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来源:学术堂 作者:周老师
发布于:2016-01-22 共1377字

【第1部分】 警察盘查权滥用问题探究




  关键词:盘查 盘查现状 盘查改革。


  The interrogation takes place prevalently and frequently, and has had great attractionfor policemen In many countries, owing to the tremendous efficiency to public order.

  During the long-term practice, the interrogation system has been playing an active role inour country. But to a certain degree, this authority is misused sometimes, which greatlyviolates a party's right of property and personal rights. This phenomenon is runningcounter to the spirit of our fundamental law which is intending to protect human rights.

  This thesis begins with clearly defining and characterizing the legal interrogation,then tries to analyze in-depth how to proceed with legal interrogation during judicialpractice, expecting to standardize the principle and procedure of interrogation carried outby the police, to better protect people's legal rights. By comparing the foreign country'sinterrogation system with ours, taking our country's actual conditions into consideration,the writer of this thesis proposes some specific ideas about the standard of carrying oninterrogation, the legal procedure of interrogation and means of help.

  Keywords: interrogation; present interrogation condition; interrogation reform.

    目 录

  引 言……1








  1. 盘查法律渊源比较单一……7

  2. 执法主体资格不合法……8

  3. 盘查启动标准不明确……8

  4. 盘查的范围、深度、时间、强制力度规定不明确……9

  5. 公民权利在盘查权行使中所遭受的侵犯缺乏法律救济途径……10


  (一)英美法系警察盘查制度…… 11

  1. 英国警察盘查制度……11

  2. 美国警察盘查制度……12


  1. 德国警察盘查制度……15

  2. 日本警察盘查制度……17


  1. 立法体例……18

  2. 盘查启动标准……18

  3. 盘查实施的限制……19



  1. 法律保留原则……21

  2. 司法令状原则……21

  3. 合理性原则……22

  4. 比例原则……22

  5. 救济原则……23


  1. 立法体例的完备……23

  2. 警察盘查权启动标准的完善……23

  3. 警察盘查范围、深度、时间的明确……25

  4. 警察盘查强制力度的明确……26

  5. 警察盘查救济途径的完善……26

  结 论……28


  致 谢……31

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