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时间:2016-12-06 来源:未知 作者:陈赛楠 本文字数:1881字
  摘 要

  ampus is the cradle of the training, students are social wealth of our country want.However, along with the deepening of China's reform and opening up and the continuousprogress of the socialist market economy, the demand for talent will be higher. College studentsare a special group, they are in the physical development and psychological development areripe for a special stage of maturity. When faced with such a brutal competition in the real world,college students will encounter a lot of difficulties and setbacks. For example: When faced withschool, family, emotional, career and interpersonal problems, and many other reality. In the faceof difficulties and setbacks, psychological endurance poor students tend to produce pessimism,anxiety, low self-esteem and other negative emotions, serious and even cause depression, andultimately suicidal thoughts. In recent years, increasing in recent years due to these “problems”arise student, school and community college students pay more attention to mental healthproblems. So, how strong will to college students, to guide students to face setbacks, overcomesetbacks, improve mental endurance of college students, is currently the top priority of China'sHigher Education Institutions.
  I read a lot of domestic and foreign research data, the use of their work, for college studentsconducted a large-scale survey. Through research, I have a better understanding of thefrustration of the psychological problems of contemporary college students. This paperintroduces the meaning of frustration and setbacks psychological meaning extended by a setbackfor students' growth meaning. Secondly, the undergraduates' frustration clearly the type andcharacteristics, and elaborated on college students from both subjective and objective causespsychological setback. The last is the key part of the paper, for college students psychologicaltypes and causes of frustration from school, family, community and self-starting, proposedreasonable coping strategies.
  Key words: college students, mental frustration, universality, difference,sides

  第一章 绪论
  1.1 研究背景
  1.2 研究意义
  1.3 研究现状
  1.4 创新之处
  1.5 研究方法
  第二章 大学生挫折心理的相关理论概述
  2.1 挫折的含义
  2.2 挫折心理的含义
  2.3 大学生的挫折心理
  2.4 挫折对大学生成长的意义
  第三章 大学生挫折心理的类型、特点和行为表现
  3.1 大学生挫折心理的类型
  3.2 大学生挫折的心理特点
  3.3 大学生挫折心理的行为表现
  第四章 大学生挫折心理的原因分析
  4.1 客观因素
  4.2 主观因素
  第五章 大学生挫折心理的应对策略
  5.1 学校方面的应对策略
  5.2 家庭方面的应对策略
  5.3 社会方面的应对策略
  5.4 个体方面的应对策略
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