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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2016-09-20 共1970字

【题目】 农村基层组织人员职务犯罪入刑研究



  关键词: 农村基层组织 职务犯罪主体 刑法适用


  With the continued decentralization of public administration function of the Government,staff of the villagers ' committees and other grass-roots organizations in assisting Governmentsin implementing public administration play a more and more important role in the process, whileat the grass-roots organizations making use of the terms of reference of the anti-social behaviourhas become increasingly acute. But because awareness of the imperfection of the legislation andnot uniform, on the subject of duty crime of village grass-roots staff application of criminal lawthere is a big difference, leading to ineffective combat. Village party branch and village groupsand villagers ' committees and under the public security Committee, by bodies such as theAssociation of rural grass-roots organizations, which at the most grass-roots staff working inadministration according to law, should be based on "national staff". Simply enumerates severalclasses of unit crime in legislation, and grass-roots organizations in rural areas are not included,but in fact the rural grass-roots organizations in essentially no different from legislationexplicitly the subject of unit crime should also constitute a unit subject of crime, and criminalliability can also be used as units personnel be held criminally responsible. Dereliction of dutysubject to the duties currently being experienced from the identity theory theory change at therural grass-roots organizations to assist the Government in the exercise of public powers abusetheir powers, neglect their duties meet the requirements of subject of crime of dereliction of dutyin nature, should form the subject of crime of dereliction of duty. In legislation Shang shouldaround "corporate" this a nature features will rural grass-roots organizations personnel, lawengaged in corporate of personnel into to national staff on the of category, and around unitscrime nature features will rural grass-roots organizations, organization into units crime subjectcategory, and around "public power" this a nature features will exercise public power of ruralgrass-roots organizations personnel, into of dereliction of duty subject range, to effective combatrural grass-roots organizations personnel positions crime.

  Key word: Basic-level organization ,Duty subject of crime ,Unit dereliction


  目 录




  1 农村基层组织人员职务犯罪类型及主体刑法适用分歧

  1.1 农村基层组织人员职务犯罪的类型

  1.2 刑法适用分歧

  2 农村基层组织人员职务犯罪主体刑法适用问题研究及案例评析

  2.1 农村基层组织人员"以国家工作人员论"主体的认定

  2.2 农村基层组织人员是否属于单位犯罪的责任人员

  2 . 3 农村基层组织人员能否构成渎职犯罪主体

  2 . 4 存在身份争议案例的定性意见

  3 农村基层组织人员主体身份的刑法完善

  3.1 重新界定"以国家工作人员论"

  3. 2 确认农村基层组织的单位性质

  3.3 肯定农村基层组织人员渎职身份

  4 结语



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