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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2017-01-03 共3252字
  摘 要
  Since the new period in China, the theory and practice of socialism with Chinesecharacteristics as the theory and practice of Marxism in the contemporary development ofcontinuously achieving new results.The16th plenary session of the party's major decisionsand practice in building a new Socialist countryside, is undoubtedly a new and fullyimplement the scientific concept of development and the embodiment of the concept ofharmonious society. With acceleration of new countryside construction process, China's ruraleconomy has developed rapidly, and farmers ' living standards improved significantly, but theproblem of environmental pollution has become increasingly acute in rural areas, restrictingthe sustainable development of rural economy. Therefore, to solve the environmentalproblems regarding new countryside construction in rural areas, clearly has importanttheoretical and practical significance.
  This article aims at analyzing new problems of environmental pollution in rural areas,the main reason to create, from the reality of rural development in China, and reference SouthKorea and Japan's experience in the fight against environmental pollution in rural areas, makeout a reasonable countermeasures to solve China's rural environmental pollution problems.
  This paper is divided into four parts:
  The first part, theoretically defines the basic meaning of the construction of newcountryside and rural environmental pollution concepts, expounded the significance ofsolving environmental pollution problem in new countryside construction, as well as thetheoretical basis of environmental pollution problems in the construction of new countryside.
  The second part, analyzes the problems and causes of environmental pollution inconstruction of new countryside in China. Presented new problems of environmentalpollution in rural areas are agricultural pollution, contamination and pollution of townshipenterprises in rural areas. For the reasons leading to environmental pollution in rural areas,from the extensive rural life, rural environmental protection consciousness of weak, theimperfect legal system for environmental protection in rural areas, the rural businesses tofocus on the development of light green, the imbalance of funding for urban and ruralenvironmental protection and other aspects of the new rural construction in the main cause ofenvironmental pollution.
  The third part, expounds the main experience of rural environmental pollution control inSouth Korea and Japan and its enlightenment to our country. This paper elaborates the Koreaenvironmental pollution in rural areas of governance experience and Japan the mainexperience of controlling environmental pollution in rural areas. From three summarizes theenlightenment of the Korea-Japan countryside environmental pollution: increase theenvironmental propaganda, establish a system of environmental legislation, the establishmentof a Government-led mechanism.
  The fourth part, discusses the principles of solving environmental problems in theconstruction of new countryside in China and countermeasures. Proposed new ruralenvironmental pollution problems, should adhere to the principle of farmers as the main body,progressive principles, the principle of proceeding from reality, the production of ecologicalprinciple of unity. Propose a solution to new countryside construction environmentalpollution problems in the five basic strategies: promoting the transformation of agriculturalproduction, increase investment in agricultural science and technology. Rural environmentaleducation, vigorously promote environmental awareness. Construction of rural environmentalprotection legal system, improve the mechanism of ecological compensation. Change themode of rural enterprise development, realization of production ecological unity.Strengthening environmental protection investment in rural areas, strengthen the constructionof rural environment.
  Keywords: The construction of new countryside; Environmental pollution in rural areas;Analysis and countermeasures

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