1 网络时代背景下的政府信息公开和保密
  2.2 政府信息公开和保密理论基础
  2.2.1 政府信息的定义及特点
  2.2.2 政府信息公开的定义
  2.2.3 国家秘密的定义
  2.2.4 信息公开的范畴
  2.2.5 信息保密的范畴
  2.2.6 政府信息公开和保密的关系
  2.3 政府信息公开和保密的意义
  2.4 政府信息公开和保密与国家安全利益
  2.5 政府信息公开和保密与法律和制度
  2.6 政府信息公开和保密与职业操守
  2.7 小结
  第 3 章 政府信息公开和保密的历史沿革及发展现状
  3.1 信息公开和保密的产生背景
  3.1.1 信息公开和保密的历史脉络
  3.1.2 信息公开和保密发展的必然性
  3.2 信息公开和保密的发展现状及案例研究
  3.2.1 信息公开和保密的发展现状
  3.2.2SD 省政府信息公开和保密情况概述
  3.2.3SD 省信息公开和保密的数据分析
  3.2.4SD 省政府信息公开和保密所面临的问题
  3.2.5SD 省政府信息公开和保密的不足成因
  3.2.6SD 省政府信息公开和保密体系优化对策
  3.3 信息公开和保密所面临的问题及原因分析
  3.3.1 信息公开和保密所面临的问题
  3.3.2 信息公开和保密存在问题的原因
  3.4 信息公开和保密的发展趋势
  3.5 小结
  第 4 章 信息公开和保密的国际比较
  4.1 国外信息公开和保密研究
  4.1.1 发达国家信息公开和保密研究
  4.1.2 发展中国家信息公开和保密研究
  4.2 国内外信息公开和保密的对比分析
  4.3 借鉴经验及吸取教训
  4.4 小结
  第 5 章 信息公开和保密体系及体制机制完善建议
  5.1 建立健全信息公开和保密领导机制
  5.2 建立健全信息公开和保密法规政策体系
  5.3 建立健全信息公开和保密体制机制
  5.3.1 完善定密机制
  5.3.2 建立保密审查机制
  5.3.3 建立解密审查机制
  5.3.4 建立信息公开申诉机制
  5.3.5 建立监督管理机制
  5.4 政府职能转变
  5.4.1 抓好政府信息公开和保密能力建设
  5.4.2 统筹规划政府信息公开和保密工作
  5.4.3 增强参与者法制观念和民主意识
  5.5 规范信息公开和保密工作流程
  5.5.1 运转方式
  5.5.2 执行程序
  5.5.3 技术手段
  5.6 信息公开和保密的执行反馈情况
  5.7 小结
  结 论
  致 谢
原文出处:曲丹平. 政府信息公开和保密体系建设研究[D].山东财经大学,2016.
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