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来源:体育科学 作者:何鹏飞;董范;姜自立
发布于:2017-06-22 共14417字
  摘 要:通过一个纵向的前、后测试来量化神经肌肉训练对于提高女子足球运动员的运动表现以及预防运动损伤的影响,分别在训练干预前、后进行了运动能力测试和生物力学测试。假设该训练可以显着提高运动表现(垂直跳、侧向单脚跳、速度和灵敏性、卧推和深蹲最大力量)以及改善下肢动作模式(提高关节活动度和降低膝内翻和外翻扭矩)。结果表明,训练干预后,实验组与未进行整合性神经肌肉训练的对照组相比,纵跳、单脚侧跳、速度、灵敏性、卧推和深蹲1RM、膝关节活动度以及膝关节内翻和外翻的力矩均有了统计学意义上的显着提高(P<0.05)。研究结论:整合性神经肌肉训练重视屈膝落地动作以及稳定性动作练习,改变了膝关节发力的生物力学模式,尤其是在跳深落地瞬间的屈膝动作有明显改善,提高动作生物力学合理性,而且能够直接提高运动表现和动作质量。建议:在以后的训练中,应合理的结合超等长训练、抗阻力量训练、核心稳定性训练、平衡训练以及速度灵敏训练等训练方法,这些训练的累积效果可以有效提高运动员的运动表现和提高下肢运动生物力学的合理性,降低运动损伤。
  Abstract:This paper used a longitudinal and pretest-posttest design to quantify the effect of neuro-muscular training on the improvement of motor performance and prevention of injury. Exercise ca-pacity and biomechanical tests were performed before and after training intervention. The study hy-pothesized that the training could improve athletic performance significantly(vertical jump,single-leg side jump,speed and agility,bench press and squat 1RM)as well as improved the lower limbmovement mode(limprove the range of knee movement,and reduced knee varus and valgus torque.The results showed that,compared with the control group(CG)which did not carry out the integra-tion of neuromuscular training,the test of vertical jump,single-leg side jump,speed and agility,bench press,squat,knee motion,knee varus and valgus toque of experimental group(EG)showed a significant improvement(P<0.05)。 Conclusions:Integrative neuromuscular training em-phasizes flexion knee movement and stability exercises. It changes the biomechanical model of theknee joint force. Especially,the knee flexion action at moment of jumping and landing improved ob-viously. Besides that,the action biomechanical rationality is improved. It can not only reduce the po-tential risk of lower extremity injury effectively,but also can improve the performance and qualityof movement directly. It is suggested that in the following training,the training methods such as su-per-length training,resisting force training,core stability training,balance training and speed agili-ty training should be combined rationally,the cumulative effects of these training can improve theexercise performance and prevent injury of athletes effectively.
  1 前言。
  整合性神经肌肉训练(Integrative Neuromuscular Train-ing,INT)是指结合一般的功能性动作训练和特定的力量、平衡、速度、灵敏性以及超等长的训练,其训练目的在于提高运动表现和预防运动损伤(图1)[19,20,26,49,50].这一训练模式也有利于发展运动员在竞技运动中的本体感觉和认知能力。整合性神经肌肉训练的首要目的是提高运动员预防损伤的能力,发展功能性动作质量,但有研究也表明,Key words:integrated neuromuscular training;sport performance;sport injury.该训练可以有效地提高运动表现,包括的提高下肢爆发力、灵敏性以及速度等能力[17,18,38,39,65].另外,整合性神经肌肉训练的干预可以通过改善机体的肌肉-韧带结构提升身体的协调能力[55].
  2 研究对象与方法。
原文出处:何鹏飞,董范,姜自立. 整合性神经肌肉训练对提高女子运动员运动表现及预防运动损伤的影响[J]. 体育科学,2017,(02):66-75.
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