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来源:河北师范大学 作者:杜阳
发布于:2017-03-08 共4629字
  摘 要
  西格蒙德·弗洛伊德(1856-1939)是奥地利着名的精神病学家、心理学家、精神分析学派的创始人,被誉为 20 世纪影响力最大的思想家之一。目前国内外学者对于弗洛伊德思想的研究主要集中在心理学、宗教学、哲学、文学、美学等领域,系统地论述其伦理思想的研究则相对较少,其中涉及其道德人格思想的专题研究更是几近于无。本文拟从道德人格的视角,依据道德人格研究的一般范式与基本方法对弗洛伊德的道德人格思想进行梳理、总结与评析,旨在阐明其对于我国当前伦理道德建设的积极意义。本文的研究分为三个部分:
  关键词:弗洛伊德 道德人格 潜意识 情感 本能
  Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) is the famous Austria psychiatrist, psychologist and thefounder of psychoanalysis. He was known as the one of the greatest thinkers in the 20thcentury. The current research of Freud Thought focuses on the field of psychology, religion,philosophy, literature and aesthetics. The systematic study of his Ethics is less, whichinvolves his thought of moral personality is almost non.This paper in accordance with thegeneral paradigm and basic methods of moral personality explains Freud's Ethics from theperspective of moral personality. It seeks to clarify the positive significance for the currentethics construction in China. This article can be divided into three parts:
  The first part describes the background and the ideological source of Freud's moralpersonality. The thought of Freud's moral personality not only came from the socialeconomic, political and cultural conditions, but also relied on his parents' guidance andnurturing, more importantly, it was depended on his own efforts and exploration. From theview of the ideological source, the thought of Freud's moral personality was affected by thestudy of Darwin, Helmholtz, Bruche, Leibniz, et al. As well as the treatment experience ofMeynert, Charcot, Bernheim Breuer, et al. Meanwhile, he loved reading from his childhoodand was influenced by the Philosophies since Ancient Greek.
  The second part describes the primary coverage of moral personality. Firstly, Freudemphasized on the role of the subconscious, in his view, the individual's mental activitiesare primarily subconscious, and conscious in which is only a small part. He noticed theexistence of the subconscious from the Breuer's case of Anna · O, and discussed the thecharacteristics of the subconscious, including non-contradictory, non-rationality, primary,timelessness and non-reality. On this basis, he analyzed the relationship between conscious,preconscious and subconscious. Furthermore, he explained the role of the subconscious inthe moral personality. Secondly, Freud explained the formation of moral personality,including the individual origin and germline origin. Individual origin of the moralpersonality means the individual Superego's formation process. Freud thought theSuperego was affected by two aspects: one is the impact of the parental authority, the otheris the impact of Oedipus Complex. Germline origin of the moral personality means theindividual Superego's formation for the first time in history and its heritage. Freud pointedout that the Superego originated from the sons' remorse of the prehistoric patricide event.
  Because of this feeling, they restrained their desires and developed the original taboos. Itmeant the initial formation of individual moral personality. Then, the Superego by means ofthe Ego can be deposited into the Id, it can be passed along from generation to generationby genetic. Finally, Freud describes the structure of moral personality, including the powerstructure, the criteria structure, the emotional structure and the target structure. The powerstructure consists of the Eros Instinct and the Death Instinct, which are important factors tothe the formation and development of the individual moral personality. The criteriastructure consists of the pleasure principle, the reality principle and the perfect principle,which are the fundamental bases of the individual moral choices. The emotional structureconsists of guilt and anxiety, which are the inner experiences of individual moral choices.
  The target structure is intended to illustrate the ultimate goal of the moral personalityeducation - the individual happiness, as well as the fundamental way to achieve happiness.
  The third part describes the contributions and limitations of Freud's moral personality.
  The contributions are reflected in three aspects: Firstly, it confirms the ethical significanceof the subconsciousness. Secondly, it emphasizes the positive role of emotion. Thirdly, itpays attention to the rationality of instinct. The limitations are reflected in two aspects:
  Firstly, it exaggerates the role of the emotion. On the one hand, Freud regarded theemotions as the basis for the moral personality germline origin. He ignored the argument ofemotional universality and the material basis of emotions. On the other hand, Freud ignoredthe disadvantages of moral choices leading by emotions and the leading position ofrationality and society. Secondly, it exaggerates the role of the instinct. Freud regarded theDeath Instinct as the origin of conscience, he misunderstood the essence of conscience.
  Moreover, he advocated playing the Eros Instinct to achieve the moral personality goal -happiness, but ignored the objective factors such as the others and society. According to thethought of Freud's moral personality, we should pay particular attention to the early moralpersonality for children and use the suitable means of education to encourage children toestablish the reasonable psychological defense mechanism. Moreover, we should also payattention to the educator's own moral personality qualities.
  Key words: Freud Moral personality Subconscious Emotion Instinct

  目 录
  (一) 研究背景及选题意义
  (二) 国内外研究现状
  (三) 研究思路与研究方法
  (四) 创新之处与不足
  一、 弗洛伊德道德人格思想的形成背景及理论渊源
  (一) 弗洛伊德道德人格思想的形成背景
  1. 社会背景
  2. 家庭环境
  3. 个人成长经历
  (二) 弗洛伊德道德人格思想的理论渊源
  1. 古希腊以来的西方哲学传统
  2. 19 世纪末 20 世纪初的科学思想
  3. 病理学理论
  二、 弗洛伊德道德人格思想的主要内容
  (一) 弗洛伊德道德人格的出发点--潜意识
  1. 潜意识的发现
  2. 潜意识的特征
  3. 潜意识与道德人格的关系
  (二) 弗洛伊德道德人格的形成过程
  1. 道德人格的个体起源
  2. 道德人格的种系起源
  3. 道德人格形成中的认同作用
  (三) 弗洛伊德道德人格的结构
  1. 动力结构
  2. 准则结构
  3. 情感结构
  4. 目标结构
  三、 弗洛伊德道德人格思想的理论得失及现实启示
  (一) 弗洛伊德道德人格思想的理论贡献
  1. 肯定了潜意识的伦理意义
  2. 强调了情感的积极作用
  3. 注重了本能的合理性
  (二) 弗洛伊德道德人格思想的局限性
  1. 夸大了情感的作用
  2. 夸大了本能的作用
  (三) 弗洛伊德道德人格思想的现实启示
  1. 实现道德人格中潜意识的整合
  2. 注重儿童的早期道德人格教育
  3. 重视教育者自身道德人格的塑造
原文出处:杜阳. 弗洛伊德道德人格思想研究[D].河北师范大学,2016.
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