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来源:锦州医科大学 作者:陈磊
发布于:2017-01-23 共2436字
  When people praise the industrial civilization brings the abundance of materiallife for mankind when, a serious social problem and show in front of us: to humanconquest of nature as the main feature of the industrial civilization is causing anunprecedented ecological crisis -- deforestation, soil erosion, shortage of naturalresources, air pollution that cherish species extinction, frequent extreme weather andso on. All the signs indicate that a global ecological crisis has been coerced to withindustrial civilization. In the face of the deteriorating ecological environment, peopleof insight to reflect the positive, to explore the ecological wisdom of man and naturein harmony and common prosperity.
  Confucian thought is one of the most profound thoughts on the influence of theChinese nation for thousands of years, and its reflection on the relationship betweenman and nature becomes a system of ecological ethics based on the philosophy of“harmony between man and nature”. Master of Confucius as the founder of theConfucian school and Confucian ecological ethics, the ecological ethics thought onproblems that solve the current our country encountered in the construction ofecological civilization has reference value and significance. Due to the lookbackConfucian ecological ethics yuan flow, to Confucian ecological ethics thought as theresearch object, trying to in the system elaboration of the contemporary value ofmining on the basis of the ecological wisdom of Confucius. In order to achieve theobjectives of the study, this paper on the review of previous research based on, first ofall from the spring and Autumn period specific political, economic and cultural threeaspects analysis the social background of the ecological ethics of Confucius, alsoobtains from the Confucius advocated by the “book of changes”, “poetry”,“Shangshu” three classics, of Confucian ecological ethics thought theory origin. Thento Confucius to “harmony between man and nature” as the philosophical basis of theecological ethics of the ideological system of a specific inquiry. The study shows thatConfucius's so-called “harmony between man and nature”, in a sense, contains thethinking of the relationship between man and nature, and the relationship betweenman and heaven and earth rises to a harmonious state of coexistence. In Confucius“harmony” ecological holistic view framework, he advocated “fear day Zhiming”ecological view of nature, “love the nature” ecological ethics, “for a day” in thepractice of ecology concept, the interpretation of the basic connotation of Confucianecological ethics system. Finally, combined with the specific ecological ethicsproblems faced by our country, draw the essence of Confucius's ecological ethicswisdom, and tap its contemporary value.
  Key words: Confucius;ecological ethic;contemporary value
目 录
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  致 谢
原文出处:陈磊. 孔子的生态伦理思想及其当代价值[D].锦州医科大学,2016.
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