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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2017-01-06 共2603字
  目 录

  1 绪论
  1.1 选题背景
  1.2 研究目的和研究意义
  1.2.1 选题的目的
  1.2.2 选题的意义
  1.3 国内外研究现状
  1.3.1 国外研究现状
  1.3.2 国内研究现状
  1.4 研究内容和论文安排
  1.4.1 研究内容
  1.4.2 研究方法与技术路线
  2 我国汽车行业售后配件库存管理分析
  2.1 汽车售后配件的需求特性分析
  2.2 汽车售后配件的特征分析
  2.3 汽车售后配件库存模式分析
  3 F 汽车公司售后配件库存现状分析
  3.1 公司简介
  3.1.1 业务规模
  3.1.2 公司组织结构
  3.1.3 配件物流体系统介绍
  3.2 配件库存的管理目标
  3.3 配件管理的业务流程
  3.4 配件库存管理存在的问题
  3.4.1 公司库存管理存在的问题
  3.4.2 库存问题的原因分析
  4 F 汽车公司售后配件库存结构优化
  4.1 配件分类管理
  4.1.1 ABC 分类法介绍
  4.1.2 ABC 分类法的优化
  4.1.3 新分类下配件储备策略管理
  4.2 配件库存布置优化分析
  4.2.1 库存定位标准
  4.2.2 货物存放布局
  4.3 基于生命周期配件管理
  4.3.1 生命周期内配件储备计划管理
  4.3.2 生命周期内配件补货计划管理
  4.4 配件储备计划管理
  4.4.1 配件存储原则
  4.4.2 补货计划流程制定原则
  4.4.3 计划下达量
  4.4.4 库存结构分析
  5 F 汽车公司配件库存模型研究
  5.1 配件库存控制策略分析
  5.2 库存模型选择
  5.2.1 定期库存控制模型
  5.2.2 定量库存控制模型
  5.2.3 定量订货与定期订货的比较
  5.3 库存模型分析
  5.3.1 补货数量确定
  5.3.2 理论库存值测算
  5.3.3 模型可靠性检验
  5.3.4 库存评价指标设计
  6 结论与展望

  摘 要
  本文在前人对汽车售后配件的研究基础上,深入研究汽车售后配件的管理难处,结合 F汽车公司对配件的内外部管理状况,制定合理的售后配件储备原则。在传统 ABC 分类法基础上,结合配件价格、配件流动速度和配件生命周期分类标准,构建多因素配件分类方法,为公司提供了更有效的分类标准。调查配件仓库结构,结合现有理论对配件的存放结构进行更合理的布置。最后,分析服务配件的特点,构造适合普通配件的订货模型,求得在相应库存管理水平下的得安全库存、订货量等,在保证服务质量的前提下,有效降低库存占用成本。
  应用上述研究方法,实现了 F 汽车公司售后配件管理上的优化。模型研究的结果表明,将订货周期设定为四周,整体服务水平保持 98%,通过不断优化各类配件服务水平,理论上可降低库存 395 万,约下降 5%.
  关键词:配件管理;ABC 分类法;库存控制
  In recent years, the automobile industry continuous to flourish, auto company not just payattention to car sales, aftermarket service are getting more people's attention and becoming a newprofit source, after-sales service can improve customer satisfaction, increase the trust andawareness of customers to the brand , set up a good brand image. Auto service parts provide thenecessary support for after sales service, the quality of the automobile after-sales service is largelydetermined by the reasonable management of the automobile service distribution. In addition, thereexists the conflict relationship between service level and inventory holding costs, high quality ofafter-sales service means that the improvement of inventory holdings, and this will le ad to highcost of inventory and reduce the turnover rate of funds . Therefore, the reasonable service partsinventory pay an important role on the improvement the customer satisfaction, it will also help toreduce the service cost and improve the enterprise profit .
  Based on the previous research on after sales parts, analysis its importance for the automotiveindustry and the management situation, combined with F automobile company after-sales parts tostudy, made reasonable after sales parts reserve principle. Based on the traditional ABCclassification method, combining the parts prices, parts flow rate and life cycle of partsclassification standard, build multi factor parts classification method, provides a more effectiveclassification standard for the company. Investigation of parts warehouse structure, combined w iththe existed theory, made more reasonable layout of the parts storage structure . Finally, comparedthe periodic and quantitative inventory control model, combined with the characteristics of thecompany's service parts, established an order model suitable for ordinary parts, then calculated thesafety inventory and quality corresponding inventory management level ,effectively reduced thecost of inventory under the premise of ensuring the quality of service. Meanwhile, the factors thataffect the order quantity of the model are analyzed, tested the reliability of it, formulated theevaluation index of the model which will insure effectively use the of model in the later period.
  Using the above method, helped the F Company achieved management optimization onaftermarket parts. The results of the model show that set the order cycle to four weeks, the overalllevel of service remained 98%, constantly optimize the level of each kinds of parts service, canreduce 1.25 million (about 15%) inventory in theory.
  Key words: parts management; ABC classification; inventory control
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