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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2016-12-08 共4704字

【题目】 我国无纸化证券相关法律构建探究
  摘 要
  证券无纸化在证券制度发展历史中,没有任何因素能够超越二十世纪后期因证券无纸化带给各国证券法制的冲击。这一因素所造成的巨大影响将会在今后很长一个时期中才会为经济社会所真正理解。90 年代初期,我国开始建立证券交易市场,虽然起步较晚,但一开始就搭上电子化的班车。90 年代末,我国证券发行和交易彻底摆脱了证券的纸质载体,完成了全面无纸化。尽管我国已率先在证券市场实行了强制性证券无纸化政策,但我国年轻的证券市场、证券法制乃至公司法制目前仍处在竭力摆脱传统有纸化证券对法律制度形成桎梏的初级阶段,与发达国家相比,我国的无纸化证券法律制度还不健全,无纸化证券相对于纸质证券的优点也没有引起充分重视,这将对我国证券市场乃至整个金融市场的稳定发展造成阻碍。
  关键词:无纸化证券 原始取得 继受取得 担保制度 监管制度 完善
  In the development history of the securities system, paperless security brought thegreatest impact to the securities legal system all over the world in the end of twentieth century.
  The influence of paperless security will not be understood until a long period. In the early of90s, China began to build the trading market. Although our country securities market startedlate, it took the electronic train in the initial. In 1999, our securities market thoroughly got ridof the form of paper, and realized the paperless publishing and trading. Although our countryhas took the lead in implementing the mandatory paperless securities policy in securitiesmarket, our young securities market, securities legal system, even company legal system arestill in the primary stage, which they are trying to get rid of traditional securities obstacle tothe legal system. Compared to developed countries, the legal system of paperless securities isstill a serious shortage in China, and its characteristic which is different from paper securitiesfailed to arouse sufficient attention. The above all will hinder the development both of oursecurities market and the whole financial market.
  This article is divided into four chapters. In the first chapter, this article summarizes thepaperless securities by introducing the following three aspects: the legal definition of thepaperless securities, the challenges the paperless securities brought to traditional securitiesand the legal relationship in the background of paperless. By analyzing connotation andcharacteristics of paperless securities, we can find that even if the carrier of rights changed,the nature of the securities has not changed. Securities is still the representative of investors'
  rights. Then, this paper expound the challenges the paperless securities brought to traditionalsecurities through the two aspects: challenges on definition of securities and traditional way totrade. Finally, this chapter combs the legal relationship about the subjects in the securitiesmarket, clear the relationship between investors and issuers, securities intermediaryinstitutions, the central securities depository institutions in different patterns.
  In the second chapter, this article introduces acquisition, guarantee, regulatory regimeand the problem they have. Firstly, this chapter reveals the acquisition rules of the paperlesssecurities from the original and trading acquisition, points out the issues of high cost andInvestors lack of subject position. Secondly, this chapter reveals the guarantee system, includesubject, target, method effectiveness and implementation of guarantee. And analyze theproblems, such as that the standard is not scientific, implementation is monotonous. Thirdly,this chapter reveals the regulatory system, include the regulatory structure, the issueregulation and trade regulation of paperless securities. And refer to the problems: lack of basiclegislation, a wide regulation of government.
  In the third chapter, this article focuses on the foreign paperless securities. This chaptermainly introduces the relatively perfect paperless securities ,such as America and Japan.
  While point out the meaning of their advanced experience to our country. For instance, theUnited States and Japan have specific legislation for paperless securities, successivelyestablished securities indirect pattern and rights transfer method of Japan. All of aboveprovide the reference for development and improvement of our paperless securities.
  In the forth chapter, this article expatiate how to perfect our country's paperless securities.
  This chapter put forward the perfect proposal about our acquisition, guarantee, regulatoryregime. First of all, in the acquisition system, we should actively build online direct sales andgood faith acquisition, improve the paperless securities' mixed holding system, explicitpaperless securities rights transfer method. Second, in the guarantee institution, we shouldclear the property of guarantee, increase the relinquished security, as well as unify theguarantee standard, enrich the ways of implementation of our securities guarantee rights. Atthe end, in the regulatory regime, we should improve the regulatory legal system, improve thesystem of information disclosure, build a reasonable rule of risk-taking. All of these can notonly improve the present situation of paperless in our country, perfect the system of ourpaperless securities, but also accelerate the process of paperless securities market in ourcountry, promote security industry developed with a steadily and rapidly path in China.
  Keywords: paperless securities, original acquisition, trading acquisition, guaranteeinstitution, regulatory regime, perfection

  目 录
  摘 要
  1 引言
  1.1 选题背景和意义
  1.2 国内外研究现状
  1.2.1 国外研究现状
  1.2.2 国内研究现状
  1.3 研究方法及创新点
  1.3.1 研究方法
  1.3.2 创新点
  2 无纸化证券的概述
  2.1 无纸化证券的法律界定
  2.1.1 无纸化证券的内涵
  2.1.2 无纸化证券的特点
  2.2 无纸化证券对传统证券的挑战
  2.2.1 无纸化证券对证券定义的挑战
  2.2.2 无纸化证券对传统证券交易方式的挑战
  2.3 无纸化背景下的证券法律关系
  2.3.1 投资人和发行人间的证券法律关系
  2.3.2 投资人和证券中介机构之间的证券法律关系
  2.3.3 投资人与中央证券存管机构之间的法律关系
  3 无纸化证券的取得、担保、监管制度
  3.1 无纸化证券的权利取得制度
  3.1.1 无纸化证券的原始取得
  3.1.2 无纸化证券的继受取得
  3.1.3 我国无纸化证券权利取得制度中的问题
  3.2 无纸化证券的担保制度
  3.2.1 无纸化证券担保的主体和标的
  3.2.2 无纸化证券担保的方式
  3.2.3 无纸化证券担保的效力
  3.2.4 无纸化证券担保权的实现
  3.2.5 我国无纸化证券担保制度中的问题
  3.3 无纸化证券的监管制度
  3.3.1 无纸化证券的监管体制
  3.3.2 无纸化证券的发行监管
  3.3.3 无纸化证券的交易监管
  3.3.4 我国无纸化证券监管制度中的问题
  4 国外无纸化证券法律制度评介
  4.1 国外无纸化证券法律制度的概况
  4.1.1 美国无纸化证券法律制度
  4.1.2 日本无纸化证券法律制度
  4.2 国外无纸化证券法律制度对我国的借鉴意义
  4.2.1 以专门立法的形式对无纸化证券进行规制
  4.2.2 确立间接持有模式
  4.2.3 无纸化证券权利转让方法确定
  5 我国无纸化证券制度的完善
  5.1 无纸化证券权利取得制度的完善
  5.1.1 构建网上直接发行取得
  5.1.2 构建我国的无纸化证券善意取得制度
  5.1.3 完善无纸化证券混合持有体制
  5.1.4 明确无纸化证券权利转让方法
  5.2 无纸化证券担保制度的完善
  5.2.1 明确担保契约的性质
  5.2.2 增加让与担保方式
  5.2.3 统一我国证券担保权的设立标准
  5.2.4 丰富我国无纸化证券担保权的实现方式
  5.3 无纸化证券监管制度的完善
  5.3.1 完善无纸化证券监管法律体系
  5.3.2 完善无纸化证券信息披露制度
  5.3.3 构建无纸化证券的风险承担规则
  结 论
  后 记
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