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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-05-11 共1518字


【3.1  3.2】城市标语的结构特点与话语意义 
【第四章】 “城市标语”研究对社会发展进程的意义 

  摘 要:当前城市发展中,各类城市标语层出不穷,而学术界对城市标语的研究虽有了一定的发展,却并不充分,且由于各学科之间壁垒的阻隔,人们研究的重点仍在于语言结构的本身,在话语的文本分析与社会实践分析相结合的研究上则较为少见。



  关键词:城市标语 话语分析 社会文化

  Researches On City Slogan

    Abstract:Lots of city slogan emerged endlessly with the development of theurbanization. Researches done before on the city slogan has made some progress,but not sufficient enough. The attentions of the previous researches are mostly on thestructure of the language for the existed barriers between the various disciplines.

  Researches which combine the text analysis and social practice of discourse analysisare limited and have great value to study.

  This paper tries to apply the theory of discourse analysis on city sloganconstruction this specific issues. The research object is the slogan of Shaanxi provincewhich embodies the humanistic spirit of this city. Taking comprehensive method ofdiscourse analysis as research method, this paper tries to give the correspondingopinions.

  At first, the author will give an explanation and definition about the researchobject and elaborate the development and characteristic of the research object.

  Secondly, the author will classify and analyze the structure characteristic discoursemeaning and the social culture of city slogan. Finally, the author will state thesignificance of humanistic discourse to social development. Humanistic discourse is akind of construction social behavior, and brings vitality and vigor into the society; italso has a positive effect on social development.

  Key words: City slogan; Discourse analysis; Social culture

  目 录

  引 言





  第一章 话语分析背景探究

  第一节 话语分析的含义

  第二节 话语分析的发展历程及现状

  第三节 话语分析研究方法的分类

  第二章 城市标语研究对象的界定

  第一节 研究对象的范围界定与定义

  第二节 研究对象的发展变化特点

  第三章 “城市标语”分析

  第一节 城市标语的结构特点

  第二节 城市标语的话语意义

  第三节 城市标语的社会文化价值显现

  第四章 “城市标语”研究对社会发展进程的意义

  第一节 “城市标语”是一种具有建构性的社会行为

  第二节 “城市标语”的导向和规约作用

  第三节 “城市标语”建构中存在的问题

  结 语


  致 谢

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