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来源:学术堂 作者:陈老师
发布于:2016-10-10 共3285字

【题目】 佛山中小学校园安全管理隐患探讨
  目 录
  第一章 绪论
  第二章 佛山市中小学校安全管理调查
  第三章 佛山市中小学安全管理隐患的成因分析
  第四章 佛山市中小学安全管理隐患的解决对策

  财政部、中宣部、教育部三者于 2014 年上半年一起印发的文件是《教育部办公厅 国家发展改革委办公厅 财政部办公厅关于印发全面改善贫困地区义务教育薄弱学校基本办学条件底线要求的通知》[1],其中包括 20 项“全面改薄”的最低标准,有 12 项最低标准和学校安全有着密切的联系,说明当前部分学校安全设施投入不足,存在安全隐患。国家正在加大资金投入,逐步消除安全设施隐患。
  学校安全管理工作中即使你已经付出了 99%的努力,而疏忽了 1%的细节,那么,这个 1%的细节可能导致了学校安全管理工作上的失败。因此有必要对佛山市中小学安全管理隐患进行成因分析,得出原因是佛山市中小学安全管理中,未重视中小学生乘坐公交车安全教育;校内房屋的出售或出租引来社会人员住在校内;门卫(保安)警惕性降低,忽视防护装备佩戴规范;电子学籍信息安全培训缺失,安全技术措施缺乏维护;中小学生校外托管班处于监管盲区。针对上述安全隐患,笔者认为当前应当从以下五个方面完善中小学校安全管理工作:开展中小学生乘公交车安全专项教育活动;将教职工生活区与教学区隔离,并开辟不同的入校通道;学校加强管理,督促门卫(保安)防护装备佩戴规范;开展电子学籍信息安全培训;制定中小学生校外托管班管理办法,促其健康有序发展。

  School safety hardware and software is a safe facility and safety management intwo ways. School safety hardware investment takes more money, but quick. Securitysoftware into schools spend less money, the effect is slow, but inadequate investmentin hardware, the software was able to play a positive role.
  July 18, 2014, three ministries jointly issued a “notice of Ministry of Education,Office of the General Office of the State Development and Reform Commission,Ministry of Finance Office on the issuance of compulsory education inpoverty-stricken areas to improve overall weak basic conditions for running schoolsbaseline requirements”that “comprehensive reform thin”20 baseline requirements,including 12 baseline requirements related to school safety, indicating the current partof the school safety facilities inadequate investment, there are security risks.
  Countries are to increase capital investment, and gradually eliminate safety hazardsfacilities.
  This paper focuses on primary and secondary safety management, trying togradually improve safety facilities in schools during the school play the dominant roleof safety management. I hope this helps to improve school management, will helpsafeguard the lives of the majority of students will help create a harmonious securityenvironment.
  Firstly, the safety management of primary and secondary schools some relatedconcepts such as the theory of government functions and safety-oriented governmenttheory, public safety management theory, publicadministration theory were introduced,followed by the status quo C County schools safety questionnaires, interviewsdiscussion , combined with institutional mechanisms C County schools securitymanagement, and then locate the C county primary and secondary safety riskmanagement in five areas: C County schoolchildren bus safety hazards; campusresidential complex hidden hazards crowd; guard (security, with non-standard bringsrisks; electronic student information security risks exist; students outside class hostedsecurity risks exist.
  School safety management work even if you have to pay 99% of the effort, butthe neglect of one percent of the details, then the details of this 1% may lead to thefailure of school safety management work. Therefore it is necessary to C countyprimary and secondary causes of hidden dangers and safety management analysis, thereason is that C county primary and secondary safety management, did not payattention to the students by bus safety education; school house for sale or rent ledsocial workers to live on campus ; guard (security) reduced vigilance, neglect to wearprotective equipment specifications; electronic student information security training ismissing, the lack of maintenance of safety technology; hosting classes in primary andsecondary school supervision blind. In response to these security risks, I believe thatshould improve the current primary and secondary schools from the following fiveaspects of safety management: to carry out primary and secondary special educationbus safety; the staff living area and teaching area isolation and open up differentchannels into the school; school strengthen management, supervision and guard(security) specification to wear protective equipment; conduct electronic studentinformation security training; development of off-campus students managed classmanagement practices, and promote its healthy and orderly development.
  This paper tries to analyze the case and the investigation of both primary andsecondary school safety management theory research and practice, combined primaryand secondary C County on Safety Management, trying to in-depth analysis of Ccounty primary and secondary causes of risk and safety management on the proposedMeasures to improve primary and secondary safety management.
  KEY WORDS: school, safety management, countermeasure
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